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Forums: Index > Fallout: New Vegas general discussion > A new Hard core talk Like v.s dislikes

ok i know that there is a post that has the hard core talk ( i started it). but it got out of hand and ended up being a FO3 shit so i make this so i can really talk about hard core mode. i do this becouse i have seen a lot of fighting over if hard core mode is a good thing or a bad thing. some say it makes it harder so it will be funner but others say it makes the game into a chor and not relaxing. im a lil ify on the hard core mode ( i proble wount play it the 1st go) but i think it will make the game much more immersive. so what do you think about hard core mode ( plz stay talking about hard core mode )MrDot01 19:48, May 5, 2010 (UTC)

The only way to play a Fallout FPS. If you want a relaxing game, play World of Goo, not a post-nuclear wasteland shooter. Personal_Sig_Image.gif Tagaziel (call!) 08:52, May 6, 2010 (UTC)
Yep, i'm loving the fact that ammo will have weight in it, No more carrying rounf Vengeance and 18 000 000 EC packs like in FO3. The Lord CaitSIth 09:26, May 6, 2010 (UTC)
I can't wait for hunger meter and thirst meter nd sleep meter, its going to be more realalistic when your constantly reminded of it rather in fallout 3 were if you tryed it you might forget and there'd be no penelty, overall I will always play on Hardcore mode!!! KiTTeN SmasHeR 01:35, July 3, 2010 (UTC) KiTTeN SmasHeRKiTTeN SmasHeR 01:35, July 3, 2010 (UTC)

Is there really a game called World of Goo? As for Hardcore, like I said before, it shall rule. BoS Paladin Thumbnail Knight Captain Ski (talk) 04:12, May 8, 2010 (UTC)

Yes, there was. PSP or something, I think. Nitty Tok. 21:14, May 17, 2010 (UTC)
Yeah, and it wasn't particulaly relaxing, quite frustrating at times.

I cant wait for the hardcore mode even tho i wont play it the first play through but i will definitly play it

im goning to play hardcore mode the 1st time round (and take the game slowly, its got to be admired)....in FO3 i always left the house with only 5 stimpaks on very hard mode so it would be a challenge

I'll carry a sawn-off, the expanded magazine 9mm, and probably that fancy light machine gun. 2 clips of regular ammo, one clip of each specialty ammo. Sadist gaming, here I come! Nitty Tok. 21:14, May 17, 2010 (UTC)

I'm probably not going to play through the first time with it since I'll admit I'm usually a dumbass the first time through, but I wonder if it'll be the same as in FO3, where you can adjust the play levels anytime in the game, or will it be a one time option at the beginning?
Though, I'm more excited about that companion wheel. No more Ian's shooting you in the back and no more killing off dogmeat and other ridiculous hoops to jump through so you can have follower(s)! The only thing I'd be concerned over is whether playing around in the companion wheel 'pauses' the game, so enemies aren't hacking off your arms and your companions as they stand around in 'passive' mode while you're furiously clicking away at the wheel, otherwise it's a cumbersome system.JessKa89 06:06, May 18, 2010 (UTC)

I think Hard-core mode will revolutionize what a RPG really should be like. Out of all the games I've played, they can never make it really feel "realistic". I've always wanted a game were you feel like your living in it, ya know? I want that kind of feeling, were you actually get scared that you could die, and have to use strategy, not just walk around with a mini-gun and a billion rounds of ammo, and to where you actually have to decide what guns and how much ammo to bring with you... And to have the feeling of dehydration and hunger, and having to find food and water to survive... that alone will make this game for me. Cribs: Fallout Edition 01:42, June 4, 2010 (UTC)

Miniguns use very small shells, which may end up being lighter than others on Hardcore mode, so you can probably still run around with a minigun and a crapton of ammo. =P -Schneidend 10:20, June 29, 2010 (UTC)

It should be quite fun.It will hoepfully make the game more immersive, but hopefully this was not some pathetic attempt at realism: Fallout does not equate to any kind of realism. I am excited about this new mode... it should be fun but had better not be as difficult as some other "Hardcore-just-like-real-life-problem" gaming systems in video games (Looking at you, Lost in Blue). 01:32, June 28, 2010 (UTC)

Totally going hardcore from the beginning. I used to try playing FO3 as realistic as possible, carrying only the Terrible Shotgun, Perforator and Reservist's Rifle with about 5 stimpacks, water and bear meat. I just hope that drinking dirty water will suffice somewhat as apposed to the purified. Do yall think it is possible to get sick from drinking too much dirty water like the guys sitting outside Megaton/Rivet City? That would be pretty cool but, would also make things much more difficult.RKTSK8s 13:49, July 11, 2010 (UTC)

"others say it makes the game into a chor and not relaxing"....its fallout, a post apocoliptic world, if you want relaxing stay in the strip. hardcore mode is a brilliant idea as food and water, which was pretty useless in fo3 now has value. even the "very hard" difficulty was not much of a challenge in fo3 because you could easily build up a huge stash of stimpaks and ammo, which had no weight. now you wont be carrying 100 stimpaks and 10,000 bullets for each gun around. stimpaks wont heal instantly...this as well as the dehydration metor will mean drinking water will be more important...and as there is some irradiated water in new vegas you will have no choice but to drink, thus meaning radiation will be unavoidable at times (in fo3 you could just turn your nose up at an iradiated water source)Paladinjames92 16:18, July 12, 2010 (UTC)paladinjames92

so ok i get it, you all are saying the same thing when it comes down to it. when i say relaxing i mean geting home from school and then going to a part time job then geting home and you wanting to sit back and play a game so you pop in follout and play (i know you dont have to play hardcore so dont think your being all smart and say "well you dont have to play hard core duh" ). thats what i mean by relaxing, hell most of you are talking like when you played any of the follouts you were on the edg of your seats and not just siting back and haveing fun. hell the guy up there makes it sound like im stuped for trying to relax when playing follout, like its not right to relax with follout or some crap like that. I know that it will make the game more real but thats only good for people who want to play that way, no it is not the best thing ever, and yes that its good thay dont make you play hardcore. my next ? is unless i have not been looking in the right place, i have not seen anything on how hardcore will chang combat. o ps. its not smart to always take what some said to the extream, when i said relaxing you all seem to think im talking about just siting down and take a nap when playing a game when i relly ment relax and unwind. pps stop saying the same thing over and over its makeing me sick for fuck sake MrDot01 18:38, July 12, 2010 (UTC)

ok, im just stating my like for hardcore mode, which is what this thread is about "like vs. dislikes". i get what you mean about relaxing...walking around insearch of unique items and exploring the mojave desert, but you asked for others opinions about hardcore mode...i want to play hardcore mode so i can fully imerse in it but this will probly have alot of difficulties aswell such as spending alot of time on itPaladinjames92 19:23, July 12, 2010 (UTC)paladinjames92

Personally, I think such a Hardcore mode will make New Vegas a wonder to play. In fact, when I get it, I'm only going to play on Hardcore.

Everything in Fallout 3 was such a cakewalk. Usually, the only reason you ever died was because you weren't watching your health bar and waltzed into an area without thinking about the implications. Personally, a game that doesn't encourage you to watch your own ass isn't a good sign. Then this Hardcore mode comes along, and now, you will have to think good and hard about how much you want to enter an area before actually jumping in headfirst.

"A hardcore mode will make the game a chore," you say? I think you may be mixing up the word "chore" with "challenge."

Personally, I think the easiest mode in Fallout 3 made the game a chore. Every single enemy could be taken down with a few accurate shots, and then all you can do is loot everything you want from the place. Then, if you became overencumbered by all of the loot you wanted, you had to make trips between the looted area and your household to get all of it taken care of.

That, my friends, is a chore.

I'm sorry, but if there are people who are complaining about hardcore mode, just shut up. You don't have to play it. It's not like FNV is going to only be hardcore mode. This is an additional difficulty. None of you really have a good reason why it shouldn't be in the game. If you don't like it, don't play it.

On a lighter note, I'm psyched.

I for one think that this will make the game better. If you were in a wasteland what would you be worried about: "I wonder if can carry all of this worthless crap" or food and water. A deathclaw may be deadly, but if you don't eat you're dead before it can even find you. Niw before my rant gets too long let me say that FNV is a game that should be played in hardcore mode. Unless you're a wimp, of course.

i really dont think it will make the game beter unless you like to play that way, hell i will proble play hard core after im done haveing fun playingon just hard. as i said every one knows that you dont have to play it thats not what this was about, itsfor people to say what thay would like about hardcore or not like about it no one is saying that hardcore mode sucks and stuff like that so i think its ok for me to say you should shut up untell you know what other people are saying about it (no one said it should not be in the game). one other game whats with the whole " NV should only be on hard core" thing, why cant people play a way that would be most fun with out some guy saying thay are a wimp. i mean come on dude were you thinking when you said that, because to me its like your saying just playing the game in normal is so wimpy, because when you play hard core it means your not wimpy even if it is just a game. i say play what you think is the most fun, i dont think hardcore will be the most fun, it could be fun but it proble wount make the game. another thing why do most of you think thay are just going to make hardcore perfect it could be a real fail MrDot01 23:15, July 27, 2010 (UTC)

For the record: yes, people have said that hardcore shouldn't be in the game. Don't make blanket generalizations until you know what every single person has said about hardcore mode. I wasn't pointing out people on this board, necessarily, but on other threads people have said this. That said, no, I will not shut up.

Hardcore mode may not be perfect, but it's definitely going to improve this game and RPGs in general. People play these games to feel a sense of realism. It got to the point in FO3 where people had to make it harder for themselves (only carry 5 stimpaks, carry limited ammo, etc.). Now, people will be forced to sleep, eat, and limit their supplies. You gotta admit, it's pretty genius.

People who want to play the "more fun" way with unlimited ammo, health, and tanks (god forbid. stop suggesting tanks)(this is another unrelated subject, not necessarily regarding this thread) can play something else. Again, it is pretty wimpy.

Final note: Your grammar. Review it.

hahahahahaha well if your talking about other threads then why would you say "None of YOU really have a good reason why it shouldn't be in the game". When i said no one has said it should not be in the game i was talking about this thread, you proble got confused, this thread had nothing to do with if the hardcore should be in it or not (lets pleas try to think). i never said it would not improve the game, i said it would improve the game for the people that like to play that way. you also got confused when i said that people should play the way thats more fun for them, im not saying just hard will be more fun or that hard core will be more fun i was saying play the way that is more fun for you. now pleas think about this its just playing a game so how is it that playing on a easyer mode to have fun (if thats what some one likes to do) wimpy, gameing is to have fun, so why would some one (like you) just pops up and say its wimpy that thay are playing the GAME in the funest way possible for them.

final note: lets try to understand what others are saying MrDot01 15:30, July 28, 2010 (UTC)

I understood perfectly well what you were saying. I do admit "you" was a bit of a generalization. I made the incorrect assumption that those who were on other threads were probably reading this thread as well.

Please don't be condescending. It's one of my least favorite qualities in a person. You don't deserve to be least favorite.

I didn't get confused at all with what you were saying. I was merely stating my own opinion relating to what you were saying. In case you mistook that for me telling you that what you were saying was incorrect, I wasn't.

And yes, I am saying that some people are a little bit "wimpy" to not play hardcore. It's just the way I feel. Playing for fun is one thing. But if you're not playing hardcore because you won't like the challenge, that's a bit wimpy, don't you think? Challenges make life a bit more interesting, and that goes the same with gaming.

Again, don't be condescending...it's a real dick thing to be.

im sorry about the condescending remarks, i was a little piss erlyer today. I dont see why you would say wimpy (it could be because of a lack there of a beter word) but i dont see how any way of playing a game is wimpy because there is nothing about gaming thats well i geuss strong. if it comes down to it its still just playing a game, its like if some one said your wimpy because your playing a game on hardcore mode insted of going out and being in the world. challendes can make life more interesting but not always(and a lot of times i can be stress full), and that goes the same for gaming. o ya i dont think thats wimpy, if some one dose not think the challenge will be fun then why sould thay play it. gaming is for fun so if some one said thay dont like hardcore mode because its not fun for them, pleas dont just jump out and say there wimpy 02:05, July 29, 2010 (UTC) o ya this is MrDot01 not eric i got him to stop you will have no problems from him agein (thats about a nother problem, nothing about this)

I guess wimpy is kind of a negative word, and you're right, it's only because I couldn't (and still can't) think of a better word. I'll still say it, but in the nicest way possible. Kind of like if you were playing on hard difficulty, and then you give your best friend the controller, after which he promptly changes the difficulty to easy. You may give him a little elbow jab and call him a wimp, laugh, and take another swig of your Dr Pepper. It's the same thing here, I guess. I'm not, by any means, going to think less of you for not going hardcore, but I'm gonna give you a lighthearted callout. Afterwards, we can bond over how high that raider went when you put that bottlecap mine under his feet.

No hard feelings, brah.

According to Australian PC Powerplay, there is going to be a trophy/achievement for playing the whole game with hardcore mode firmly in the on position.

"Hardcore Mode is a new feature in Fallout: New Vegas. The mode alters some things in-game to make it more realistic and, like the name implies, hard. There will be five basic game modes like Fallout 3 in Fallout: New Vegas, Hardcore Mode will be an extra feature that works with the current game mode you selected (i.e if you select normal mode, you can select hardcore mode to go along with normal mode). "

I think this is a really good, new game mechanic to add, as it makes the game overall more realistic, and harder for all us Very-Hard players, but I would like it to have optional parts, for example if you do not want ammo weight but de-hydration on, you could only select that.

Liam Spencer 13:05, July 31, 2010 (UTC)

I think it will be great mechanic to the game and i am sure i will get angrey at it but it sounds good any way86.147.45.103 13:50, July 31, 2010 (UTC)

I think it will be very fun and realistic! I'm going to play Hardcore Mode from the start, but I hope you will be able to turn it on and off when ever you want. TheBomb 23:21, July 31, 2010 (UTC)

Honestly I'm not going to play with it on. If I want my ass kicked by an FPS RPG I'll go play S.T.A.L.K.E.R. If I want unrealistic but fun as hell wanton violence set in a retro-futuristic 50's era I'll play Fallout. Besides, what immersion you cain with ammo taking weight you will lose with some sort of blaring animation bug(Such as when you strafe AND walk forward in third person but the game only plays walking forward animation), NPCs being unable to jump, weapons that do little more than annoy their intended victim(seriously if you shoot a human in the face with a shotgun, any shotgun, no matter how deteriorated it is, in real life THEY'RE GONNA DIE), general havok issues and the like. I like being able to carry around 50,000 .50BMG rounds and enough stimpaks to heal everyone in the Wasteland who needs healing without being weighed down the appropriate amount, I'll be damned if I'm giving that up. If that makes me a pansy then so be it. I don't play games for a challenge, I play them for fun. And like I said if I want a challenging FPS RPG I'll play STALKER.

Or at least try. I swear it's as buggy as Fallout is...

Now that doesn't mean I won't turn it on for a few minutes though, if just to explore the various changes in gameplay. Probably on VE difficulty and after beating it without Hardcore on. I might also be coaxed into playing the whole thing on Hardcore when I install some modded weapons that can actually kill something in one or two hits, including the player since the AI also gets these guns, thus negating the need to carry insane amounts of ammo in the first place. And if I could have some parts without others(IE still need food/water, but no ammo/stim weight, crippled limbs require more than stims but can still be un-crippled in the field), I'd probably play with it on in that configuration from the start and leave it that way. The heal-over-time stimpak function doesn't really bother me much as my play style puts me in a position where I don't even need stims in the first place. Or even armor, for that matter. Most of my stims are used when I blow myself up with something or jump down a cliff and mis one or two key jump points. Most likely though someone will find a way to switch those on and off and release a mod, perhaps then I'll play with Hardcore on.

@TheBomb: You can turn it off on a whim, but once you turn it off you can't turn it back on. TestECull 06:52, August 1, 2010 (UTC)

Yes, I know you can do that, but I wish you could turn it on and off more then once. Maybe not whenever you want, but maybe out of combat and at full health, or only in one of your homes. TheBomb 20:58, August 3, 2010 (UTC)

Someone will likely figure out how to toggle it via dev console. Wait about two weeks at the most, check the F:NV console codes page and see what pops up. TestECull 03:05, August 4, 2010 (UTC)

True, but I play it on the Xbox 360. TheBomb 03:30, August 4, 2010 (UTC)

if you dont like it then you dont have to use it. that makes both partys pleased.

I'm definitely playing HC the entire way through, my first playthrough. Water and food is going to be substantially more valuable in F:NV and will likely cost 3x as more caps. I'll have more of a post-apocalyptic feel if I have to think if I have enough food and water to last me this trek in the barren desert. It just felt wrong to me that I could run from Megaton to Paradise Falls in one day without stopping. What did they feed those vault dwellers? I'm beginning to think that Vault 101 was actually some Superhuman research facility. Lvl80retpaladin 19:01, August 19, 2010 (UTC)

Pretty happy about this! Ammo with weight, as well as food, water, and sleep being a concern. This will rock... You could pretty much play through all of FO3 without getting worse than minor rad poisoning, and you only had to sleep one hour at a time. That was silly... I'm stoked. That's funny, world of goo was a great game. MFToast - talk 22:29, August 24, 2010 (UTC)

Hardcore mode is not for the faint of heart. I heard that one of the devs at obsidian died within 60 seconds of starting the game. Darkedge1111 23:25, August 24, 2010 (UTC)

I think a cool element that would make hard-core mode even more hard-core, would be to eliminate fast travel. TES: Fallout 09:22, August 26, 2010 (UTC)

To Darkedge1111: where did you hear that from? That's pretty insane. Lvl80retpaladin 05:08, August 29, 2010 (UTC)

There is certain things I like and dislike about Hardcore mode; I like how ammo has weight because it will remind me not pick up everything on an Enclave solider which I have a habit of doing impulsively, I didn't like the idea of stimpacs healing over time...

Silent 1 11:11 August 28, 2010 (UTC)

Hopefully Marts Mutant Mod will get out for this... Hardcore Hardcore Mode. You can set spawns up to like, 15 per spawn point in FO3. Gets a little overwhelming with bigger encounters... MFToast - talk 15:30, August 29, 2010 (UTC)

I hope this hardcore mode will also have realistic Damage on both the player and enemies, i hate shooting a human in the head 10 times and still not die. Chaoswarlord565 15:13, August 30, 2010 (UTC)

When will people realize that realism for immersion in games is only so much tripe? The novelty and cool factor will certainly wear off a few hours in, and god forbid you actually want to invest dozens of hours in this game. Putting bland hurdles into this game such as drinking water and making stuff not weightless is not going to make it fun, it will make it tedious, and while it may seem cool, once the cool factor is gone, you will be bored to tears and frustrated about these restrictions on a normally good gameplay experience. Fallout isn't realistic, and should not try to be, as it just ends up being tedious and boring. This is a general rule for all video games. My argument is, of course, null and void if you can switch off hardcore mode at will just like if you are changing the difficulty setting. But it still makes it annoying for people who want to stick with hardcore, doesn't it?SoPro~ 23:27, August 30, 2010 (UTC)

It all depends on what you percieve as tedious, Pro. If you see having to manage hunger, water, and sleep as a tedious chore, you don't have to play it on hardcore mode. Also, I don't see it so much as trying to be realistic as adding another layer of challenges to the game. I mean, realistically speaking, getting shot in the head and thrown in a hole usually results in death. Realistically speaking, you can't pick up a 200-year-old gun and fire away. Don't worry, they're not being realistic. MFToast - talk 05:45, August 31, 2010 (UTC) EDIT (For chronology) MFToast - talk 21:51, August 31, 2010 (UTC)

If you dont like REALISM, if you dont like this game dont play it, go play COD or something noob friendly Chaoswarlord565 16:48, August 31, 2010 (UTC)

did you read what he said, hell did you read the topic. this is about people saying what thay like and dislike about the idea of hardcore mode, and he said nothing about hateing the game or anything. he just wanted to state what he thought and u jump out and say something so meaningless as "go play COD or something noob friendly", this is why im thinking about just giveing up on this wikia because people will just read and never even try to understand what people are saying. you may see the words but it is clear that you dont understand meaning MrDot01 20:19, August 31, 2010 (UTC)

Don't give up, MrDot01! For the most part people have been peacefully discussing the topic at hand, likes vs. dislikes. MFToast - talk 21:49, August 31, 2010 (UTC)

I really look forward to hardcore mode, because in my opinion, Fallout 3 on Very Hard was really easy after getting used to it.

It'll work as a great challenge, like for example setting up a challenge for myself and a few friends, such as "you may only use these items, you have this much time, and you must reach these areas before time expires", and such. I won't turn it on on the first playthrough, but I will for sure on the second one. Brigadier General Mai 23:12, September 1, 2010 (UTC)
