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Fallout Wiki

Fort Tibbets was a military fort near Tibbets Prison.


Inmates from the military prison at Fort Tibbets were used in the early construction of the Tibbets Prison, marching three and a half miles to the site daily and returning to the prison at the Fort at night. This continued until February 1903, when the first 418 inmates to occupy the prison site were moved into what later would become the prison's laundry building. By 1906, all federal prisoners from Fort Tibbets were housed in the new institution, and the prison at Fort Tibbets was returned to the War Department.[1]


Fort Tibbets is mentioned only in Van Buren, the canceled Fallout 3 project by Black Isle Studios.


  1. Tibbets Prison design documents, page 7: "The USP Tibbets came into existence through an act of Congress in 1895. Inmates from the military prison at Fort Tibbets were used in the early construction and were marched 3 ½ miles to the site daily, returning to the prison at the Fort at night. This continued until February 1903 when the first 418 inmates to occupy the prison site were moved into what now serves as a laundry building. Prisoners and supplies for the prison were handled via a rail line that passed through the prison to unload and load cargo. In 1906, all federal prisoners from Fort Tibbets were housed in the new institution and the prison at Fort Tibbets was returned to the War Department. A milestone in the new penitentiaries' construction was reached in 1926 with the final placement of the dome overhead the rotunda - from which the penitentiary derives its famous nickname - 'The Big Top.'"