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This is a transcript for dialogue with Lucius.


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 {KAI-zar} Caesar awaits. You can speak with me later. 1
GREETING Anger 50 {Caesar dead during surgery} {controlled white-hot anger} {KAI-zar} Caesar is dead at your hands. This crime cannot go unpunished. 2
GREETING Anger 25 {Caesar died via Auto-Doc} {confused, angry} I don't understand - the machine was supposed to cure {KAI-zar} Caesar. {growing anger, blaming player} You did this - his blood is own your hands. 3
GREETING Anger 50 {Caesar dead during surgery, Player incompetent} Your butchery of {KAI-zar} Caesar will not go unpunished! 4
GREETING Happy 20 {Caesar cured} {admiring} {KAI-zar} Caesar was right to put his trust in you. Your skill in medicine is beyond anything I've ever seen before. 5
GREETING Neutral 50 {Caesar has fallen into a coma} {KAI-zar} Caesar sleeps but doesn't awaken. I fear it is only a matter of days before death claims him. 6
Neutral 50 You will answer to me until such a time as {KAI-zar} Caesar is able to resume leadership. 7
GREETING Surprise 10 It's a great honor for anyone outside the Legion to get an audience with Caesar. {Slight surprise.} 8
GREETING Neutral 50 {Liked, once only} You've proven yourself to be true friend of the Legion. We have a safehouse available to our agents in the Mojave - here's the key. 9
Neutral 50 It's an excellent place to rest and store extra equipment. In addition, one of our veterans, Atticus, visits the house every few days. 10
Neutral 50 While he's there, you can acquire items useful for stealthy operations against our enemies from him. 11
GREETING Neutral 50 {terse military manner} Yes? Do you have something to report? 12
GREETING Neutral 50 {Caesar mentioned illness - Lucius promises vengeance} {KAI-zar} Caesar didn't become sick until he started dealing with you. If this was all some trick to assassinate him, we {emph "will"} will have revenge. 13
GREETING Neutral 50 {Caesar in coma} {KAI-zar} Caesar is near death. Have you brought the means to cure him? 14
VFreeformTheFortFortLuciusTopic000 I've noticed that you don't carry a gun. Neutral 50 It's a tradition in the {pray-TORR-ians} Praetorians to specialize in unarmed combat because weapons can break or jam when needed most. 15
Neutral 50 However, our unarmed techniques favor offense over defense. We can charge the enemy and flatten him with our first strike before he can react. 16
VFreeformTheFortFortLuciusTopic001 I had some general questions for you. Neutral 50 I'll answer if I can. 17
VFreeformTheFortFortLuciusTopic002 I don't have any more questions. Let's talk about something else. Neutral 50 Very well. 18
VFreeformTheFortFortLuciusTopic003 How did you end up joining the Legion? Neutral 50 When I was a boy, the Legion conquered my tribe. I was chosen for training as a Legionary. 19
Neutral 50 I fought in many battles for the Legion. Eventually, Caesar chose me to lead his Praetorian Guard. It was a great honor. 20
VFreeformTheFortFortLuciusTopic007 What happened to the rest of your tribe? Neutral 50 The girls and women were enslaved, and many of the men and boys were also chosen to become Legionaries. The rest were killed. 21
VFreeformTheFortFortLuciusTopic008 You don't hate the Legion for what it did to your tribe? Disgust 10 We were savages. The Legion raised us up, made us better than what we were. {Slight contempt - he's a little ashamed of how backwards his tribe was.} 22
VFreeformTheFortFortLuciusTopic009 I have questions about something else. Neutral 50 What did you want to talk about? 23
VFreeformTheFortFortLuciusTopic010 What do you think about the NCR? Neutral 50 The NCR Rangers are the biggest threat. Without them, the NCR is nothing. 24
VFreeformTheFortFortLuciusTopic011 How did the NCR defeat the Legion at Hoover Dam before? Neutral 50 We had the numbers, but not the tactics. I know - I was there at Boulder City when we were defeated. 25
Neutral 50 We relied too much on veteran Legionaries for direction and leadership, and the Rangers exploited our weakness by killing our best from afar. 26
VFreeformTheFortFortLuciusTopic012 Is there anything that you need me to do? Neutral 50 We recently obtained an artillery weapon, but we don't have the part or the skill to fix it. 27
Is there anything that you need me to do? Neutral 50 The artillery weapon needs the firing mechanism replaced. Any help you can offer would be appreciated. 28
VFreeformTheFortFortLuciusTopic013 Your howitzer is operational. Neutral 50 Well done. It will be very useful in the coming battle against the snipers the NCR will no doubt have hidden in the hills near the Dam. 29
VFreeformTheFortFortLuciusTopic014 I'll see what I can do. Neutral 50 The tribe calling themselves the Boomers is obsessed with such weapons, I've been told. You can probably find a spare firing mechanism there. 30
VFreeformTheFortFortLuciusTopic015 Where did you get the gun, anyway? Neutral 50 The trader, Dale Barton, salvaged it from a military base in Arizona. Yuma, I believe. 31
VFreeformTheFortFortLuciusTopic016 What do you need artillery for? Neutral 50 The best marksman of the NCR are usually at the rear of any battle. The gun will allow us to strike at them. 32
VFreeformTheFortFortLuciusTopic017 I've noticed Legionaries prefer using machetes as weapons. Neutral 50 {KAI-zar} Caesar has taught us that over-reliance on firearms can only weaken us in the long run. It's why we train heavily with our blades and our fists. 33
Neutral 50 Unlike an NCR trooper, a Legionary is always ready to fight regardless of the circumstance he finds himself in. 34
VFreeformTheFortFortLuciusTopic018 There are a lot of tents here. Neutral 50 And just about every one of them is occupied. Not all at the same time, usually - groups of Legionaries come and go all the time. 35
Neutral 50 This also only one camp of many. You might have noticed the other camps down by the river. 36
VFreeformTheFortFortLuciusTopic019 If Caesar dies, who takes over the Legion? Neutral 50 Legate Lanius will take Caesar's place at the head of the Legion. The Legate is a fine warrior, and the Legion will do well under his command. 37
VFreeformTheFortFortLuciusTopic020 Goodbye. Neutral 50 {WAH-lay} Vale. 38
VFreeformTheFortFortLuciusTopic023 Are you the Legion's second-in-command? Neutral 50 {Caesar alive} No, Legate Lanius is Caesar's second. The Legate replaced the Burned Man after the Legion's defeat at the Dam several years ago. 39
Are you the Legion's second-in-command? Neutral 50 {Caesar dead} Legate Lanius has not chosen anyone to be his second yet. It would be an honor to be selected, though. 40
VFreeformTheFortFortLuciusTopic024 I don't have the time right now. Neutral 50 I understand. 41
VFreeformTheFortFortLuciusTopic025 Can you teach me the Praetorian unarmed technique? Neutral 50 {Bad rep with Legion} You have a poor reputation in the Legion. It wouldn't be acceptable for me to teach you anything right now. 42
Can you teach me the Praetorian unarmed technique? Neutral 50 {Not enough Unarmed skill} [FAILED] I've watched you move, and I can tell you simply don't have the skill to learn the technique. 43
Can you teach me the Praetorian unarmed technique? Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] Of course. This will take some time, and I'm not a forgiving teacher. 44
VFreeformTheFortFortLuciusTopic026 Tell me about the Burned Man. Neutral 50 The Burned Man was {KAI-zar's} Caesar's advisor and general when the Legion was originally formed. The Burned Man led us to a disastrous defeat at the Dam. 45
Neutral 50 On {KAI-zar's} Caesar's orders, the Burned Man was covered in pitch by the {pray-TORE-ian} Praetorian Guard, lit on fire, and cast into the Grand Canyon. 46
Neutral 50 {KAI-zar} Caesar has forbidden us from ever speaking his true name again, and so we simply refer to him as the Burned Man. 47
VFreeformTheFortFortLuciusTopic027 Is there anything you can tell me about the Legate? Neutral 50 He's the best warrior in the Legion. A full Legionary by the time he was 12, he's never lost a battle. 48
Neutral 50 Had the Legate been in command during the Battle of Hoover Dam, the Legion would've won. I have no doubt about that. 49
VFreeformTheFortFortLuciusTopic028 Apology accepted. Neutral 50 {KAI-zar's} Caesar's death is regrettable, but we can't let it stand in the way of the Legion's goals. 50
Neutral 50 Our scouts have reported that the NCR's President Kimball will be visiting the Dam. This is an excellent opportunity to assassinate him. 51
Neutral 50 You are to meet with Cato Hostilius - he'll have more information on ways to eliminate Kimball. 52
VFreeformTheFortFortLuciusTopic030 President Kimball is dead. Neutral 50 {triumphant} The loss of morale in the NCR must have been staggering when their leader fell. It's proof that no one is out of the Legion's reach. 53
Neutral 50 We are preparing to move against the Dam, and Legate Lanius has a part for you to play in the battle. Report to him at his camp. 54
VFreeformTheFortFortLuciusTopic031 President Kimball survived the assassination attempt. Anger 5 Killing Kimball would've struck fear into the NCR. It's unfortunate that you weren't able to take advantage of this opportunity. 55
Neutral 50 We are preparing to move against the Dam, and Legate Lanius has a part for you to play in the battle. Report to him at his camp. 56
< Speech 50 >
Caesar would be dead if I didn't try to help him. How dare you blame me for trying to save his life! Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] What you say is true. I apologize for my rash action - it was out of grief and loyalty. I hope you understand. 57
Hey, it totally wasn't my fault that he died. He was old. Neutral 50 [FAILED] Save your excuses. 58
< Medicine 50 >
The cranial bleeding was too much for a man of his age. A younger man would have lived. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] I apologize for my rash action. I understand fighting and killing, not healing. I acted out of grief and loyalty. 59
There was, uh, internal bleeding and lesions and other problems. Neutral 50 [FAILED] It's obvious you know as little about medicine as I do. Spare me your excuses. 60
VFreeformTheFortFortLuciusTopic034 Let's finish this, then. Anger 50 Avenge {KAI-zar} Caesar! 61
VFreeformTheFortFortLuciusTopic035 <Lie> I did all I could to save him. Neutral 50 Yet you failed, and you must pay. 62
VFreeformTheFortFortLuciusTopic036 I did all I could to save him. Neutral 50 Yet you failed, and you must pay. 63
VFreeformTheFortFortLuciusTopic037 {Liked+}After everything I've done for the Legion, this one failure condemns me? Neutral 50 {hesitant, knowing player is right} No... I suppose not. You've proved that you're a friend to us many times. I apologize for my temper. 64
VFreeformTheFortFortLuciusTopic039 What? You think this is my fault? Neutral 50 His head exploded, idiot. Of course it's your fault. {to his men} Avenge {KAI-zar} Caesar! 65
VFreeformTheFortFortLuciusTopic040 Let's move on, then. Neutral 50 Yes, we can't let {KAI-zar's} Caesar's death get in the way of the Legion's goals. 66
Neutral 50 Our scouts have reported that the NCR's President Kimball will be visiting the Dam. This is an excellent opportunity to assassinate him. 67
Neutral 50 You are to meet with Cato Hostilius - he'll have more information on ways to eliminate Kimball. 68
VFreeformTheFortFortLuciusTopic041 You need me more than I need you - don't forget that. Anger 10 {cooly responding to the player's threat} We'll see about that. In any case, we can't let {KAI-zar's} Caesar's death get in the way of the Legion's goals. 69
Neutral 50 Our scouts have reported that the NCR's President Kimball will be visiting the Dam. This is an excellent opportunity to assassinate him. 70
Neutral 50 You are to meet with Cato Hostilius - he'll have more information on ways to eliminate Kimball. 71
VFreeformTheFortFortLuciusTopic042 I've brought a doctor, Arcade Gannon, who can take care of Caesar. He's outside. Neutral 50 Very well. I'll have him seized and brought to {KAI-zar} Caesar as his personal physician. 72
I've brought a doctor, Arcade Gannon, who can take care of Caesar. He's outside. Neutral 50 So shall I have him seized or not? 73
VFreeformTheFortFortLuciusTopic043 He's all yours. Neutral 50 It will be done. 74
VFreeformTheFortFortLuciusTopic044 On second thought, hold off. Anger 10 {annoyed with player} {KAI-zar} Caesar's health worsens, and your indecision is unhelpful. 75
VFreeformTheFortFortLuciusTopic045 I'll keep that in mind. Neutral 50 See that you do. 76
VFreeformTheFortFortLuciusTopic046 Out of my way, Lucius. Neutral 50 {dismissing} Go. 77
VFreeformTheFortFortLuciusTopic047 No trick, and I'm only trying to help. Neutral 50 We'll see. 78
VFreeformTheFortFortLuciusTopic048 President Kimball survived. His visit to the Hoover Dam was cancelled. Anger 5 Killing Kimball would've struck fear into the NCR. It's unfortunate that you weren't able to take advantage of this opportunity. 79
Neutral 50 We are preparing to move against the Dam, and Legate Lanius has a part for you to play in the battle. Report to him at his camp. 80
VFreeformTheFortFortLuciusTopic049 I've brought something to fix the Auto-Doc. Neutral 50 Fix it, then. You're not leaving until it's done and {KAI-zar} Caesar lives. 81
VFreeformTheFortFortLuciusTopic050 I have what's needed to do the surgery. Neutral 50 Do it, then. You're not leaving until it's done and {KAI-zar} Caesar lives. 82
VFreeformTheFortFortLuciusTopic051 A man who can cure Caesar, Arcade Gannon, waits outside. He's all yours. Neutral 50 Good. I'll have my men seize him immediately. 83
VFreeformTheFortFortLuciusTopic052 No, I haven't. Neutral 50 Then you die. 84
VFreeformTheFortFortLuciusTopic053 I'm still working on that, actually. Neutral 50 You had your chance. Now you die. 85
VFreeformTheFortFortLuciusTopic054 About Hoover Dam... Neutral 50 We are preparing to move against the Dam, and Legate Lanius has a part for you to play in the battle. Report to him at his camp. 86


GOODBYE Goodbye. Neutral 50 {WAH-lay} Vale. 87