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This is a transcript for dialogue with Flower..


GREETING GREETING Happy 50 You're my hero, ma'am. I want to be just like you when I grow up. 1
GREETING Anger 20 Stop right there, mister! Whatcha think you're doing in the Republic of Dave? 2
GREETING Anger 20 Stop right there, lady! Whatcha think you're doing in the Republic of Dave? 3
GREETING Neutral 20 Whatcha want, Stranger? 4
GREETING Neutral 50 Come on! I have to take you to Daddy! 5
GREETING Fear 50 Did Dave say it was okay for you to be here? 6
GREETING Fear 50 Who are you? Is it okay for you to be here? 7
GREETING Fear 50 What do you want now? 8
RDBacktoTopics I think I get the idea. Let me ask you something else. Neutral 50 Alright then. 9
RDGottaGo I've got to go. Neutral 50 Yes, you do. 10
RDGuardChildatHeart Don't worry. I'm just here to play Republic with you. Happy 50 I like playing Republic. Even though stupid Ralphie always gets to play as Dave! 11
Happy 50 Here, I'll take you to Dave! Just be sure to call him Mister President Daddy. He likes that! 12
RDGuardEnter I think I'd like to meet Dave. Fear 50 Okay, I'll take you, but President Daddy doesn't always like new people. 13
Neutral 50 Okay, come with me. 14
RDGuardGoAway I'm just a wanderer. I'll be going now. Fear 50 Strangers need to stay outside or get permission from President Daddy! Else the Army of Dave will shoot you! 15
RDGuardNice I'm not here to hurt anyone. What is this place? Fear 50 This is the Republic of Dave, duh! It's named for President Daddy! But you have to talk to him if you want to stay here. 16
I'm not here to hurt anyone. What is this place? Sad 50 We're the Republic of Dave. Or we used to be anyway. You have to go now. Dave isn't here anymore to talk to you. 17
RDGuardNoThanks Um... I don't think so. I'll stay out here. Neutral 50 Okay. Just don't hang around the fence. President Daddy's guards don't like that. 18
RDGuardWhoIsDave Wait, who's this Dave guy, and why does he have his own Republic? Neutral 50 He's the president of the Republic of Dave, duh. You can ask over at the Museum of Dave if you don't believe me. 19
Neutral 50 But you can't just wander around here, you need to go get permission from President Daddy first! 20
RDNeverMind Actually, I think I have all the info I need. Neutral 50 Alright then. 21
RDSubElectionSuggestion Have you considered running for the presidency? Fear 10 I can't be the president, I'm just a kid! 22
Have you heard the election results?
Did you hear that Dave won the election? Neutral 50 Hurray! 23
Did you hear that Dave lost the election? Neutral 50 Why, did Dave get too old? 24
RDTopicKill Your Republic is forfeit. Prepare to be reclaimed by the Wasteland! Fear 50 Daddy Dave! Help us! Please! 25
Your Republic is forfeit. Prepare to be reclaimed by the Wasteland! Fear 50 Get Daddy Dave! Invader! Invader! 26
RDTopicRoD I'd like to know more about the Republic. Neutral 50 Um, okay. As long as President Daddy says it's all right. 27
RDTopicRoDEND That's all I need to know. Neutral 50 Okay. 28
RDTopicThisPlace What's your take on the Republic? Happy 50 I want to be like Shawna when I grow up. She's smart, just like mommy! Course, daddy is smarter. Like, way smarter. 29
RDTopicWhosInCharge Tell me more about this Dave guy. Happy 50 Daddy! President Daddy to you! <giggles> 30
Dave has two wives?
You have two mommies? Surprise 25 Uh huh. Doesn't everybody? 31
What can you tell me about yourself?
So, what have you been up to, kid? Sad 50 President Daddy says I sleep too much, but I don't sleep much at all! 32


I have to go now.
Talk to you later, kid. Happy 50 Hurray for the Republic! <giggles> 33
HELLO HELLO Surprise 50 Rachael, come play with me! 34
HELLO Surprise 20 Ralphie, you wanna play? 35
HELLO Surprise 50 Tag! You're it, Ralphie! 36
HELLO Surprise 20 Come on Mary, let's go play! 37
HELLO Happy 50 Hey there. Are you gonna play Republic with us? 38
HELLO Disgust 25 Are you talking to me? {obnoxious mean girl} 39
HELLO Disgust 50 Um. Yeah. Please go away. {obnoxious mean girl} 40
RDElectionTalk DaveElectionTalk Neutral 50 Santa Claus. 41
RDGuardEscortDone RDGuardEscortDone Neutral 50 President Daddy, there is a Wastelander who wishes to see you, sir! 42
RDStudentTalk RDStudentTalk Sad 50 Awww... I hate class... I want to go play! 43
RDStudentTalk1 RDStudentTalk1 Neutral 50 Uh... he asked Tom really nicely? 44
RDStudentTalk2 RDStudentTalk2 Anger 50 He was ugly, and stupid, and mean! 45
RDStudentTalk3 RDStudentTalk3 Neutral 50 Yesterday! 46
RDStudentTalk4 RDStudentTalk4 Happy 50 Ha! Ha! Rachael's in trouble! 47
RDStudentTalk5 RDStudentTalk5 Neutral 50 Aww... do we have to? 48