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Flip's Revenge is a scenario for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare.

Story Introduction[]

I saw them take Sarah after the explosion. I know she is alive. They’ll see me coming for them – the last thing they’ll see. And if they dare do something to her...Flip.



  • Battlefield size: 3 feet x 3 feet (90 cm x 90 cm).
  • Terrain: 6 buildings.

Place pieces of terrain to represent buildings, in alternating order, in a rough encirclement of the center of the battlefield, with a Searchable Marker at the very center of the battlefield, with a minimum distance of Yellow between them. The Kidnappers start off with points equal to double Flip’s points. Flip starts off as a single Super Mutant model, with any upgrades you wish to buy (Flip cannot be a Creature Type Super Mutant). Flip is made a Heroic model free of charge. The Kidnappers deploy anywhere within Yellow of the Marker. Flip then deploys within Red of any board edge.

Scenario rules[]

Game Duration: 6 rounds.


The Kidnappers need to stop Flip and Sarah from escaping by killing them.

Additional rules[]

  • Flip needs to use an Action while in base contact with the Searchable Marker in order to free Sarah from captivity. Once released, place a Survivor model in its place. Now you control both Flip and Sarah (who carries a Laser Rifle).

Victory conditions[]

Condition Reward
If Sarah leaves the board through any board edge. Flip's player earns 300 Caps.
If Sarah is killed. Kidnappers earn 150 Caps.
If both Flip and Sarah die Kidnappers earn 200 Caps.

External links[]
