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This is a transcript for dialogue with Finn.


1-Oh don't give me that "strong, silent" bullshit...
2{mocking} What? Can't talk?
3You disrespecting me over here?
4{Hancock is dead / Irritated} I ain't got time to hassle ya. With Hancock gone, it's time to lay-low.
5{Hancock is dead} Mayor's dead. Good riddance. He was getting soft.
6Back off. I ain't looking to make nice.
7Got things to deal with. Step off.
8Best mind yourself. I catch you in something you shouldn't be, it'll be more than words.
9Get lost.


10GoodneighborIntroNickScene01{threatening, mocking, Nick Valentine is a detective who's just walked into town with the player / Sarcastic} Well, well, it's the detective. Tracking down another wayward husband to his mistress?Nick: Why, someone stand you up?A1a
11Nick: Why, someone stand you up?{you don't understand Nick's joke, so you respond by being intimidating / Irritated} Tryin' that, what d'ya call it? Evasive language, on me?A1a
12GoodneighborIntroScene01A{repeating yourself, player wasn't listening the first time / Irritated} I said: Who the hell are you? Valentine's new dick-in-training?Player Default: We're working together, yeah.A
13Player Default: We're working together, yeah.{veiled threat, emphasize "insurance" / SinisterSmile} Really? Well you're in luck. I got a special offer on some insurance for partners of the great gumshoe here.Player Default: Insurance. I'm listening.A1a
14Player Default: Not your concern.{veiled threat, emphasize "insurance" / SinisterSmile} Oh it's not, huh? Well, with that attitude, you're gonna be in the market for a little insurance.Player Default: Insurance. I'm listening.B1a
15Player Default: We're hiring, but I don't think you'd... measure up.{veiled threat, emphasize "insurance" / SinisterSmile} Don't be like that. You just got the look of someone who's in the market for a little insurance.Player Default: Insurance. I'm listening.X1a
16Player Default: What's it to you?{veiled threat, emphasize "insurance" / SinisterSmile} Gotta know who's backing who in Goodneighbor. I ain't never seen you before. Maybe you're in the market for a little insurance?Player Default: Insurance. I'm listening.Y1a
17{talking to the player, who is with Nick Valentine / Irritated} And who are you, huh? Valentine's new dick-in-training?Player Default: We're working together, yeah.A1a
18GoodneighborIntroScene01B{veiled threat, mocking, insurance means protection money} Like I said before, I got a special offer on insurance for partners of the great detective...Player Default: Insurance. I'm listening.A
19{veiled threat, insurance means protection money} I told ya. You can't walk around Goodneighbor without insurance.Player Default: Insurance. I'm listening.A
20{player walks into town for the first time, you sell "insurance" which really just means "extortion" / SinisterSmile} Hold up there. First time in Goodneighbor? Can't go walking around without insurance.Player Default: Insurance. I'm listening.A1a
21Finn: That's right. Insurance. Personal protection, like.{threatening / Angry} You hand over everything you got in them pockets, or "accidents" start happenin' to ya. Big, bloody, "accidents."A1a
22Player Default: Insurance. I'm listening.{player isn't sure what kind of "insurance" you sell / SinisterSmile} That's right. Insurance. Personal protection, like.Finn: You hand over everything you got in them pockets, or "accidents" start happenin' to ya. Big, bloody, "accidents."A1a
23Player Default: You better back off, or you're the one who's going to need insurance.{player is tougher than you realized / Afraid} Whoa, hey, all right. We'll just, uh, say your insurance is paid up for now, okay?Finn: You hand over everything you got in them pockets, or "accidents" start happenin' to ya. Big, bloody, "accidents."B1a
24Player Default: You better back off, or you're the one who's going to need insurance.{player just failed to intimidate you / SinisterSmile} What was that? I couldn't hear over the sound of all that "pathetic."Finn: You hand over everything you got in them pockets, or "accidents" start happenin' to ya. Big, bloody, "accidents."B2a
25Player Default: Unless it's "keep-dumb-assholes-away-from-me" insurance, I'm not interested.{SinisterSmile} Now don't be like that. I think you're going to like what I have on offer.Finn: You hand over everything you got in them pockets, or "accidents" start happenin' to ya. Big, bloody, "accidents."X1a
26{shouting, player is walking right past you / Angry} Don't you ignore me!A1a
27GoodneighborIntroScene01C{shouting, player is walking right past you / Angry} Hey! Don't you ignore me!A1a
28GoodneighborIntroScene02ANick: Hancock.{Hancock, the mayor, just walked in and told you to stop trying to extort newcomers / Angry} What d'you care? She ain't one of us.Hancock: No love for your mayor, Finn? I said let 'em go.A1a
29Nick: Hancock.{Hancock, the mayor, just walked in and told you to stop trying to extort newcomers / Angry} What d'you care? He ain't one of us.Hancock: No love for your mayor, Finn? I said let 'em go.A2a
30GoodneighborIntroScene02B{you've had it with Mayor Hancock protecting newcomers / Angry} You're soft, Hancock. You keep letting outsiders walk all over us, one day there'll be a new mayor.Hancock: Come on, man. This is me we're talking about. Let me tell you something.A1a
31-{waiting for the player to say something / Irritated} Hey, I'm talkin' to you...
32{waiting for the player to say something / Irritated} You havin' trouble there?
33{waiting for the player to say something / Irritated} Say somethin'.
34{quick death sound} Ugh...