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Fallout Wiki

The Sierra Depot medical log (also known as medical holodisk) is a holodisk in Fallout 2.




July 5, 2077
Sierra Army Depot - Infirmary
Attending Physician - Dr. Solomon
Subject - Corporal Dixon
Accident Report # 8332-523D

Subject was attempting to arm an attack mine in storage bay as part of Sierra Army Depot's evacuation defenses. Mine detonated prematurely severely injuring Corporal Dixon and General Clifton. Corporal Dixon suffered severe lacerations to hands, chest and facial area. The entire right hand was completely severed and we were unable to locate the missing appendage. Severe puncture wounds to the chest and face area required extensive surgery to repair. 32 mine fragments were removed in all. Right eye was damaged beyond repair. Surgery was performed to remove Corporal Dixon's right eye. It is our hope that by placing the damaged, but living eye in a new experimental Biomed gel, the eye might be able to regenerate itself. Hopefully we will be able to reattach the eye at a later date. This experimental Biomed gel shows great promise in stimulating growth in living cells. It is however unfortunate to test this new gel under such circumstances.

