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Fallout Wiki

LA Vault Level 4 nuke terminal

Dialogue for the Atomic Access computer on Level 4 of the Los Angeles Vault.


{100}{}{This computer is labeled Atomic Access Computer.}
{101}{}{There are cables running from the access computer to the warhead behind it.}
{102}{}{You have armed the warhead. A timer with four minutes has started a countdown.}
{103}{}{You have disarmed the nuclear warhead.}
{104}{}{BOOOOOOOOOM! [You have set off the nuke!]}
{105}{}{That doesn't seem to be working.}
{106}{}{The countdown is still going . . . maybe you should cut that red wire.}
{107}{}{Maybe you need to use the key also.}
{108}{}{This computer is equipped with a hardware locking device that prevents the arming of the bomb without the proper key.}
{109}{}{It is impossible the lockpick this heavily secure lock.}
{110}{}{This computer cannot be repaired.}
{111}{}{You cannot use the traps skill on this computer.}
{112}{}{You are not skilled enough to defeat the security mechanism.}
