Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Catherine was a resident of the Sandy Coves Convalescent Home in 2077.


Catherine was among those who retired at the Sandy Coves Convalescent Home; as she aged there, she experienced dementia, and she (like others dwelling there) occasionally lost her safe key, prompting her caregivers to program the Mister Handy robots to remember where she habitually hid it - in her case, among her cat bowls.[1][2] She was a lonely old woman who filled her room with feline art.

On the morning of October 23, 2077, she was awake. Noticing the blasts of the nearby nuclear detonations, she overturned her mattress to shield herself from the heat and light. However, this was not enough to save herself from the radiation that swept through the facility, killing the occupants where they were. Her skeleton lies where she took shelter.


Catherine's skeleton appears only in Fallout 4.

