Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki
Gameplay articles
Fallout 4Bloodbug hatchling
Red widow bloodbug
Infected bloodbug
Glowing bloodbug
Vampiric bloodbug
Fallout 76Bloodbug hatchling
Red widow bloodbug
Infected bloodbug
Glowing bloodbug
Vampiric bloodbug
Venomous bloodbug Nuclear Winter
Virulent bloodbug Nuclear Winter
Deadly bloodbug Nuclear Winter
Scorched bloodbug
Is this mosquito a product of the FEV? Or radiation?Curie

Bloodbugs are a species of mutated, ectoparasitic mosquitoes.


Mutated from the humble marsh mosquito[1] after the Great War, bloodbugs have become a capable predator in the Commonwealth and Appalachia. Around the size of a dog, bloodbugs attack by stabbing their knife-like proboscis into soft tissue.

Although they feed upon the blood of their victims, they will also often spray this blood back into their prey's eyes to distort their vision.[2] The bog standard of bloodbugs, these mutated insects attack in swarms, piercing their prey with a needle like proboscis and feeding on their blood.



Bloodbugs appear to be roughly two feet in length from the head to the tip of the abdomen. Bloodbugs possess muddy brown coloration which allows them to camouflage effectively into the environment of the Commonwealth and Appalachia. Like their pre-War ancestors, bloodbugs possess six long double-jointed limbs, one pair of finely-veined wings, a small expandable sac to hold blood, and a long, pointed proboscis that extends from between two compound eyes.

The proboscis is the bloodbug's primary means of assault, sinking it into prey almost like a syringe and inflicting minor-to-intermediate radiation poisoning on the victim. The proboscis can be collected by the player character upon the bloodbug's death. As many other creatures, bloodbugs are vulnerable to the Scorched plague.


Bloodbug hatchling[]

FO4 Bloodbug Hatchling
Gameplay articles: Fallout 4, Fallout 76

A younger variant of the adult bloodbug, their exoskeleton has not had time to harden to the extent of more mature bloodbugs, thus they are paler and weaker.


FO4 Bloodbug
Gameplay articles: Fallout 4, Fallout 76

The most common variant of the bloodbug; the typical mature form. They can be found in numerous locations throughout the Commonwealth and Appalachia.

Red widow bloodbug[]

FO4 Red widow bloodbug
Gameplay articles: Fallout 4, Fallout 76

A rare variant of the bloodbug. They are of similar size to normal bloodbugs, but their bodies are tinted red. They are markedly more aggressive and much deadlier than other variants.

Infected bloodbug[]

FO4 Infected bloodbug
Gameplay articles: Fallout 4, Fallout 76

They possess more health than a normal adult bloodbug and deal more damage per hit. Some specimens also have green exoskeletons. the name suggests that they are infected with some kind of disease.

Glowing bloodbug[]

FO4 Glowing bloodbug
Gameplay articles: Fallout 4, Fallout 76

A rare variant inundated with radiation to such an extent that it glows. It is stronger and more resilient than many of the other bloodbug variants.

Vampiric bloodbug[]

FO4 Vampiric bloodbug
Gameplay articles: Fallout 4, Fallout 76

The vampiric bloodbug can be found in various locations throughout the Commonwealth and Appalachia. It is the strongest variant of these creatures, and is much more deadly than its counterparts.

Venomous bloodbug[]

Gameplay article: Fallout 76

Virulent bloodbug[]

Gameplay article: Fallout 76

Deadly bloodbug[]

Gameplay article: Fallout 76

Scorched bloodbug[]

Gameplay article: Fallout 76

A bloodbug infected with the Scorched plague.


  • In Fallout: Wasteland Warfare, the unit expansion for bloodbugs refers to the creatures as "blood bugs". However, every other mention of the creatures in Fallout: Wasteland Warfare uses the compounded form of the name: "bloodbugs".


Bloodbugs appear in Fallout 4, Fallout: Wasteland Warfare, and Fallout 76.

Behind the scenes[]

The bloodbug model was created by Jonah Lobe, basing the design off of Crane flies.[Non-game 1][Non-game 2]


Fallout 4 and Fallout 76[]

Fallout: Wasteland Warfare[]


  1. Enclave research facility insect chalkboard
  2. Fallout 4 loading screen hints: "Not only do Bloodbugs suck the blood of their victims, but they will often shoot it back at them, causing distorted vision."

