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Fallout Wiki

Signal Alfa Lima is a transmission from broadcast tower KB5 located northwest of Signal Kilo Bravo.


When the ham radio's switch at broadcast tower KB5 is flipped, the signal becomes active. Heading east-southeast of the tower and subsequently dropping off a small cliff leads to a sewer grate. This is the entrance to a drainage chamber. Upon entering, there will be an Average locked door leading to the radio.

Morse code[]

The station's message utilizes Morse code, played on a loop via the radio. The Morse code pattern from the tower equates to: CQ CQ CQ DE AL K. The translations are as followed.

Code Abrv Translated
-.-. --.- CQ "Calling all stations, any station"
-.. . DE "From" or "this is""
Varies ## Station's ID
-.- K Invitation to transmit
Name Abrv
Signal Alfa Lima AL
Signal Echo Foxtrot EF
Signal Kilo Bravo KB
Signal Oscar Tango OT
Signal Papa November PN
Signal Sierra Romeo SR
Signal Sierra Victor SV

