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Fallout Wiki

Keep your technology safe from the evils of the Wasteland with the Brotherhood of Steel Field Station.Atomic Shop promotion

The field station is a workshop item in the Fallout 76. It previously appeared unnamed as a building at Lost Hills in Fallout, as well as Sierra Army Depot in Fallout 2.


The field station is built on a concrete foundation with four load-bearing pillars in each corner supporting a concrete dome over a rectangular armored shell. The automated doors are hydraulically powered and securely protect the contents. One of their uses before the Great War was to securely store explosive ordnance (such as howitzer ammunition; sometimes euphemistically called storage shacks)[1] and to disguise entrances into high security areas. The Lost Hills security bunker was accessed through an elevator hidden inside a lone field station west of the Sierra Nevadas, in the southern Californian Central Valley.[2]


It is a reinforced concrete structure with internal lights, requiring 3 power, connected on the left hand side roof. The bunker doors split in the middle and tuck into the walls, after either pushing external and internal buttons or approaching the door and accepting the prompt to open or close. A smoke-like substance consistently emanates from around the doorway, which is included and built separately in one's C.A.M.P.


Crafting of the structure is unlocked upon reaching rank 76 of the second season.


The ability to craft it was a scoreboard reward for Armor Ace season 2. Once claimed it could then be crafted at any C.A.M.P or workshop.


  • An issue with a hole appearing in the top of the bunker was fixed with patch
  • When destroyed, all objects built on the roof or inside the field station will also need to be repaired.


Fallout 76

In previous games

