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This is a transcript for dialogue with Felton Reed.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 005C6C29 005C770D I understand. I'll be here a bit longer.
2 005C770E May I take a look?
3 005C8E31 What's so impressive about this?
4 005C8E32 Wow, I've never seen one of these! What is it?
5 005C6C2A 005C6C5E Hello there!
6 005C6C60 Did you find any impressive technology?
7 005C6C61 I've got to pack up and get back to Fort Atlas soon. I don't like to stay away for too long.
8 005C6C41 005C6C4F Do any of these pieces gathered at my camp seem like they'd impress my superiors?
9 005C6C4D 005C6C54 I'm working towards becoming a Scribe. It's a commitment to finding and documenting technology.
10 I've collected a few pieces but I'm unsure about any of them. I need to present something impressive to my brethren to prove myself.
11 Scribe Valdez taught us that exceptional technology can often be found in objects with military or scientific applications.
12 005C8DD8 005C8E3D After a fellow Initiate was injured in training, we did discuss developing a medical bay at Fort Atlas. Thank you so much!
13 005C8DDC 005C8E29 Then I'm sure it will impress Knight Shin in his Armory. Thank you for this!
14 005C8DE0 005C8E2C Scribe Valdez was looking for one of these just the other day. I can't thank you enough for this!
15 005C8DE4 005C8E2F Right! That will definitely be useful for long range communications. Thanks!
16 005C8DE8 005C8E38 Well... worst case, I use it to type a list of all the things that haven't impressed.
17 005C8DEC 005C8E3B Huh... this will certainly keep the other initiates from oversleeping.
18 005C8DF0 005C8E3F Now I see. High-quality optics are hard to come by. Thank you!
19 005C8DF4 005C8E1B Well, I like jerky... but hopefully Paladin Rahmani isn't a vegetarian.
20 005C8DF7 005C8E2E Hmm... I guess that'll be useful for breakfast. I'll try it.
21 005C8DFB 005C8E37 Interesting. We could break out the soldering iron and make use of those. Thanks!
22 005C8DFF 005C8E1E Uhh... they are probably going to laugh at this toy but I'll give it a shot.
23 005C8E03 005C8E22 That's invaluable around here in vibrant Appalachia where lifeforms are... abundant. I owe you one!
24 005C968B 005C968F Oh! Already?
25 005C968D 005C9690 I'm Felton Reed, newly initiated in the Brotherhood of Steel! I saw what they did with the old Observatory and figured I had to be a part of it!
26 005CF08E 005CF08F Its not much, but take this as compensation.