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Fallout Wiki

Dialogue for Harry, rocket supervisor near the ESS Quetzel.


{100}{}{You see a harried-looking bald man.}
{101}{}{You see Harry, the rocket supervisor.}
{102}{}{You see a harried-looking bald man.}
{103}{}{Aiee! Enemies of enlightenment! Help! Guards!}
{107}{}{Hey! Raw meat! Who are you? What are you doing here?}
{109}{}{I have a letter for AHS-9. Where do I take it?}
{111}{}{None of your business.}
{112}{}{I want to join the Hubologists.}
{113}{}{Who are YOU? And what are YOU doing here?}
{114}{}{Nothing. Bye.}
{115}{}{Great, an idiot. Look, pal, just go down those stairs there and maybe they can adjust your neurodynes and make something useful of you. Until then, though, I'm busy. Now go.}
{117}{}{Take it downstairs. Show it to AHS-7, who has gate duty right now, and he'll take it for you or send you on to AHS-9. Now can I get back to work, meat?}
{119}{}{You're not one of the brethren, and you're therefore not authorized to be here. Unless you're planning on joining us - which you may do by expressing your interest to AHS-7, who is at the guard post. Now, either get downstairs or get out of here.}
{120}{}{Fine, fine. No need to get testy.}
{121}{}{Actually, it is my business. This is my ship, and these are my guards - now, who are you and what are you doing here?}
{123}{}{None of your business.}
{124}{}{I want to join the Hubologists.}
{125}{}{Who are YOU? And what are YOU doing here?}
{126}{}{Nothing. Bye.}
{127}{}{I am Harry. I am the chief rocket technician.}
{129}{}{None of your business.}
{130}{}{I want to join the Hubologists.}
{131}{}{Nothing. Bye.}
{132}{}{Not willing to cooperate, eh? Guards! Kill this intruder!}
{133}{}{Your guards are dead men.}
{134}{}{Go down that elevator and talk to AHS-7 at the guard post. He'll direct you accordingly.}
{135}{}{Thanks. Bye.}
{170}{}{I am in need of help, child. Can you help me?}
{171}{}{I am still in need of help, child. Can you help me?}
{172}{}{Who are you?}
{173}{}{What are you doing here?}
{174}{}{I got a copy of the plans from the Shi.}
{175}{}{I have the plans for the bertibird.}
{176}{}{The Shi have the plans for the vertibird}
{177}{}{What can I do for you?}
{178}{}{Forget it. Bye.}
{179}{}{I am Harry, AHS-5. I am the starbrother in charge of the rocketship. We are going to use it to travel to Quetzel.}
{180}{}{Can I ask something else?}
{181}{}{Got it. Bye.}
{182}{}{What I'm doing is preparing the ship for the grand trip to the Star-Father. We're very close right now.}
{183}{}{Can I ask something else?}
{184}{}{Got it. Bye.}
{185}{}{You have the plans? Excellent! Now all we need is fuel! The Shi have a bunch. See if you can go route some to us. Good luck, recruit!}
{187}{}{Then you must go get them, yes? Now please excuse me, comrade - I must continue readying the ship for our epic journey.}
{188}{}{I have the plans for the vertibird.}
{189}{}{Sure thing.}
{190}{}{We have all we need for our journey now! Excellent! Now we just await the word of AHS-9 - and I'm sure he'll want you to come with us. Go get whatever you need done - and then come back and join us with the Star Father!}
{191}{}{See ya then!}
{192}{}{First, we need vertibird plans to ensure that we've got the aerodynamics right. If you can do this, check with the Shi or go up that old base in Navarro.}
{193}{}{Remember, you are finding the plans for the vertibirds for us. Either try the Shi or that old base in Navarro.}
{194}{}{No one has been able to get plans for the vertibirds from the Shi, or from that old base in Navarro. Have you reconsidered helping us?}
{195}{}{Remember, recruit! The hated Shi have the plans.}
{196}{}{I have the plans for the vertibird.}
{197}{}{Forget it.}
{198}{}{Ok, I'll do it.}
{199}{}{Now you know what we need? Gas. A lot of it. The Shi have some. See if you can get it.}
{200}{}{Remember, you were getting us gas for our great spaceship.}
{201}{}{Oh, ok. Bye.}
{161}{}{. I'm just looking around.}
{162}{}{. I'm just looking around.}
{163}{}{. I'm just looking around.}
