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Dialogue for AHS-7, one of the leaders of the Hubologists


{100}{}{You see a cowled Hubologist. Somehow, this one seems different.}
{101}{}{You see AHS-7, the second in command.}
{102}{}{You see a cowled Hubologist.}
{103}{}{Guards! An oppressive! Strike it down!}
{104}{}{You. State your business.}
{105}{}{Aaagh! Nu! Nee!}
{106}{}{I have a letter for AHS-9 from the Enlightened One in NCR.}
{107}{}{I'm here to speak to Crocket about some armor.}
{108}{}{I'd like to look around.}
{109}{}{I'm interested in potentially joining your group.}
{110}{}{Who are you?}
{111}{}{I've come to kill you all.}
{112}{}{Ah, poor child. Would you like to be aligned?}
{115}{}{Poor child. Already aligned, yet unable to articulate. Go on in.}
{116}{}{'Ank yu!}
{117}{}{Go in and find Juan and Vikki. They can help you. Good luck, child.}
{118}{}{'Ank yu!}
{119}{}{::his voice hardens:: Then I see no reason you should be admitted here. Good day.}
{121}{}{Very well. Be quick, though - he's a busy, busy man.}
{123}{}{This is not a place that is open for random tours. Good day.}
{125}{}{Excellent! Go in, go in. Speak to Juan Cruz and Vikki Goldman - they're celebrities, you know, but they'll talk to YOU.}
{126}{}{Who are they?}
{127}{}{Ooh! Celebrities!}
{128}{}{I am AHS-7, the second in command of this facility. Before you ask: AHS stands for Aligned Hub Seeker, which means that I have cleared seven levels of neurodynes from my spirit. This means that I am more enlightened and closer to the hub of the Great Wheel than you. And this means that you will tell me what you want here. Now.}
{129}{}{I have a letter for AHS-9 from the Enlightened One in NCR.}
{130}{}{I'm here to speak to Crocket about some armor.}
{131}{}{I'd like to look around.}
{132}{}{I'm interested in potentially joining your group.}
{133}{}{I've come to kill you all.}
{134}{}{They're stars from New Reno. They heard the truth behind our gospel and came to cleanse their neurodynes.}
{135}{}{Where do I find them?}
{136}{}{Well, forget it. I'm out of here.}
{137}{}{You can find them in the prayer room, showing all our new recruits and the raw meat just how rewarding it is to be a Hubologist.}
{138}{}{Well, let me at 'em!}
{139}{}{I'll be the judge of that. Let's get the show on the road.}
{140}{}{Forget it. I'm out of here.}
{141}{}{So now you've spoken to Juan and Vikki. Are you interested in joining our friends in the search for enlightenment to the Great Wheel?}
{142}{}{Oh yes. Yes yes yes.}
{144}{}{Not right now. Can I get back to you?}
{145}{}{I don't think it's my bag. Sorry.}
{146}{}{Hell no. Your crazy cult deserves to be torched down to the ground.}
{147}{}{::he smiles:: You won't regret this. You may have the run of the compound. Oh... you're a person who knows how to use a weapon. Would you care to use yours in the service of the Great Wheel?}
{149}{}{Maybe later.}
{150}{}{Do not wait too long before returning with a reply. Your neurodynes will be filled with more and more pollution until we can begin the cleansing process.}
{151}{}{I changed my mind. I'll join.}
{152}{}{You got it. Talk to you later.}
{153}{}{You may leave this compound safely, traveler, but I would recommend not returning. If you do not travel with us, then you work against us - and I would hate to see you hurt.}
{154}{}{Thanks for the concern. See you.}
{155}{}{I don't think I'd be the one hurt. So long.}
{158}{}{So. You have now had time to reconsider your decision. Will you join us?}
{161}{}{I still need more time.}
{162}{}{You do not have more time. Make your choice, meat.}
{163}{}{Fine, I'll join.}
{164}{}{Forget it. I don't like strong-arm tactics.}
{165}{}{The oppressive Shi have been contesting our power and wreaking havoc among our brethren with their neurodyne-influencing ways. We believe that if their Emperor is killed, they will see the error of their ways. Will you kill the Emperor?}
{166}{}{Yeah, I'll do it.}
{167}{}{No, the Shi have never done anything to me.}
{168}{}{Perhaps you will reconsider. Let me know if you do. Now, is there anything the Hub can provide for you, recruit?}
{169}{}{Yes, I have some questions.}
{170}{}{No, not right now, thanks.}
{171}{}{Have you thought on aiding us in our struggle against the oppresive Shi? The Star Father will bless you if you take part in our crusade.}
{172}{}{I still am not sure I want to do it.}
{173}{}{I'll do it.}
{174}{}{Perhaps I can ease your troubled soul. What do you need?}
{175}{}{Where can I get fuel for the Poseidon tanker?}
{176}{}{Where can I find the meaning of all the terms you use?}
{177}{}{When does the ship take off?}
{178}{}{Where is Crocket?}
{179}{}{Nothing, thanks. Bye.}
{180}{}{Let us know when you have completed your task.}
{181}{}{Will do. I have more questions.}
{182}{}{Sure thing. Bye.}
{183}{}{Have you removed the Emperor's oppressive stain from this material existence?}
{184}{}{Not yet.}
{185}{}{Yes, AHS-7. He is dead.}
{186}{}{The de facto leader of the Tanker vagrants is a piece of anti-therapeutic raw meat named Badger. With his death, they will come to understand our position. Will you remove him?}
{187}{}{I'll do it.}
{188}{}{He hasn't done me any harm. I'd rather not.}
{189}{}{So... have you reconsidered whether you would remove this "Badger"?}
{190}{}{I'll do it.}
{191}{}{I'd still rather not.}
{192}{}{Have you removed this "Badger"?}
{193}{}{Not yet.}
{194}{}{Yes. He's gone.}
{195}{}{His people shall embrace the Hub! All will be well! You have performed a great service!}
{196}{}{Thanks! I have more questions.}
{197}{}{I do it all for the Wheel. Farewell.}
{198}{}{Actually, now I'm going to kill you too.}
{199}{}{Now that the ship is filled with fuel, we await only the word of AHS-9 the Great and Terrible to achieve liftoff.}
{200}{}{Sure we will. I have some questions.}
{201}{}{Thanks. Bye.}
{202}{}{Aside from the precious fuel we need to launch ourselves into the bosom of our starry brethren on the planet Quetzel, I can't think of a place. Perhaps the Shi?}
{203}{}{Huh. I have more questions.}
{204}{}{Yeah, maybe.}
{205}{}{I understand the Shi have a massive tank of fuel. Maybe you can steal it from them.}
{206}{}{That's an idea. I have more questions.}
{207}{}{Maybe. Thanks.}
{208}{}{Simply use the holodisc Juan and Vikki provided to you and check out the Glossary.}
{209}{}{Thanks. More questions?}
{211}{}{When AHS-9 receives his vision from the Hub, we will leave, and join him in celestial glory!}
{212}{}{Yeah, praise the Wheel or whatever. I have more questions.}
{213}{}{Most informative. Thanks.}
{214}{}{He's usually in his lab, working on ways to perfect our bodies and our spirits.}
{215}{}{Thanks. I wanted to ask something else.}
{217}{}{Before you can truly be one of us, we must perform an initial zeta scan - an alignment. Are you prepared for your scan?}
{218}{}{No! No scan!}
{219}{}{Sure. Let's do it.}
{220}{}{Without a scan, you cannot join us. Are you sure you wish to refuse?}
{221}{}{Absolutely sure. I don't want to be monkeyed with by your machines.}
{222}{}{Oh, all right. Scan me.}
{223}{}{We have eliminated some of your dirtiest neurodynes. You are now rated as AHS-1. Are you ready to join our noble cause?}
{224}{}{Oh yes.}
{225}{}{Nope. Don't want to now.}
{226}{}{Lesson 1: Here we have eternity. Over here is where Quetzel is. [points at something] And here is where we are. [points at something] Now all we have to do is walk really far to get there.}
{227}{}{Man, we're going to need a lot of shoes.}
{228}{}{Can I still think about it?}
{229}{}{You again? What?}
{230}{}{Is there anything else you need me to do?}
{231}{}{You are not wanted here. Please leave now.}
