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Fallout Wiki

Dialogue for the Elron indoctrinees in the Hubologist compound


{100}{}{You see someone in a floppy robe.}
{101}{}{It's another robed Hubologist.}
{102}{}{It appears to be someone wearing a robe.}
{103}{}{Who are you? What are you doing here?}
{104}{}{You're not supposed to be here, are you?}
{105}{}{Look! Rim meat!}
{106}{}{Hey! Who let the rim meat in?}
{107}{}{You shouldn't be wandering without an escort.}
{108}{}{Ahh! You're messing with my neurodynes!}
{109}{}{Go away, infidel!}
{110}{}{Don't talk to me - I'm a busy person.}
{111}{}{Hey! You're pot-holing my neurodynes!}
{112}{}{Maybe I'd like you better if you got aligned.}
{113}{}{The Star Father will love you if you let him.}
{114}{}{Don't you want to see Quetzel? Come join us!}
{115}{}{Go talk to AHS-7 and join up!}
{116}{}{We have celebrities who are Hubologists, you know.}
{117}{}{Juan Cruz and Vikki Goldman are famous! That's why I joined.}
{118}{}{I'll bet the celebrities will talk to you if you're nice and cool.}
{119}{}{I love the Hub.}
{120}{}{I like being a Hubologist.}
{121}{}{I want to actuate my potentiality.}
{122}{}{I'm still learning the lingo, to tell the truth.}
{123}{}{Praise the Hub!}
{124}{}{Praise the Great Wheel!}
{125}{}{We're going to Quetzel!}
{126}{}{I'm looking forward to going home to the stars.}
{127}{}{Please don't bother me; I'm concentrating my neurodynes.}
{128}{}{Please don't de-align my neurodynes.}
{138}{}{Oh no! The persecutor!}
{139}{}{The unenlightened one!}
{140}{}{Keep away from me, evil meat!}
{141}{}{You obviously have some bad neurodynes!}
{142}{}{No! Do not pollute me with your hatred!}
{143}{}{Guards! Guards! The barbarian is here!}
{144}{}{Don't touch me!}
{145}{}{Help! Guards!}
{146}{}{The enemy of our people!}
{147}{}{The dark times are upon us again!}
{148}{}{Star Father! Save me from the heathen!}
{149}{}{Someone will smite you for your perfidy!}
{150}{}{I love the Hub.}
{151}{}{I like being a Hubologist.}
{152}{}{I want to actuate my potentiality.}
{153}{}{I'm still learning the lingo, to tell the truth.}
{154}{}{Praise the hub!}
{155}{}{Praise the Great Wheel!}
{156}{}{We're going to Quetzel!}
{157}{}{I'm looking forward to going home to the stars.}
{158}{}{I'm about due for an alignment.}
{159}{}{I'm waiting to hear AHS-9 speak again!}
{160}{}{I hope my neurodynes are all right.}
{161}{}{I want to be a higher Aligned Hub Seeker!}
{162}{}{Time for me to focus on my self-growth.}
{163}{}{"Real" science is all a pack of lies.}
{164}{}{Don't listen to what "scientists" tell you.}
{165}{}{Only the Hub and AHS-9 have the answer.}
{178}{}{Praise the Star Father! We're going to the stars at last!}
{179}{}{Planet Quetzel, here we come!}
{180}{}{All that hard work has finally paid off!}
{181}{}{My neurodynes are entirely relaxed now!}
{182}{}{I'd better get aligned before we take off.}
{183}{}{Ooh! The Star Father! The Star Father!}
{184}{}{I'm all aflutter for the take-off!}
{185}{}{How soon do we leave?}
{186}{}{I'll bet the high AHS's aren't this jittery.}
{187}{}{Wow... the stars. At last.}
{188}{}{I won't have to wear a tinfoil hat anymore!}
