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Dialogue for Chip, a character who lives on the PMV Valdez


{100}{}{You see a bald punk.}
{101}{}{You see Chip. He looks better.}
{102}{}{You see a bald punk. He seems much recovered.}
{103}{}{Ooh, my guts... ow, ow, ow.}
{106}{}{What's the matter with you?}
{107}{}{You're in pain? Ha ha ha.}
{108}{}{Who are you?}
{109}{}{Do you have any information for me about my people?}
{110}{}{Oooh, my guts. I'm in pain. Please leave me alone.}
{112}{}{What's the matter with me? I'll tell you: It's that I got drunk last week, started gambling with Lao Chou, and lost. I was so blind drunk that I bet my spleen. Now he has it, and I need it back.}
{113}{}{You SOLD your spleen?}
{114}{}{That's too bad.}
{115}{}{What a dummy you must be.}
{116}{}{Yeah, well, I need some information instead of your bellyaching.}
{117}{}{::he gasps for air:: Fuck you.}
{118}{}{::he gasps for air:: Piss off.}
{119}{}{Yeah, whatever.}
{120}{}{Hey, I changed my mind. I want to help.}
{121}{}{Yeah, I sold it. I was drunk! Plus, I think Lao Chou slipped some jet in my drink. I need my spleen back because I'm getting infections now.}
{122}{}{Hey, you lost it. It's your problem. You deal with it.}
{123}{}{Well, hell, I'll take a look for it.}
{124}{}{Yes, it is. I need my spleen back because I'm getting infections now.}
{125}{}{Hey, you lost it. It's your problem. You deal with it.}
{126}{}{Well, hell, I'll take a look for it.}
{127}{}{I really appreciate this. Go talk to Lao Chou, the merchant, and tell him I need my spleen back.}
{128}{}{I'll be back.}
{129}{}{I'm Chip. And I'm in a lot of pain.}
{130}{}{What's the matter with you?}
{131}{}{You're in pain? Ha ha ha.}
{132}{}{That's too bad. So long.}
{133}{}{Information? I'm in pain and you want information?}
{134}{}{What's the matter with you?}
{135}{}{You're in pain? Ha ha ha.}
{136}{}{Forget it.}
{137}{}{Have you found my spleen yet?}
{138}{}{Yes. Dr. Wong Yi Tze has it, and he'll give it back to you. Go talk to him about it.}
{139}{}{Yes. Go check out Dr. Wong's corpse.}
{140}{}{Kind of. Dr. Wong Yi Tze has it. He doesn't want to give it to me.}
{141}{}{I found out where it is, but I think Dr. Wong has eaten it.}
{142}{}{No, not yet. But I will.}
{143}{}{No. Actually, I'm not looking.}
{144}{}{All right. ::pant:: Before I do, maybe we ought to set up a way to get it back in me. Talk to Dr. Fung about that, right? Thanks.}
{145}{}{All right.}
{147}{}{I really appreciate what you're doing for me. I won't forget it.}
{148}{}{No prob.}
{149}{}{Dude, I can't really get places without a lot of effort. If you can't help me, I'm screwed.}
{150}{}{Fine. I'll go talk to Fung.}
{151}{}{Fine. I don't give a crap about you anyway.}
{152}{}{If you could do something about it... kill him, or talk some sense into him, or something... I'll die without it.}
{153}{}{I'll see what I can do.}
{154}{}{Sorry, man... I think you're screwed. I can't help.}
{155}{}{With no spleen, I'm going to die. Thanks for your help anyway.}
{156}{}{I found it. Go over to Dr. Wong's place.}
{157}{}{Oh, I'll cover you. Get over to Fung's.}
{158}{}{No prob. Good luck.}
{159}{}{Did you talk to Fung?}
{160}{}{Yeah, and he says he'll stick it in you for free.}
{161}{}{Yeah, and he's charging me $1,000.}
{163}{}{Wow. You have some serious connections. Come back in a day and I'll see what help I can give you.}
{164}{}{You got it.}
{165}{}{Can you cover me?}
{166}{}{Yeah, I suppose.}
{168}{}{I really appreciate this. Come back in a day and I'll see what help I can give you.}
{169}{}{You better.}
{170}{}{I can't afford to do this on my own. I guess I'm going to die.}
{171}{}{Oh, fine, I'll cover you.}
{172}{}{Tough. I'm broke.}
{173}{}{I can't tell you how much better I feel. Now, what was it you wanted from me?}
{174}{}{How do I run this boat?}
{175}{}{Where are my people? Do you know?}
{176}{}{I need some computer work done.}
{177}{}{Nothing right now, thanks. Bye.}
{178}{}{Check with the Captain. He lives in the captain's office upstairs.}
{179}{}{Thanks. More questions...}
{180}{}{Thanks. Bye.}
{181}{}{Word has it they got taken west, across the water. Your best bet in getting there is getting this tub running.}
{182}{}{Thanks. More questions...}
{183}{}{Thanks. Bye.}
{184}{}{Computer work? If you can't get it from the Shi or the Hubologists, you'll want to talk to Badger. He's a whiz.}
{185}{}{Thanks. More questions...}
{186}{}{Thanks. Bye.}
{187}{}{Shit. Talk to the Hubologists or the Shi. With Badger dead, I have no idea.}
{188}{}{Thanks. More questions...}
{189}{}{Thanks. Bye.}
{191}{}{You're going to need some painkillers.}
{192}{}{Dirtball. I'm going to work you over.}
{193}{}{You see a bald punk.}
{194}{}{You see Chip. He appears to be in a lot of pain.}
{195}{}{You see a bald punk. He is holding his side and gasping in pain.}
{196}{}{All right. I will talk to Fung.}
{197}{}{Any more luck with my spleen?}
{198}{}{Yeah, and he wanted $1000 - but I paid for it.}
{199}{}{Thanks for all your help, buddy.}
{200}{}{Dude, I heard you found my spleen. Did you know to talk to Dr. Fung about putting it back in me?}
