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This is a transcript for dialogue with Jing Tie Gahng , a Shi scientist in San Francisco.

{100}{}{You see a Shi man with a scowl on his face.}
{101}{}{You see Dr. Jing Tie Gahng}
{102}{}{You see a Shi man with a lab coat.}
{103}{}{Who are you? What do you want?}
{105}{}{Who are YOU?}
{107}{}{None of your business.}
{108}{}{Nothing. I'm leaving now.}
{109}{}{You don't belong here if you're an imbecile. Run along now, before I call the guards.}
{110}{}{You really don't understand me, do you? Perhaps you will understand the guards. Guards! Intruder!}
{112}{}{I am Jing Tie Gahng. I am in charge of the chemical laboratory of the Steel Palace... and you are interrupting important work. Please leave. NOW - before I call the guards.}
{113}{}{Go ahead and call them, old man.}
{114}{}{Fine, fine. I'm leaving.}
{116}{}{Yes. I'm here to obtain fuel for the Poseidon Oil tanker.}
{117}{}{I would like to know what you do here.}
{118}{}{I'm here to obtain fuel for the Hubologists.}
{119}{}{No. I'm just leaving now.}
{120}{}{Ahh, but you see, it is my business. This is my lab. Now, state your business.}
{121}{}{I'm here to obtain fuel for the Poseidon Oil tanker.}
{122}{}{I would like to know what you do here.}
{123}{}{I'm here to obtain fuel for the Hubologists.}
{124}{}{No. I'm just leaving now.}
{125}{}{You want fuel for the tanker? I want hardened power armor. I understand a Hubologist, one called Crocket, has a process whereby a regular suit of power armor can be upgraded. Get me such a suit and I will divert the fuel for you.}
{126}{}{I'll do that.}
{127}{}{I can't make any promises.}
{128}{}{I have one right here.}
{129}{}{I create compounds and devices for the Emperor and for the Emperor's advisor, Ken Lee. Currently, I'm working on fuel derivatives and polymers that will withstand massive attack. Of course, this is of no interest to you since it is, for the most part, theoretical.}
{130}{}{Actually, it is of interest. I'd like fuel for the Poseidon Oil Tanker.}
{131}{}{I'll bet it would be of interest to the Hubologists. They want fuel.}
{132}{}{Not yet, it's not. But I'll be back.}
{133}{}{They want fuel, do they? Well, as irritating as they are, they do have their uses. I have heard they have developed a process wherein they make a suit of power armor even more invincible. If they will upgrade such a suit of armor for me, I will pass the fuel along the pipeline. I assume it's for their toy spaceship. It is the one called Crocket that you will wish to speak with.}
{134}{}{I'll do that.}
{135}{}{I can't make any promises.}
{136}{}{I have one right here.}
{137}{}{Even if I wanted to help you, I could not. Our fuel reserves have been depleted. Perhaps you would be better off asking the Hubologists for their help. Goodbye.}
{138}{}{Oh. Well, that's all, then.}
{139}{}{That will be quite impossible. Our fuel supply has already vanished. Even if I wanted to help the Hubologists, which I do not, I couldn't. Good day.}
{140}{}{Okay. Bye.}
{141}{}{Good. Then let me get back to what I'm doing.}
{143}{}{You can't do it? Then I can't sell you the fuel. Now go away. I'm busy.}
{145}{}{You have hardened power armor? Excellent! How do you want to be paid?}
{146}{}{Channel fuel to the Hubologists in exchange for this.}
{147}{}{Channel fuel to the Poseidon Oil tanker.}
{148}{}{How about some money? I think $}
{149}{}{I decided I'd rather keep it.}
{150}{}{Consider it done. I'll make the adjustments shortly. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must get back to work.}
{151}{}{Thanks. Bye.}
{152}{}{So much? Ah! Yet, for such a powerful suit of armor to study... very well. Here is your money.}
{153}{}{Thanks. So long.}
{154}{}{You want to keep it? Very well. If you should change your mind, let me know.}
{155}{}{I will. Bye.}
{156}{}{Fat chance. Bye.}
{157}{}{Guards! Guards! The outsider is back! Kill him! }
{158}{}{Have you spoken to this Hubologist who calls himself Crocket, and gotten the armor?}
{159}{}{No, not yet.}
{160}{}{Then why do you keep coming back here to bother me?}
{161}{}{Because I have some questions.}
{162}{}{I have no idea. Goodbye.}
{163}{}{Do not try my patience.}
{164}{}{What do you want?}
{165}{}{What do you do here?}
{166}{}{I'm here to obtain fuel for the Poseidon Oil Tanker.}
{167}{}{I'm here to obtain fuel for the Hubologists.}
{168}{}{Nothing. Sorry.}
{169}{}{We're all out of fuel now. I can't help you with anything else. I'm too busy with this armor. Good day.}
{171}{}{. I'm just looking around.}
{172}{}{, do you actually have business here?}
{173}{}{ would be nice.}
{174}{}{I have all that I need. Talk to Wong if you must.}
