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This is a transcript for dialogue with Farha.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
7 005FA461 005FABE7 Edgar, he... I should have known... I did know... We weren't ready.
8 005FACAF You've arrived. Please, hear me out.
21 00602E76 What questions do you have for me? Or has your party made a decision?
33 00604A19 You're still here? Please, leave us with our shame.
47 005FABA2 005FABE9 I will not freely hand over our lives. This is all I can do to resist. Please leave.
48 005FABA3 005FABEB I... must admit that I am powerless before you.
49 If our cooperation can sway you to avoid more violence, then I will let you through.
50 005FABA6 005FABE8 You've certainly been more diplomatic than I was expecting, given your organization's reputation.
51 I... do believe that you have good intentions. I suppose we have no choice but to trust you now.
56 005FABB0 005FABB9 W-We will not be intimidated. This facility is secured. You can't get to us. We will finish our work. Clearly intimidated
61 005FAC8B 005FACAD That's a relief. I assure you that you'll have our cooperation.
94 005FB412 005FB415 Edgar, wait! Alarmed at Blackburn's sudden betrayal
142 00602BB5 00602C2E Dr. Jain is enthusiastic, but it's true. We are not doing this just to satisfy our curiosity.
147 00602BB8 00602C34 We're... confident in the formulation. Farha is not confident. She's showing doubt here.
148 00602BB9 00602C1E No, wait. I've... also had my doubts. Perhaps we should discuss this after all. Showing doubt
161 00602BCA 00602C2F Anything to avoid more violence.
162 00602BCC 00602C1B I have heard about that aspect of your cult...
163 00602BCE 00602C4C You certainly do seem determined...
164 00602BD0 00602C36 No! Don't. We can talk about this!
165 00602BD2 00602C1F We're almost finished here. We won't have to wait long.
166 00602BD4 00602C51 What a brutish suggestion.
167 00602BD6 00602C3B Be reasonable? You're holding Edg-, er, Dr. Blackburn hostage! We are not the ones making violent threats here.
169 00602BDA 00602C56 This isn't the Huntersville strain. Dr. Blackburn has purified the virus of its considerable defects.
170 00602BDC 00602C3F We can't let that happen. Come no further. Putting on a brave face
195 00602BFC 00602C20 Nellie... I... am not. I've tried to mitigate the damage done, but...
196 I've let Edgar and the others talk me into justifying the means with the ends. Maybe I'm not so sure anymore.
197 But I won't let you hurt anyone here, and our decisions are our own, not yours to make for us.
199 00602BFE 00602C3C I... want to avoid violence. But that's always on the table as long as you hold Dr. Blackburn hostage.
200 Let him go. Please, let him go, or we will cut off this negotiation and proceed with our plans.
216 00602DE1 00602E6F We could focus the idea of human evolution into a more targeted formula. Say, a formula to increase muscle bulk, or to repel radiation.
217 In fact, I hear serums of that sort may already be circulating among the survivors of the region. I'd like to study what they have created and improve upon it.
218 00602DE4 00602E65 Dr. Blackburn and Dr. Jain were my college associates. They didn't know each other at the time.
219 I met Nellie when she broke through my window to search for scraps. As Wasteland survivors do.
220 She was more interested in my research notes than my leftovers. So I took her in and taught her what I know.
221 00602DE6 00602E75 It went too far, and quite frankly, I regret bringing the others onto this project.
222 By the time I figured out that Dr. Blackburn was experimenting on humans, Nellie and Dr. Jain had already become passionate about the project.
223 I was unable to convince them to pull back. I stayed in the hopes that my objections could save even one innocent person from being experimented on.
224 00602DE9 00602E69 There was no one interested in listening. I had to talk your superiors down first.
225 The Brotherhood are a... passionate sort, aren't they?
227 00602DEC 00602E70 You're right. No excuse will make up for my mistake. That is why I hope to keep living, and contribute what I can to the greater good.
235 00602DF2 00602E6D I'm responsible for the actions of my associates. I ask that you have mercy on them, if not me.
247 00602E04 00602E67 And what has your organization decided?
254 00602E0C 005FABEA Do what you will.
257 0060594D Let's continue.
260 00605A28 We simply cannot let you in. Please, release Dr. Blackburn and go.
266 00602E0E 00602E38 Let's pause and open the floor for conversation, shall we?
267 00602E0F 00602E52 Supervision isn't necessary. We're scholars, not fighters. We couldn't escape if we wanted to.
268 In any case, there's still much to discuss.
272 00602E12 00602E54 Don't be so quick to jump to conclusions. As Dr. Jain said, there is more to our story, if you'd be willing to hear it.
277 00602E19 00602E3F By all means. We won't be going anywhere.
278 00602E1B 00602E58 Very well. You haven't said anything yet. Surely you have an opinion on this matter?
285 00602E1F 00602E50 You - the angry one. Consider the fact that universities are no longer operating.
286 In a generation or two, there will be few, if any, people left in the world with a formal education.
287 00602E20 00602E45 A wise compromise. I'm willing to cooperate.
302 00602E2B 00602E4D I'm glad you see the truth of the matter.
309 00602E33 00602E37 We are scientists. Our work is all we have to give to this broken world.
310 We had truly hoped to give humanity a better way to fight back. Against the radiation, the mutants... the decay of civilization.
311 We failed. But this doesn't have to be the end. There is so much good that we can still do. Please, spare us your wrath.
431 00603418 0060349B Please spare my associates. I take full responsibility for their actions.
434 0060341B 00603483 We are grateful. The work we do next could still change the world.
448 0060342A 0060345E By all means.
497 00603958 00603963 Please, all of you, this isn't right!
501 0060395C 00603961 W-Who? Edgar? Edgar, who are these people? What happened to the guards? Startled; she thought they were safe with their mercenary guards
506 00604831 00604833 No! Wait! Please, spare the others!
507 006052D8 006052DD Edgar please, let's talk about this!
535 00605718 00605722 The way is open. We await your judgment.
546 0060593D 00605942 Edgar...? Confused. Farha doesn't know about Blackburn's backup plan.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
35 00602443 00604147 You made the right call on us. Indifference is easy. Compassion, much more difficult.
36 00604148 Scribe Valdez is an excellent supervisor. I have every confidence our work will proceed smoothly.
37 00604149 Our work is progressing well. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to move forward.
38 0060414A The Brotherhood seeks to help humanity. In this, our goals are aligned.