Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Exploits are errors in the game programming, which can be used by the player to gain an unforeseen advantage and upset the game balance. In Fallout, these are primarily caused by scripting errors or oversights.

Infinite experience[]

  • Find the Water Chip: Due to the way the script works, it's possible to retain the chip when talking to the Overseer, either by pressing 0 (which forcibly exits dialogue, but the script for the quest will move the player character to the computer and complete the quest) or by having it in inventory below either a bag or a backpack. The quest can then be reset by returning to Vault 12 and using the water chip on the computer in the Vault, which restarts the quest. It can then be returned to the Overseer in Vault 13 again for 7500 experience, and repeated.[1]
    • It's possible to reset the water chip quest by talking to the Water Merchants about water deliveries after delivering the chip. The script will then reactivate the quest, though without the water chip there's no way to exploit this mechanism further.[1]
  • Boneyard, deathclaw warehouse: Three deathclaws will respawn each time the player character leaves the map and waits an hour, for 1000 experience points per deathclaw. This is technically not exploiting the game, so much as farming an intended mechanic.[1]
  • Khan Base: If the player negotiated for Tandi's release with Garl Death-Hand, the lower jail door will be unlocked by script. It can be locked and unlocked repeatedly for 25 experience each time.[1]

Infinite items[]

Bottle caps[]

  • Fortress: After completing Exterminate the deathclaws, Zack can be asked for a discount. As Barter only affects the other party's goods, the discount makes Zack sell weapons for less than he buys them from, allowing the player to just barter repeatedly and empty his caps. As Zack's caps respawn every time he enters dialogue, it's possible to gain an infinite amount of caps this way.[1]
  • Adytum: Smitty's caps reset on every map load and he carries 500 to 700 caps each time. Stealing them, then saving and reloading will reset the caps.[1]
  • Lost Hills: On level four, speaking to John Maxson and offering to scout the northern wastes will result in him paying the player character 500 bottle caps (1000 with a Barter check, failure risks permanent expulsion)). The flag to disable this dialogue option is never set, allowing it to be retried repeatedly.[1]
  • Junktown: Killian Darkwater holds the store's bottle caps on his person, and the script respawns them every time the map is loaded. It's possible to steal them, then reload, and steal them again, however, the method is extremely slow.[1]


  • Shady Sands: The script for Razlo checks for radscorpion tails in the player character's inventory when displaying dialogue options, but doesn't remove them until the dialogue option to turn them into an antidote is displayed. The player can simply Barter the scorpion tail to him, then buy it back after receiving the antidote. Each antidote consumes four hours of in-game time, however, and Razlo will only work between 6 AM and 7 PM.[1]


  • Boneyard, Blades nightclub: After completing the quest to free Adytum from the Regulators, Michael at the club will offer a reward. If the player tells him to keep the supplies, he will insist regardless and give 4 stimpaks and 25 caps. The dialogue option is not disabled, allowing it to be repeated infinitely.[1]

Additional stat increases[]

  • Lost Hills (Intelligence): Lorri provides SPECIAL upgrades for every stat apart from Charisma and Luck. It's possible to receive two Intelligence increases by exploiting the script: Stupid characters (less than 4 Intelligence) get a special offer to increase their Intelligence at a significant discount, and if it increases their Intelligence to 4, then the regular operation is disabled. However, the script does not set a corresponding variable for the regular surgery, meaning the player character can receive the regular +1 Intelligence upgrade (stupid characters can take Mentats), then use Psycho to lower Intelligence and receive the "stupid" surgery.[1]
  • Adytum (Luck): It's possible to follow the tarot dialogue line twice with Chuck. The provocative "Why do you assume that I need something?" dialogue option triggers the dialogue option to ask for advice. Thanking him, then speaking to him again three more times asking for advice will result in the +1 Luck bonus. However, the dialogue chain is not disabled correctly and the player can now ask Chuck what he does, then repeat the entire tarot reading sequence for a second +1 to Luck.[1]

