Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Project finished[]

All documents converted, project finished. I'll remove the projectboxes from articles shortly, and I'll also delete the working copies of the document (i.e. the subpages of the project page) so we don't have to maintain both articles and working copies in the future.

Thanks for participating. -- Porter21 (talk) 12:08, May 13, 2010 (UTC)


Guess it's about time we get these docs up on the wiki for easy reading :) Hopefully it'll make adding VB content easier in the future.

All documents have been converted to MediaWiki syntax and uploaded to the wiki except for the VB CNPC documents - these seem to be copy/pasted from the respective location documents, therefore redundant. The converted documents are subpages of the project page, see the project page or this page for a list.

The next step (in my opinion) would be to compare the converted versions to original documents and identify issues/discrepancies which need to be fixed. Then we need to see which of these problems we can address by bot/regex text editor and which we'll have to fix manually. Once we've done the fixing, we should split the design documents (not the Bibles) into smaller portions, i.e. spread each of them over multiple pages, since most of them are fairly large (I think the biggest one has around 180kb of text). Finally, we need to properly link relevant articles in the documents.

Feel free to add observations about issues and/or things which need to be done in the following section :) -- Porter21 (talk) 02:18, January 19, 2010 (UTC)

Icon moved Moved to: project page

Fallout Bible[]

Bible 6 and 7[]

  • Bible 6 and Bible 7 are of poorer conversion quality than the others. They were only available as PDF, and I had to convert them twice (from PDF to DOC, and then from DOC to MediaWiki). Especially the PDF to DOC conversion caused a lot of the formatting to be lost. -- Porter21 (talk) 15:00, January 24, 2010 (UTC)

Bible 8 and 9[]

  • WordArt was used in Bible 8/Bible 9 and lost in the conversion. I'll upload these as images, but be aware that there is no [[Image:]] placeholder where they should be. -- Porter21 (talk) 00:03, January 25, 2010 (UTC)

Bible images[]

I'll extract and upload these later tonight or tomorrow. -- Porter21 (talk) 17:58, January 24, 2010 (UTC)

I've started uploading the images; so far I've done the ones for FB0, FB1, FB2 and FB3 (not that there'd be many images in these). They can be found in Category:Fallout Bible images; they're the ones with start with "FB#" ("#" is the number of the Bible installment, obviously). -- Porter21 (talk) 23:43, January 24, 2010 (UTC)
All uploaded to subcategories of Category:Fallout Bible. -- Porter21 (talk) 20:11, January 25, 2010 (UTC)

Bible 1[]

Has the new conversion of Bible 1 already been moved to its article? Just wondering which copy I should work on. -- Porter21 (talk) 11:28, February 3, 2010 (UTC)

Yes, it has. Ausir(talk) 11:35, February 3, 2010 (UTC)

Bibles completed[]

Just finished adding links to the last Bible installment, which means all Bibles have now been updated with new conversions :) -- Porter21 (talk) 12:07, May 13, 2010 (UTC)

Van Buren docs[]

Quest sections[]

In a few documents the indents in the "Quests" sections were lost in the conversion. Occasionally the lists in this section have also have superfluous bullets etc. -- Porter21 (talk) 20:11, January 25, 2010 (UTC)

VB doc images[]

I've extracted and uploaded all the images from the original documents; they can be found in the subcategories of Category:Van Buren design document images.

The only file which I haven't uploaded is the VB logo which is used on the first page of some documents. Our existing version of the logo actually looks better than that one, and I think we should replace the rather space-wasting first page with a simple header anyway.

I've named all images with a certain system; the names all start with "VB DD##", where ## is the number of the design document they belong to. The following group of letters designates the type of image (e.g. "creat" for creatures, "deco" for document decoration, "loc" for locations, "map" for maps etc). The numbers are the ones used by the original documents, except for New Canaan's which I've changed to "10b" instead of just "10" (since Jericho also has the number "10"). -- Porter21 (talk) 02:18, January 19, 2010 (UTC)

VB docs completed[]

All design docs done :) On a related note, I won't be doing all the Bibles as well - I'm willing to help with formatting, images and splitting but I've had more than enough of the linking now ;) -- Porter21 (talk) 22:21, February 2, 2010 (UTC)

Great work! I'm unfortunately not good with formatting, especially when it comes to tables and such. Ausir(talk) 22:22, February 2, 2010 (UTC)
Thanks. As I said, formatting etc is no problem - I've had enough opportunity to practice (:P) and I know pretty well what the converter likes to screw up. So, I could do that if you and/or others do the linking. -- Porter21 (talk) 22:28, February 2, 2010 (UTC)
Sure. Much of the linking can simply be done by copypasting stuff from our existing Fallout Bible pages. Ausir(talk) 22:31, February 2, 2010 (UTC)
Great. I'll start with the formatting tomorrow. -- Porter21 (talk) 22:44, February 2, 2010 (UTC)
All formatting done and all images added. Only links missing now - have fun ;) -- Porter21 (talk) 23:52, February 14, 2010 (UTC)