Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Fallout Protection: What To Know and Do About Nuclear Attack is an official United States federal government booklet released in December 1961 by the United States Department of Defense and the Office of Civil Defense.

Two fragments were used in the original Fallout manual for the render illustrating the Instrumentation chapter. These come from pages 5 and 6 of the booklet, with slight modifications.


country outside the immediate range of the explosions, it would a time of extraordinary hardship - both for the Nation and the individual. The effects of fallout radiation would be present in areas not decontaminated.

Transportation and communication would be disrupted. The Nation would be prey to strange rumors and fears. But if effective precautions have been taken in advance, it need not be a time of despair.

These are somber subjects, and they presuppose a catastrophe which can be made very unlikely by wise and positive policics. Still, realistic preparation for what might happen is more useful than blindness.



The explosive equivalent of one million tons of TNT. In this essay, a five megaton nuclear weapon exploded at or near ground level is assumed as a basis for describing

explosive effects.

The modifications include:

  • Different arrangement of paragraphs.
  • Omission of "pursued with imagination and faith" following "wise and positive policies".
  • The glossary (Words to Know) is instead named Words of the Atomic Age
  • The first two entries (A-Bomb and H-Bomb, Kiloton) are omitted, proceeding straight to Megaton.

