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Fallout Extreme Game Proposal is an Xbox game proposal document 14° East presented to Interplay Entertainment in 2000. It was rejected and Fallout Extreme never materialized.



Fallout Extreme

A Game Proposal for the Xbox
By 14° East
November 22, 2000

Fallout Extreme

Set in the post apocalyptic wasteland forged after the near global destruction as chronicled in Interplay's hit series Fallout. Fallout Extreme puts the player in an immersive real-time 3D environment giving him command of a four-man squad of soldiers all with very specialized skills. While controlling each team member individually or in unison, the player will learn different approaches to solving combat-oriented challenges, giving the player varying results depending on his approach. Fallout Extreme is not a First Person Shooter, but rather a game of action, tactics and strategies where moving into position, planning, and falling back is just as important as having the biggest and baddest weapons. From thief like sneaking and reconnaissance to the explosive action of Unreal Tournament, the experience is a blastfest that will not be forgotten! With, characters, weapons, Team Campaign play, and Competition matches, Fallout Extreme will keep the adrenaline pumping long after its initial release.

Strategy exists beyond the tactics employed within the individual missions. The dynamics of each mission change based on where the player enters the territory (from the west, south, east, or north) and on what the player did in previously fought missions. i.e. The player, in a territory of a previous mission, destroys a bridge, and the enemy forces of a neighboring territory are weakened because they can no longer receive supplies or reinforcements! A situation like this interconnects the missions enhancing the players feeling of accomplishment and cunning. It is this control of the individual squad members combined with territory conquests that heightens replay ability.


Fallout Extreme is a real-time, squad-based action strategy game set in the Fallout universe. In Fallout Extreme, shooter action in a 3D environment gains a tactical dimension as the player controls a squad of four different characters with distinct combat abilities and personalities. Strategy is defined by where and when the player's forces engage his opponent, how he manages his soldiers and resources, and the front battle lines the player draws as he takes territories.

The overall objective of the game is to stop the enemy as the player carves his way through a world map divided into territories.

Each territory has:

  • Unique layouts offering different tactical set-ups Population of varying strengths of enemies
  • Resources of differing weapons and ammo
  • Relational dependencies to other maps (like a dammed river denying water to territories along the river's course)
  • Geographic strategic significance (such as mountain passes and fordable rivers)
  • Border access to other important territories

The player experiences most of the game within the territories themselves, represented as real-time 3D environments. Controlling a four-man squad, the player can deploy his squad members in clever tactical ambushes or concentrate all the firepower in one straight-out head-to-head assault, as he sees fit.

At the successful completion of a territory map, the player moves his characters to outlying camp areas. There, he can recruit new characters for his roster, assign different roster members to the active four man squad and gear up for the territory ahead. He can also send in advance scouts to adjacent territories, review the strategic situation at the command tent, and listen to his soldiers gripe, gossip, and pass on rumored intelligence about the situation ahead revealing the progress of the Enemy.


As a puzzle-oriented shooter, the distinguishing difference of Fallout Extreme over typical immersive shooters is that the player controls a four-man squad. At anytime during the action game, the player can switch to and directly control any one of his squad members. Each squad member is distinctly different giving the player a bigger reach and "toolbox" to deal with the challenges of the current territory.

When switching between camera views and squad member perspectives, Fallout Extreme's design focuses on:

  • Focusing the player's attention by always keeping the character switching and perspective entirely at the player's control.
  • Distinctly identifying each squad member by color, graphics, audio, and any other reinforcing cues.
  • Keeping the commands to switch perspectives or squad members at one-button access without intermediate, stop-action menus interrupting the game play.
  • Creating a logical and predictable standing-orders protocol for the other squad members when the player is not directly controlling them.

The four-man squad is the primary game piece for the player during the action game. The basic vocabulary of puzzles, obstacles, and other challenges the player encounters in the 3D environment is greatly expanded in Fallout Extreme. The basic vocabulary of player actions in most shooters is also available in Fallout Extreme for any of the individual squad members.

Player Actions:

  • Walking
  • Running
  • Jumping
  • Shooting
  • Changing weapons
  • Crawling
  • Climbing
  • Throwing
  • Aiming
  • Using items
  • Picking up items
  • Dropping items
  • Finesse moves
  • Hitting wall switches

The existence of a four-man squad creates situational opportunities. The creation of diversions, cover-me while-I-cross, setting up ambushes, bait-and-traps, setting up a large cross-fire field, and other tactical set-ups, is the depth that Fallout Extreme brings to the action game. Although Fallout Extreme is designed for the just-shoot-it-and-move-on pure shooter dimension of game play, the four-man squad gives a different and unique experience.


The uprising against the Brotherhood of Steel begins with four revolutionaries fighting together as a squad. Later as they venture through other territories in their quest to stop the Brotherhood, they encounter other characters of the post-Apocalyptic world, like disturbingly violent Issaquah shamans, mutant gangsters and ex-Brotherhood turncoats. Some join and fight at their side, bringing their valuable skills and unique abilities. Others might not be so attracted, depending on the squad's reputation or the squad's tendency for introducing themselves by shooting first.

The player chooses what characters he will recruit and band together. There are a limited number of replacement squad members so that the player must take good care of his team or risks going into action with a squad that is less than full strength. Attracting and enlisting new squad members is as dynamic and vital to game play as picking up the right weapon and choosing the right gate to storm.

At any given time, up to 16 potential squad members, (the Roster) are available to the player. They are used in the following ways:

  • Substitute as one of the active squad members;
  • Deployed into recently-conquered territories to hold the fort;
  • Scout ahead into the adjacent territories;
  • Hang out at Camp listening to recruits gossip and making comments about what might lie ahead.

Throughout all the territory maps there are other potential Roster members that the player can encounter. Death in combat and deployment to other territories clears space in the Roster, allowing more recruits to become available. All characters can fight with a variety of weapons, wear any armor, and in all cases add to the fighting ability of the active 4-man squad. On the other hand, each character has a high skill level with a particular weapon. The characters have different personality traits that determine what their particular strengths are in combat. These traits also determine how they react under different stresses.

Additionally, each character gains experience during his time in combat. He advances in "skill level" to add to his combat prowess and unlock special moves or traits. By managing the experience of each character, the player can cultivate those squad members he finds most useful.

The characters themselves are the player's primary strategic resource and are the direct measure of the player's ability to wage offensive combat. In this light, Fallout Extreme offers an arsenal of rich, distinct, varied personalities to offer the player customized playability as well as immersive replay ability.

Starting Squad: Abel
SPECIAL ABILITY 1 Stealth Walk - soundless, almost invisible movement
SPECIAL ABILITY 2 Two-fisted - can fire 2 Preferred Weapons at same time
SPECIAL MOVE 1 Shooting ground barrel roll
SPECIAL MOVE 2 Dodge/tumbles - flips and cartwheels to avoid fire
CHARACTERIZATION Abel is the Good Leader figure that helps get the revolution off the ground, the expected underdog visionary who does most of the talking when the initial group sets out on its revolution. - Think Mad Max-the anti-social loner who is the Good Guy

Starting Squad: Big Betty

SPECIAL ABILITY 1 Infrared Sight - heat detection, not night vision
SPECIAL ABILITY 2 Improved Hearing - think Bionic Woman
SPECIAL MOVE 1 High Jump - jumps 2x normal height
SPECIAL MOVE 2 Can pick up and throw people
CHARACTERIZATION Big Betty is the good shine of mutants involved in "The Cause". The heaviest supporter, the gruffest, the best shot. Lopez from Aliens, except that she's a mutant.

Starting Squad: Caleb

SPECIAL ABILITY 1 Combat precognition - Spidey sense, speaks up when danger is near
SPECIAL ABILITY 2 Deadeye - If scoped, on-screen target is hit 90% of the time
SPECIAL MOVE 1 Special climb - Can climb an un-climbable surface has 2x normal jump range
SPECIAL MOVE 2 Wall Walk - think Matrix
CHARACTERIZATION The group's smart ass, the "pragmatic" one who can't believe he's joined up with such a group of losers; they're lucky they have him, or all would be lost. He is all precision and accuracy, no wasted shots. Doesn't mind showing off, either.

Starting Squad: Uber Dan

SPECIAL ABILITY 1 Incendiary Spotting - always calls out any target with explosive potential
SPECIAL ABILITY 2 Cover Spotting - always finds good cover, fast
SPECIAL MOVE 2 Fast crawl - moves 2x faster then any other character's speed in crouch-walk or crawl
CHARACTERIZATION Steady hands, steady nerves, can't get excited about anything, even when the extra adrenaline really would be appreciated. Not exactly the hero; better at staying alive.


Approximately forty map locations will take the revolutionaries' campaign from the Pacific Northwest, across the Bering Strait, down through Russia and Mongolia, and ending in China. Each geographic region is distinguished by it's own environmental art style. The player will travel through the once rich, lush foliage of the Pacific Northwest, onto the snowy wastes of Siberia, across the northeast Asian steppes to the river valleys of the deep Orient. Adding to the ambiance will be weapons, artifacts, and inhabitants specific to each region.

Pacific Northwest (Oregon, Washington, Canada)

  • General environment: Densely forested Pacific Northwest environments, a century after subjected to nuclear bombardment and heavy conventional warfare. Unleashed viruses and irradiation have done strange things to the flora and fauna. By the time the adventure begins, nature has begun to re-establish herself. Blackened devastation is interspersed with wild, exotic, almost pre-historic vegetation and pockets of decaying urban ruins.
  • Population: Refugees from the major urban populations banded into smaller settlements and medieval like townships. Isolated survivalists that are encountered remind one of Grizzly Adams. The Issaquah Nation presently controls the inland landscape.
  • Strategic and Tactical Play: Layouts favor urban and guerilla warfare. Not only because the story places the initial action in shelled-out urban environments, but also because this emphasizes the kind of squad maneuverability the game showcases. These environments encourage splitting up the squad so the player can take advantage of being able to see things from different viewpoints. Physical dexterity in these territories would prove very valuable because the environments are designed to include lots of climbing, branch hopping and jumping. There are also many towers that provide vantage points for the use of snipers. Additionally, there are a few intermittent "recess" areas of flat-ground run-about environments that allow tension-releasing shootouts.

Critical Locations:

  • Settlements outside Mt. Hood
  • Fort Willamette - Brotherhood stronghold
  • The Sound
  • Issaquah Nation villages
  • Mt. St. Helens Experimental - Vault 6
  • Alaskan Pipeline - underground Brotherhood prisoner network
  • Seattle Underground
  • Capitol Hill
  • Troll Warren - Super mutant community
  • Kodiak Base
  • Montauk Preserve

Bering Strait (Alaska, Bering Strait, Aleutians, Upper Siberia)

  • General environment: Icy, cold, and hostile-but it was like that before the bombs fell. The presence of pre-Apocalyptic military bases brought some heavy conventional warfare just before and just after the bombs. Occasional hidden military compounds break up the icy landscapes.
  • Population: The Brotherhood of Steel's newest headquarters are established here, and is the heart of their revitalized military machine. Placid Inuit tribes have in the post-nuclear world, turned into fierce territorial warriors and are the true masters of the land, running a resistance right under the Brotherhood's noses.
  • Strategic and Tactical Play: Snow and ice introduce a dramatic environmental change. The challenge here will be about moving around in open territory. There are choice nooks and crannies in which to set up sniper shots and unexpected ambushes. The open flat fields and the dramatic contrast of white against character colors will change warfare dramatically. The objective will be to hit first, hard, and fast... or to be clever and sneak around. Villages, settlements, and the few areas of tangled cramped spaces will be a relief from the starkness of the opened snowfields. By the end of this phase, however, the characters should be strong enough and well educated enough to be able to handle open-ground combat with effectiveness. Rocks and steppes provide run cover-run tactics. In this environment, open ground combat will prove more difficult to master than the hide-and-peek tactics of the previous phase.

Critical Locations:

  • Brotherhood Northern American Forward Operations Base
  • Libertyville - shanty town
  • Brotherhood re-education camps
  • Satellite Relay Station Tango-Echo
  • Abandoned USAF nuclear silos
  • Alaskan Pipeline - underground Brotherhood prisoner network
  • The Great Convocation - Inuit
  • Anchorage ruins
  • Aleutian research station
  • Port Liberty
  • The Last Ranger Station

Northeast Asia (Russia, Mongolia)

  • General environment: Cold Siberian wastelands give way to mountainous terrain and cold deserts. This is the kind of place that breeds hordes of Cossacks. Open plateaus, rocky steppes.
  • Population: Roving, warring bands of Mongolians who've decided to revive that whole 'horde' mentality. Village settlements are starker, tougher, and more attuned to the laws of survival than trading bottle caps for ammo. The hostility of the environment has kept this area free of interlopers for a very long time. Pressures from the south and new adventurer forces from the north make the whole population very intolerant and suspicious.
  • Strategic and Tactical Play: This phase is more about the other aspects of the game, enemy management, information gathering, picking up additional team members, establishing supply lines, pitting the irreconcilables against each other, as well as just fighting your way through these forbidden wastelands. The territories here are larger but there aren't as many of them. Tactical play is focused on environment manipulation and affecting the way your enemy moves about the map. Once you close a hidden canyon, it is easier to set up an effective ambush. Indeed, much easier, because you can anticipate the enemies' movements.

Critical Locations:

  • Re-education Colony
  • Abandoned oil refineries
  • Russian steppes villages
  • The Herd lands


  • General environment: After all the devastation elsewhere, this final phase of territories is lush. It is rich with tranquil river valleys and mildly temperate environments. However, that's just the terrain. Don't worry, there's still plenty of action and hostility here.
  • Population: Petty warlords and their armies have absolute control of peasant villagers. There are also interspersed pockets of the New Imperial Guard.
  • Strategic and Tactical Play: This is the endgame and will include territory layouts that require all the skills the player has acquired. There are open ground territories, cramped tactical spaces, fast-paced action, and slow careful hunts. There will be plenty of hazards unique to this environment. There are great looking hiding places that provide little or no cover from the camouflaged enemy. The player will be fighting in leafy bushes, river valleys or rice paddies. The enemy will remain hidden while still targeting you. Once the player gets to the Forbidden City, these hazards will be reduced. In the Forbidden City endgame, the enemies of course will be much harder and the player will have to use every ounce of skill he has picked up throughout the entire


Critical Locations:

  • The Little Red Cafe
  • Army of the Golden Tiger encampment
  • The People's Nuclear Missile Silos 27 & 31 - Very well guarded
  • The Emperor's Gardens
  • The Forbidden City - Very well guarded


What distinguishes Fallout Extreme as a strategic game in addition to an action shooter is that the player's actions have future consequences in the campaigns that follow. What the player does, how he does it, when he does it, and what information he discovers determines how the enemy responds.


The campaign world is divided into geographical territories. Most territories have more than one border access. To get to a particular target territory may require a choice between charging through an enemy stronghold or sneaking around through adjacent territories in order to flank the enemy.

Enemy strength, weapon supplies, population friendliness, geographical access, and major story targets all give each territory different strategic values.

Supply Lines

Many territories have varying numbers of established towns. Many of these towns have devised a means for producing weapons, armor, and other combat supplies. Conquering and holding territories with productive towns is essential to establishing and maintaining crucial supply lines. As long as the player has a supplied Camp nearby, his access to certain kinds of weapons and ammo is constant and reliable. If the supply line is interrupted, the player's style of fighting will have to change if he is to complete his current mission successfully. The player will have to become more resourceful at scavenging the area and hope that the enemies in the territory have well equipped weapon stores. Additionally, towns in general can supply only one particular type of weapon, therefore making the available weapon selection dependent on the player's supply lines.

Distance also plays a factor when moving weapons through a supply line. The time taken to move equipment increases with distance and the number of towns passed through.

Opposing Forces

The opposition in the various territories changes over time as the player progresses through each campaign. At the out start of the game there are default enemy occupations for each territory. Depending on the player's actions the enemy forces within each territory can change their organization to counteract the player. For example, the player can cut off enemy supply lines leaving a forward enemy outpost unable to receive reinforcements if attacked. In another example, the player can effectively close off one territory forcing enemy troops to pass through a territory where a devastating ambush can be set up.


The more information gathered, the more strategically clever the player's decisions can be. Scouting territories, talking to NPCs, listening to Camp scuttlebutt, and studying terrain for tactical opportunities all give the player leverage to wage a more effective war. On the other hand, gathering information is NOT a necessity for a great gaming experience, but will only serve to enhance the overall robustness of the experience.


Camp mode is an in game 3D interface where the player can manage his squad, talk to and pick up new squad members, collect information about territories, deploy remote territory governors, contemplate his overall strategy, and pick his entrance into the next territory launching his next mission of the revolution.

Camps are automatically set up on territory borders at predetermined distances that may or may not coincide with the player's path of conquest. The player does not have control over Camp setups or positioning. All camps are indicated on the Campaign Map. When a supported Camp is within range of where the player is fighting he then is considered "supported". Camp "support" swings a number of factors in the player's favor:

  • Endless supply of ammo.
  • Endless supply of first aid.
  • Better intelligence of neighboring areas.
  • Safer entry and exiting of hostile areas.

Camps look like any other 3D action level and serve as the games primary interface and conduit for story delivery. Each camp will have both exterior and interior environments:

  • Campfire - 3D exterior: As the player walks a squad member through Camp, he can observe other revolutionaries lounging, playing cards, exchanging gossip, standing guard, cleaning weapons, etc. With the understanding that these other soldiers have been busy elsewhere, they can be characterized as having roamed nearby towns gathering gossip and useful intelligence.
  • Armory tent - 3D interior: This tent stores various types of weapons and armor that are currently available to squad members. Availability of weapons and armor depend on the state of the supply lines. The bottom-level, generic weapons and armor are always available at all Camps.
  • Munitions tent - 3D interior: This holds special use objects that the player can use in lieu of guns (i.e. mines, grenades, plastique, etc.).
  • First Aid station - 3D interior: This tent holds a variety of First aid kits. The tent also holds stretchers with critically-injured-but-recovering Roster characters.
  • Personnel Tent - 3D interior: This is where the player reviews dossiers of available revolutionaries. He can switch out and re-arrange squad and roster positions. The player can also deploy Roster members to command conquered territories that are within range of his current position.
  • Command tent (menu): This display shows the Campaign Map. The player will be able to read the current situation within each territory of his campaign. The level of detailed information for each territory will vary depending on if t is ignored, scouted, conquered or controlled.
  • Signals tent (menu): Here the player reviews communiqués, intelligence reports, and other types of similar information.

Camp layouts are the same from Camp to Camp. A Camp's exterior decor will always be appropriate for its geographical location. Materials for tents, flags, and other items of local color are added to give each camp its own flavor.

A supply line is merely a linked chain of supported Camps. If one of the Camps in the link fall to the enemy then the supply line can be broken. The player, to re-establish the supply line, can retake the appropriate territory and restore the lost Camp. Which Camps are supported is entirely up to the player and adds a particular strategic weight to certain territories. There's no reason the player has to set up only a single supply line. Dictated by the territories conquered, the player can have a branching tree of supply lines or nests of mutually supporting Camps.


It is up to the player, via a group of revolutionaries, to stop the Brotherhood of Steel from controlling and militarizing the remnants of the United States, forcibly bring civilization back to ground. There's only one problem. It's on the Brotherhood's terms, and their purist agenda leaves little room for the survival of radiation or FEV outbreak victims. In other words, most of the post-apocalyptic, mutant population has been targeted for enslavement or outright eradication.

The revolutionaries, as the only means of stopping the Brotherhood, rally the various pockets of post Apocalyptic civilizations and convince them to fight together. "The Cause" gains momentum pushing back the Brotherhood's influence. Then finally, they invade Alaska, the latest conquest and stronghold of the Brotherhood.

Only now do the revolutionaries learn of the Brotherhood's real agenda. Their attempts to clear the resistance, pacify the region, and build a whole new military machine were greatly misconstrued. Now, frighteningly clear that the Brotherhood was in the midst of preparing for a new threat rising in the East, something must be done. The revolutionaries, having squashed the Brotherhood, must sustain the fighting momentum and continue alone. Now, it is up to them to cross over the ocean to the far East and confront the real apocalyptic enemy.

The Setting

The action takes place in the Fallout universe as defined in the previous Fallout titles Fallout and Fallout 2. Road Warrior coolness and post-Apocalyptic nihilism make up much of this world's charm. The added freedom to throw in odd elements of 21st century high technology stands to intensify the game play. A history of nuclear war, uncontrolled plagues, mutant populations, and organized resentment groups make it easy to conjure up conflict and creatively weird situations.


Title Pages
Glam intro & running demo
Main Menu
New Game
Load Game
Audio Controls
Tutorial Missions
Memory Card
Save Game
Visual Controls
Load Game
Territories (3D Game
In-Game Menu
Game Settings
Review Squad
Review Roster
Online and Local Multiplayer Games
Campaign Map
Game Settings


  • Title pages: Xbox, Interplay, 14° East
  • Glam intro and running demo
  • Main Menu: New Game, Load Game, Tutorials, Multiplayer, and Options
  • New Game: Starts the game with cinematic intro that leads into the opening territory,
  • Load Game: Loads game from memory card.
  • Tutorials

Walk-Through (explicit game play)
Solo Action (single character control)
Team Actions (squad control), Practice Arenas (obstacle and live-fire courses)
Other topical treatments as necessary.

  • Multiplayer: Offers multiplayer game options for both single console and online play.

Team Campaign
Death match
Capture The Flag
Squad Death match
Squad Capture The Flag
Squad Assault Missions

  • Game Options: Visual Controls, Audio Controls, Game Settings (Controller Configuration, Friendly Fire, etc.)
  • Territory play: Real-time play action, controlling a 4-character squad in a real time 3D environment, via first person, third person, and scope camera modes.
  • In-Game Menu (via START or SELECT) (pauses game): Save Game, Load Game, Squad, Roster, Campaign Map, Game Options.
  • Save Game: Saves game to memory card.
  • Load Game: Loads game from memory card.
  • Review Squad: Displays detailed dossier information on the four current squad members.
  • Review Roster: Displays detailed dossier information and current status (active, camp, deployed, KIA) on Roster members.
  • Campaign Map: Displays campaign map, highlighting the squad's current position, nearby camps, deployed commands, etc.
  • Camp: Between-mission 3D settings to manage characters, supply lines, information, and other strategic factors.


Small Arms

Weapon: 9mm Mauser
Class: Small Arms
Grade: 1
Damage: 5-10
Range: 22
Ammo Type: 9mm

Weapon: Beretta 9mm
Class: Small Arms
Grade: 2
Damage: 6-12
Range: 25
Ammo Type: 9mm

Weapon: Smith and Wesson ASP
Class: Small Arms
Grade: 3
Damage: 7-14
Range: 23
Ammo Type: 9mm

Weapon: Colt 45
Class: Small Arms
Grade: 7
Damage: 10-16
Range: 27
Ammo Type: .45

Precision Arms

Weapon: Hunting Rifle
Class: Precision Arms
Grade: 2
Damage: 8-20
Range: 40
Ammo Type: .223

Weapon: Laser Rifle
Class: Precision Arms
Grade: 5
Damage: 25-50
Range: 25
Ammo Type: Energy Cell

Weapon: Gauss Rifle
Class: Precision Arms
Grade: 9
Damage: 40-60
Range: 50
Ammo Type: Energy Cell

Weapon: Enhanced Gauss Rifle
Class: Precision Arms
Grade: 10
Damage: 50-70
Range: 60
Ammo Type: Energy Cell


Weapon: C4
Class: Demolitions
Grade: 7
Damage: 30-80


Weapon: Throwing Star
Class: Thrown
Grade: 1
Damage: 3-6
Range: 25

Weapon: Throwing Knife
Class: Thrown
Grade: 2
Damage: 3-8
Range: 20

Weapon: Razor Boomerange
Class: Thrown
Grade: 3
Damage: 5-10
Range: 25

Weapon: Smoke Grenade
Class: Thrown
Grade: 4
Damage: 0 - obscures enemy vision
Range: 15

Weapon: Molotov Cocktail
Class: Thrown
Grade: 6
Damage: 6-12
Range: 8

Weapon: Stick Fragment Grenade
Class: Thrown
Grade: 7
Damage: 15-30
Range: 13

Weapon: Pineapple Fragment Grenade
Class: Thrown
Grade: 8
Damage: 20-35
Range: 10

Weapon: Plasma Grenade
Class: Thrown
Grade: 9
Damage: 40-90
Range: 15

Weapon: Pulse Grenade
Class: Thrown
Grade: 10
Damage: 10-15
Range: 10


Weapon: Sledge Hammer
Class: Hand
Grade: 2
Damage: 4-12
Range: 2

Weapon: Combat Knife
Class: Hand
Grade: 3
Damage: 3-15
Range: 1

Weapon: Cattle Prod
Class: Hand
Grade: 5
Damage: 12-21
Range: 1

Weapon: Ripper
Class: Hand
Grade: 6
Damage: 15-26
Range: 1

Weapon: Super Sledge Hammer
Class: Hand
Grade: 9
Damage: 18-51
Range: 2
