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There are several settlement exploits that allow for varied options in the management of settlements over and above normal gameplay in Fallout 4.


Main article: Fallout 4 settlements

There are some ways to get around the clipping of settlement objects with each other and preexisting objects in the world to allow one to build more sophisticated structures. These can all be done without mods however some will require using the game console. See Fallout 4 console commands for the full list of console commands.

Mat exploit[]

This by placing a small doormat down and then placing a larger item like a chair on top of it (This will not work with snappable objects). When you select the mat by tapping down the select button it will also pick up the items linked on top; however, the collision will only be enabled for the floor mat (If you hold the select button it will use the collision of the thing you are trying to move), enabling you to potentially clip the larger object into other objects provided the mat isn't clipping with anything. To increase the distance that the mat can reach try stacking rugs with the base (the one you want to move with) at the bottom.

Note: This also works with wall decorations and conduits. (tested with vanilla wall decorations/signs).

Pillar exploit[]

This is achieved by using a concrete pillar (found in the Wasteland Workshop Add-on) and placing it next to a structure. By holding the "Place" button, the structure and pillar will be highlighted. If only the pillar is highlighted, move it closer to the structure. Doing this does not allow you to clip the structure but to sink it into the ground. If you don't have the Wasteland Workshop add-on you can use a concrete foundation.

Pillar and mat exploit combo[]

By using the two above exploits, you can clip and sink objects into the ground. In order to do this, use the mat exploit to get the object you want to do the glitch with. Then place the pillar down next to it, next hold down the select button and it will use the collision of the pillar and mat, not the object on top of the mat. This will allow you to clip and sink the object.

Electrical Connections without limits exploit[]

By starting with the cursor on the object you wish to connect an electrical wire from and slowly moving toward an already existing wire that bisects the object until the wire is highlighted, one can press the button associated with connecting a wire and hear the sparking sound. Going to another place the wire could connect to and pressing the connect wire button will place a wire that is not bound by object interference or distance. Once the wire is placed, one must exit using the previous menu button or anomalies may occur.

Infinite population exploit[]

With add-ons, the max population of most settlements can be increased indefinitely with tamed creatures from the Wasteland Workshop add-on, and with robots built from Robot workbenches in the Automatron add-on. Settlers that the Survivor meets in random encounters or during the Automatron add-on's radiant quest Rogue Robot can also be recruited and sent to any settlement of the player's choice in the Commonwealth, Nuka-World, or the Island (with the sole exception being Home Plate), ignoring the maximum population limit.

Console: TCL[]

The console command tcl will disable clipping to yourself. It will also turn off clipping for any objects you place down or select while in this mode, allowing you to put other objects inside of it. If you have an object placed that you want to put another object inside of you simply select that object then deselect it to disable its collision. You can then place down an object inside of it. Once you remove the collision you will also remove the ability to select that item. To restore collision simply enter tcl into the command again to reactivate clipping. You can enter tcl again to go back into tcl and begin removing collision again.

This command is best used for junk wall placement to allow you to join the sections of the wall together.

Console: modpos[]

Modpos will allow you to move any object in the game that is selectable within the console. To target an object, simply click on it when you have the console open. Modpos will require you to specify an axis and also an amount to move an object by. Because you are forcing the object to be moved through console this will ignore all collision and will allow you to move the object anywhere you wish. Each unit of movement is quite small and you can get a high degree of accuracy.

Some sample distances:

  • 1 full size floor object length = 256
  • 1 full size floor object height = 15
  • 1 upper shack floor object height = 22
  • 1 wall height = 202
  • Distance between floors (Z axis), non-prefab, using the standard 1 full square stair set = 224

Console: setpos[]

While Modpos moves a selected object a given distance, Setpos moves it to specified x, y, or z coordinates. Both ignore any clipping including the original environment. Setpos is most useful when dealing with an item that snaps to another and the game will preview the object in the correct position but will not place it there. For example, you can get the coordinates of a wall while it is in the preview location, then place it on the other side of the floor in an allowed location, then use Setpos to move it back to the preview location already placed.

To use it, open the console while the object is snapped into the preview position. Click on the object and get its x, y and z coordinates in that location with:

getpos x
getpos y
getpos z

Close the console. Now place the object elsewhere in the same orientation, parallel to the final destination. With the object placed, open the console again, and with the object still selected use the following, replacing # with the number shown by Getpos for that axis.

setpos x #
setpos y #
setpos z #

If you need to scroll back up in the console to get the coordinate, the PageUp and PageDown buttons may be used.

Note: Fallout 4 uses the "Left-hand" coordinate system, where X is East/West, Y is N/S, and Z plus is up (world coordinates).

Console: Building all objects at internal workshops[]

It is possible to build all settlement objects at certain internal workshops which limit the items one can build, such as Home Plate and The Mechanist's lair, by opening the console, clicking on the offending workbench so that its reference is displayed and then entering addkeyword 5A0C8 and addkeyword 246F85.

Unlimited size[]

When you're building big settlements, often you are confronted with a full-size bar. This means that, according to the game mechanics, you can't place another item in your settlement. A quick workaround can help you to easily reduce your settlement size, which enables you to place more items.

  1. Place the weapons in the workbench
  2. Remove the weapons from the workbench
  3. Drop the weapons on the ground
  4. Enter workshop-mode
  5. Click on the weapons and store them in the workshop

Doing this will reduce your settlement size, and enables you to build bigger settlements.

With the Contraptions Workshop add-on, vacuum hoppers can be used to automatically drop weapons from the workshop inventory onto the ground.

Alternatively, on PC, it is possible to increase the build limit using console commands. The build limit is calculated using two actor values: triangles and draws. The following commands can be used to change these values:

getav 348 displays the current number of triangles
getav 349 displays the maximum number of triangles
setav 349 <amount> changes the maximum number of triangles to the specified amount
getav 34a displays the current number of draws
getav 34b displays the maximum number of draws
setav 34b <amount> changes the maximum number of draws to the specified amount

Using an amount of -1 disables the limits entirely.

Moving build structures[]

Objects that are joined into the full structure can be moved as one object. Example: If you have built a shack on one end of a settlement (walls and floors with lamps, desk, etc.) you can move it as one item. In build mode, you hold your select button ('e' for PC) on one element (preferably you choose wall from outside) and the whole structure will be selected. Now you can move your shack on the other side of your settlement.
