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Fallout 'X' - Test World is a part of the Fallout Extreme Xbox game proposal document by 14° East, presented in 2000 to Interplay Entertainment, and the Xbox submission document presented to Microsoft. It describes a sample combat area from the game. It was rejected and Fallout Extreme never materialized.



Fallout 'X' - Test World
Level Design & Requirements
Goal: To create a small, enclosed environment to demo the intended game style and features
Mission: To infiltrate an enemy controlled airbase with four characters and destroy their fuel reserves utilizing each characters abilities.

Obstacles: Enemy Guards, Blocked Entrances, Locked Doors.
Solutions: Alternate Paths (high, around, low), Assault, Sniping, Switches.

“The Taking of Griffon Airfield – 123”


Environment: Griffon Airfield, a small enclosed airfield, with twin aircraft hangers, one empty missile silo and a number of small outlying structures.

Background: A gang calling themselves the Storm-Mongers have taken control of the airfield, seizing it from the tribe that have lived there for the last decade. Their exact intentions are unknown, since they executed all of the previous inhabitants the night they arrived.

However, rumor in these parts has always thrived in such atrocity and word has it that the Storm-Mongers are intending to build themselves an air force, using Griffon as their base of operations. We don't know how they're planning to do this, or even if they're capable - but we do know that they have shipped in enough fuel over the last couple of days to paint the sky black.

Our preliminary observations have concluded that the fuel is being stored here, in the second hanger at the northern end...


Both hangers are routinely patrolled, and entrance to the area itself is under guard. With only a four-man team, I advise you find another way in than the front door.

The Storm-Mongers have rebuilt many of the airfields infrastructures, turning it from a ram shackled dwelling into a surprisingly secure stronghold, with three rebuilt watchtowers creating a large surveillance net over the compound.

The main entrance is located here...


We've observed a large guard force here and, although we can't prove it, I'd wager they have some kind of gun encampment in the adjacent watchtower as insurance against unwelcome visitors.

Your team will enter the airfield here, in the southeast corner...

The watchtower here seems to have been beyond repair, so the Storm-Mongers are using the water tower to the north as a lookout post. This has created a blind zone, with no enemy presence, or at the very least infrequent. Your point of entry is a sewage outlet next to the watchtower remains - this will of course require your team to crawl through 500 yards of sewage, but then you new this was going to be a shit assignment. More importantly, it will get you inside.

Once in, make your way to the hangers, but remember: this is a duck-and-run job! Find a way in to the fuel reserves but don't alert the Storm-Mongers to your presence. We don't know how many people they have in there, so just concentrate on the target. Once you've found a way in, your demo-man can set the charges and give yourselves adequate to get back out before the place blows... and with the amount of fuel they've got in there, it's gonna blow big

Find a way in to the hanger compound
Don't alert the guards to your presence
Get out before the shit hits the fan.

Playing the Level

Section 1: THE EAST WALL
After leaving the safe zone at the start of the level [1] there are three possible paths to complete this first section, each highlighting differing game styles...


Path 1: Sniping
This first option allows the player to remove the two guards covering the eastern edge of the airfield.
By climbing up on to the roof of the radar building [2] they can get a clear shot of the guard on the water tower with the sniper character [3]. Once this guard has been removed, the player can return to the start area and climb the now empty tower. From here, they can use the sniper to remove the guard in the northeast watchtower [4]. With both guards down, the player is free to move through the eastern section [5] to the
end of the first section of the mission.


Path 2: Agility, Interaction and Melee
Both the guards in the Water Tower and the northeast watchtower use searchlights, sweeping the area at the eastern wall.
Using your swift character, it is possible to evade these searchlights and travel along the eastern wall, up to the watchtower [6]. Climbing up, the player can then remove the guard on duty with a silent knife attack. Using the intercom (I) in the watchtower, the player can cause the guard on the water tower to climb down (change of shifts, maintenance help, whatever). Once the guard has climbed down, he can be removed by one of the other characters [7]. The remaining three characters can then move along the eastern wall and join the fourth [8] at the end of the first section of the mission.


Path 3: Exploration, Interaction and Melee
By exploring the buildings in the southeast corner of the airfield, the player will discover a basement where the Storm-Mongers have set up a temporary generator. The basement also contains a tunnel, but it is unlit. Using the (tech guy), the player can use a switch (S) and activate the tunnel lights [9]. Exploring the tunnel leads to a stairwell that connects to the control tower building [10]. Emerging into the building, the player must quickly mow down a contingent of guards using their melee character. If the player has not killed all of the guards within a small amount of time, then a base alarm will sound. Exiting the building [11], the player reaches the end of the first section of the mission.


Entering the Hanger compound via the gate is impossible due to constant guards and patrols. Approaching the gate causes base alarms to sound and the mission to end. The player must gain access by using the empty missile silo, however it is locked (L). By exploring the building close to runway [12], the player collects a key (K). Using the key on with the silo door allows access [13]. Once inside the silo, the player must drop down the empty shaft and explore the vent tunnels beneath the airfield. One of these tunnels runs under the old barracks, where a sub-basement has collapsed down into them. Climbing up into the barracks, the player must reach the first floor and exit the building at its western edge. Using a pile of old drums and tires as a bridge, the player can enter the hanger compound and climb into the first Hanger via a collapsed roof section. Using a doorway at the rear of the hanger, the team can cross to the second hanger - [14] and the mission objective: the fuel supply (O).
Due to (whatever reason), the explosive expert must remain behind with the charge, giving the player a small amount of time to retrace their steps back to the very start of the map [15]: the Sewage Pipe. Reaching the pipe completes the mission.

