Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Wandering through the science lab, you hear something almost like weeping. You follow the sound to its source, a giant half-man, half-alligator staring at its hands. The failed experiment tries to say something, but when you fail to understand, it lunges at you!— Pre-Battle introduction text

The failed experiment is a location boss of the Wastelad holotape minigame.


A giant man-alligator hybrid, the failed experiment is the only remnant of the work done at the forgotten science lab.

A large mass of muscles and claws, the failed experiment appears to have fully absorbed its alligator tendencies. The only hints at its past humanity are a band of hair along the spine, its anthropoid posture, and a pair of ripped shorts.


  • Gatorclaws, another disastrous genetic experiment involving bipedal alligator-based chimera mutants, previously appeared in the Fallout 4 add-on Nuka-World.
  • However, the failed experiment also seems to be a reference to the failed FEV subject from Fallout 3. In addition to their strikingly similar premise, name, and physicality, the failed experiment's torn trousers even appear to be based directly on the failed subject's torn Vault suit.


The failed experiment appears only in Wastelad.
