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This is a transcript for dialogue with Fahrenheit.


1ConvGoodneighborStateHouse01SceneI could've handled Finn you know.Hancock: Yeah, but it's better if people know I can still get my hands dirty. Besides, it wasn't personal. No need to torture the guy.A1a
2Hancock: Yeah, but it's better if people know I can still get my hands dirty. Besides, it wasn't personal. No need to torture the guy.{Irritated} You always keep me from having fun.A1a
3ConvGoodneighborStateHouse03SceneHancock: Thinking the Super Mutants are getting a little too friendly. Maybe we should 'round up some crew and thin them out?Too aggressive. They will have a home ground advantage, plus our fighters are disorganized. When they aren't defending their homes, discipline and morale plummet.Hancock: So what? We just turtle up? That's not my style...A1a
4Hancock: So what? We just turtle up? That's not my style...The only thing that's "not your style" is losing, Hancock. Trust me. We keep the game defensive. A simple castle strategy will draw the mutants to us.Hancock: And we can knock them off slowly... I like it...A1a


5-{Confident, Dark sense of humor, ruthless} A new player in Goodneighbor. Hello little Pawn. Welcome to our fun and games.
6You ever try chess? Sometimes you need to sacrifice a piece to keep the game going. Keep that in mind.
7We didn't get to the top of this town by playing fair.
8Got a lot on my mind. Excuse me.
9Run along, now.


10-{Neutral} You oughta go see Hancock. I expect he'll wanna talk with you about what went down.
11{Someone tried to rob your boss and failed, miserably. / Neutral} Bad move, Bobbi.
12{Someone tried to rob your boss and failed, miserably. / Neutral} Always thought Bobbi had more brains than that. Guess not.


13MS16FahrenheitScene{Not surprised, disapointed. / Disbelief} Bobbi, what are you doing here?Bobbi: Shit.A
14Bobbi: Shit.{Disgust} You seriously didn't think Hancock would catch wind of your scheme?A1a
15{Disgust} He took you in, Bobbi. And you're stealing from him?Bobbi: Don't listen to her.A1b
16Player Default: Yeah, about that...I see the rest of you are in the dark about this.A1a
17{Sarcastic} Nice, No-Nose.A1b
18You all just broke into Hancock's store room.A1c
19You know. Hancock? The mayor of Goodneighbor?Mel: Dammit, Bobbi.A1d
20Mel: This is Hancock we're ripping off here. The guy tends to hold grudges.Counter offer.A1a
21Just go back into your tunnel and we can forget this ever happened.A1b
22What do you say?Player Default: I am going to see this through, Bobbi.A1c
23Mel: Might as well finish what we started.{Angry, about to start a fight / Angry} Wrong move.A1a
24MS16FahrenheitWrapUpSceneYou made the right move.Player Default: Sorry to cause you trouble.A
25Player Default: The boss will understand. You didn't know what you were doing.Here, take this. A token, for doing the right thing.Fahrenheit: Hancock will be happy to hear about your loyalty.A1a
26Player Default: Bobbi lied to us. I'm glad it shook out this way.{A tinge of disappointment} I was itching for a fight, but I guess this works too.Fahrenheit: Here, take this. A token, for doing the right thing.B1a
27Player Default: I'm not so sure.Well, I'm still itching for a fight if you change your mind.Fahrenheit: Here, take this. A token, for doing the right thing.X1a
28Player Default: How did you find us?If you think Hancock doesn't know about everything that happens in his territory, you're mistaken.Y1a
29You have to know you guys weren't exactly silent down there.Player Default: Sorry to cause you trouble.Y1b
30Player Default: Sorry to cause you trouble.The boss will understand. You didn't know what you were doing.Fahrenheit: Here, take this. A token, for doing the right thing.A1a
31Fahrenheit: Here, take this. A token, for doing the right thing.Hancock will be happy to hear about your loyalty.A1a
32You should go pay your respects in person.A1b
33It's best to stay on Hancock's good side. Trust me.A1c
34MS16MelBobbiFightStartSceneMel: Oh. No. I want no part of this.{Surprised and bemused. You were sent to stop a thief and the player just shot them in from of you.} This works for me.A1a
35-{Got hit, in pain} Ah!
36{Angry, just got hit} Ugh, bastard!
37{In combat, Intimidating} Burn!
38{In combat, threat} I'll turn you to ash!
39{Threat, in combat} No one messes with Hancock!
40Make sure to pay Hancock a visit. He'll want to talk to you.