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SCRIPTS.LST comment Emporor Computer's Force Field
MSG file N/A

        Copyright 1998-2003 Interplay Entertainment Corp. All rights reserved.
        Name: Emperor Force Field Emitter
           Please note any changes that have been made to the file in Updated. Then comment
           the code which you have changed/altered/commented out. Please, do not delete any
           code which was written.
/* Include Files */
/* Note, the Following Lines need to be in this order so that
   the script will be compilable. The define Name is referenced
   in a module from define.h and used in command.h. Please do
   not change the ordering.
        -rwh2 11/13/97
#include "..\headers\define.h"
//#include "..\headers\ncrent.h"
#define NAME SCRIPT_WSEMIT1A // contains all the .msg info
#include "..\headers\command.h"
#include "..\headers\genffld.h"
#include "..\headers\sanfran.h"
   User settable defines to make this script specific
//I am attempting to make the emitter control the force field completely
/* Use the below to setup a variable that will also control the force field instead of using
   Direct commands with the timer event */
#define CONTROL_MAC 0 //map_var(MVAR_Emitter_Control)
#define CONTROL_MAC_CLEAR 0 //set_map_var(MVAR_Emitter_Control, 0)
#define CONTROL_MAC_SET(x) 0 //used to do shit
#define POWER_ON_CHECK (not san_fran_flag(SF_EMPEROR_FIELD_OFF)) /* The script uses this macro to see if there is an overlying power system.
                                        If the "power" is always on then set this to 1 other wise put the check in there.*/
#define FFIELD_TILE (17468) /* The tile that the foce field is on */
#define FFIELD_ELEV (1) /* Elevation of the force Field */
#define NOTIFY_THRESH (3) /* When to set the below notification flags. */
#define MAP_NOTIFY (-1) /* use this macro for the script to set a notification when the player fails to
                                        disable the field. -1 means no notification, map_variable, set to:
                                        1 when repair failed has passed the threshold
                                        2 when the field has been damaged
                                        3 when the player is tampering with the emitter (doing anything)
                                        4 when it is destroyed */
#define GLOBAL_NOTIFY (-1) /* use this macro for the script to set a notification when the player fails to
                                        disable the field. -1 means no notifiction, global_variable, set to:
                                        1 when repair failed has passed the threshold
                                        2 when the field has been damaged
                                        3 when the player is tampering with the emitter (doing anything)
                                        4 when it is destroyed */
#define TRAPS_PENALTY (-20)
#define SCIENCE_PENALTY (-40)
#include "..\headers\genffld.h"
   End User settable defines
procedure start;
procedure use_p_proc;
procedure use_skill_on_p_proc;
procedure use_obj_on_p_proc;
procedure damage_p_proc;
procedure map_update_p_proc;
procedure timed_event_p_proc;
procedure map_enter_p_proc;
#define LVAR_Field_State (0) //State of the force Field
#define LVAR_Gave_Exp (1) //Gave experice to the player for tampering with the emitter.
#define LVAR_Fail_Repair (2) //Failed Repair count
#define LVAR_Flicker_Stop (3) //What time to stop the flickering.
#define LVAR_Power_On (4) // is the power on?
variable fieldPtr;
procedure start begin
procedure map_enter_p_proc begin
   variable destroyOnLoad := 0;
   if (MAP_NOTIFY != -1) then begin
      if (map_var(MAP_NOTIFY) == 4) then begin
         destroyOnLoad := 1;
   if (GLOBAL_NOTIFY != -1) then begin
      if (global_var(GLOBAL_NOTIFY) == 4) then begin
         destroyOnLoad := 1;
      // This is used if a control macro is defined
      add_timer_event(self_obj, ONE_GAME_SECOND / 2, TIMER_CONTROL);
   if (not FIELD_DESTROYED and not destroyOnLoad) then begin
      fieldPtr := tile_contains_pid_obj(FFIELD_TILE, FFIELD_ELEV, FFIELD_PID);
      if (obj_is_visible_flag(fieldPtr)) then begin
         set_local_var(LVAR_Power_On, 1);
      add_timer_event(self_obj, 0, TIMER_CHECK_POWER);
      if (not is_loading_game) then begin
   end else begin
      fieldPtr := tile_contains_pid_obj(FFIELD_TILE, FFIELD_ELEV, FFIELD_PID);
      set_local_var(LVAR_Field_State, F_DESTROYED);
procedure use_p_proc begin
procedure use_skill_on_p_proc begin
   variable skill;
   if (MAP_NOTIFY != -1) then begin
      set_map_var(MAP_NOTIFY, 3);
   if (GLOBAL_NOTIFY != -1) then begin
      set_global_var(GLOBAL_NOTIFY, 3);
   if ((skill == SKILL_REPAIR) and (not FIELD_DESTROYED)) then begin
      if (skill_success(source_obj,skill,SCIENCE_PENALTY)) then begin
         if (FIELD_ON) then begin
            if (source_obj == dude_obj) then begin
            end else begin
         end else begin
            if (source_obj == dude_obj) then begin
            end else begin
         if (local_var(LVAR_Gave_Exp) == 0) then begin
            set_local_var(LVAR_Gave_Exp, 1);
      end else begin
         if (source_obj == dude_obj) then begin
         end else begin
         if (local_var(LVAR_Fail_Repair) == NOTIFY_THRESH) then begin
            if (MAP_NOTIFY != -1) then begin
               set_map_var(MAP_NOTIFY, 1);
            if (GLOBAL_NOTIFY != -1) then begin
               set_global_var(GLOBAL_NOTIFY, 1);
            set_local_var(LVAR_Fail_Repair, 0);
procedure use_obj_on_p_proc begin
   variable Tool;
   if (MAP_NOTIFY != -1) then begin
      set_map_var(MAP_NOTIFY, 3);
   if (GLOBAL_NOTIFY != -1) then begin
      set_global_var(GLOBAL_NOTIFY, 3);
   if ((Tool == PID_MULTI_TOOL) and (not FIELD_DESTROYED)) then begin
      if (skill_success(source_obj,SKILL_SCIENCE,TOOL_BONUS)) then begin
         if (FIELD_ON) then begin
            if (source_obj == dude_obj) then begin
            end else begin
         end else begin
            if (source_obj == dude_obj) then begin
            end else begin
         if (local_var(LVAR_Gave_Exp) == 0) then begin
            set_local_var(LVAR_Gave_Exp, 1);
      end else begin
         if (source_obj == dude_obj) then begin
         end else begin
         if (local_var(LVAR_Fail_Repair) == NOTIFY_THRESH) then begin
            if (MAP_NOTIFY != -1) then begin
               set_map_var(MAP_NOTIFY, 1);
            if (GLOBAL_NOTIFY != -1) then begin
               set_global_var(GLOBAL_NOTIFY, 1);
            set_local_var(LVAR_Fail_Repair, 0);
procedure damage_p_proc begin
   if (skill_success(dude_obj, SKILL_TRAPS, TRAPS_PENALTY)) then begin
   end else begin
   if (MAP_NOTIFY != -1) then begin
      set_map_var(MAP_NOTIFY, 2);
   if (GLOBAL_NOTIFY != -1) then begin
      set_global_var(GLOBAL_NOTIFY, 2);
procedure map_update_p_proc begin
procedure timed_event_p_proc begin
   if (fixed_param == TIMER_SET_STATE_ON) then begin
      if (not FIELD_DESTROYED and not FIELD_ON) then begin
         set_obj_visibility(fieldPtr, OBJ_VIS);
         set_local_var(LVAR_Field_State, F_ON);
   end else if (fixed_param == TIMER_SET_STATE_DELAY) then begin
      if (not FIELD_DESTROYED and not FIELD_DELAY) then begin
         set_local_var(LVAR_Field_State, F_DELAY);
         set_obj_visibility(fieldPtr, OBJ_INVIS);
         add_timer_event(self_obj, ONE_GAME_MINUTE, TIMER_SET_STATE_ON); // Turn the field back on
   end else if (fixed_param == TIMER_SET_STATE_DESTROYED) then begin
      if (not FIELD_DESTROYED and not FIELD_DESTROYED) then begin
         if (MAP_NOTIFY != -1) then begin
            set_map_var(MAP_NOTIFY, 4);
         if (GLOBAL_NOTIFY != -1) then begin
            set_global_var(GLOBAL_NOTIFY, 4);
         set_local_var(LVAR_Field_State, F_DESTROYED);
   end else if (fixed_param == TIMER_SET_STATE_FLICKER) then begin
      if (not FIELD_DESTROYED and not FIELD_FLICKER) then begin
         set_local_var(LVAR_Field_State, F_FLICKER);
         set_local_var(LVAR_Flicker_Stop, game_time + Random(ONE_GAME_MINUTE, ONE_GAME_MINUTE * 2));
         add_timer_event(self_obj, 0, TIMER_DO_FLICKER);
   end else if (fixed_param == TIMER_DO_FLICKER) then begin
      if (not FIELD_DESTROYED and FIELD_FLICKER) then begin
         if (game_time < local_var(LVAR_Flicker_Stop)) then begin
            if (obj_is_visible_flag(fieldPtr)) then begin
               set_obj_visibility(fieldPtr, OBJ_INVIS);
            end else begin
               set_obj_visibility(fieldPtr, OBJ_VIS);
            add_timer_event(self_obj, Random(0,5), TIMER_DO_FLICKER);
         end else begin
            add_timer_event(self_obj, 0, TIMER_SET_STATE_ON);
   end else if (fixed_param == TIMER_CHECK_POWER) then begin
      if (not POWER_ON_CHECK) then begin
         set_local_var(LVAR_Power_On, 0);
         if (not FIELD_DESTROYED) then begin
            if (obj_is_visible_flag(fieldPtr)) then begin
               set_obj_visibility(fieldPtr, OBJ_INVIS);
      end else begin
         set_local_var(LVAR_Power_On, 1);
         if (not FIELD_DESTROYED and FIELD_ON) then begin
            if (not obj_is_visible_flag(fieldPtr)) then begin
               set_obj_visibility(fieldPtr, OBJ_VIS);
      if (not FIELD_DESTROYED) then begin
         add_timer_event(self_obj, game_ticks(5), TIMER_CHECK_POWER);
   end else if (fixed_param == TIMER_CONTROL) then begin
      if (CONTROL_MAC == EMITTER_CONTROL_ON) then begin
         add_timer_event(self_obj, 0, TIMER_SET_STATE_ON);
         //put it on a delay so anything else running of the control macro can process before clearing it
         add_timer_event(self_obj, (ONE_GAME_SECOND / 2) - 1, TIMER_CLEAR_CONTROL);
      end else if (CONTROL_MAC == EMITTER_CONTROL_DELAY) then begin
         add_timer_event(self_obj, 0, TIMER_SET_STATE_DELAY);
         //put it on a delay so anything else running of the control macro can process before clearing it
         add_timer_event(self_obj, (ONE_GAME_SECOND / 2) - 1, TIMER_CLEAR_CONTROL);
      end else if (CONTROL_MAC == EMITTER_CONTROL_DESTROYED) then begin
         add_timer_event(self_obj, 0, TIMER_SET_STATE_DESTROYED);
         //put it on a delay so anything else running of the control macro can process before clearing it
         add_timer_event(self_obj, (ONE_GAME_SECOND / 2) - 1, TIMER_CLEAR_CONTROL);
      end else if (CONTROL_MAC == EMITTER_CONTROL_FLICKER) then begin
         add_timer_event(self_obj, 0, TIMER_SET_STATE_FLICKER);
         //put it on a delay so anything else running of the control macro can process before clearing it
         add_timer_event(self_obj, (ONE_GAME_SECOND / 2) - 1, TIMER_CLEAR_CONTROL);
      add_timer_event(self_obj, ONE_GAME_SECOND / 2, TIMER_CONTROL);
   end else if (fixed_param == TIMER_CLEAR_CONTROL) then begin
