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This is a transcript for dialogue with scavenger in the Big Caps in Big Town random encounter..


FFEScavengerBarterTopic Well, I could use some firepower myself. What are you selling? Neutral 50 Whatever I managed to pick up out there. Some pistols, rifles, and assorted ammunition. 1
Stealth Boys? I could use some of those myself. Neutral 50 Alright, sure, why not? Plenty to go around, if you got the caps that is. 2
Robot parts? I could use some of those myself. Neutral 50 Alright, sure, why not? Plenty to go around, if you got the caps that is. 3
Mines? I could use some of those myself. Neutral 50 Alright, sure, why not? Plenty to go around, if you got the caps that is. 4
I could use some supplies myself. What are you selling? Neutral 50 Mainly food and beverages. Plenty to go around, if you got the caps to pay for them that is. 5
GREETING GREETING Happy 50 I'm heading back to Rivet City to get more supplies to sell to Big Town. They bought out my entire stock! 6
GREETING Happy 50 I’m headed to Big Town. There’s good money to be made there. They ordered a ton of supplies, and now that it’s safe, I’m heading up there! 7
GREETING Happy 50 I’m headed to Big Town. There’s good money to be made there. They ordered a bunch of high power explosives! 8
GREETING Happy 50 I’m headed to Big Town. There’s good money to be made there. They ordered a bunch of robot parts! 9
GREETING Happy 50 I’m headed to Big Town. There’s good money to be made there. They ordered a few Stealth Boys. 10
GREETING Happy 25 I’m headed to Big Town. There’s good money to be made there. They ordered a bunch of firepower. 11