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This is a transcript for dialogue with wastelanders in the Survival Guide Review random encounter should the quest be completed poorly.


FFER23A1 What book? Disgust 100 This so-called Wasteland Survival Guide. It's a piece of crap, is what it is. Serves me right for taking advice from some crazy girl's book. 1
FFER23A2 Just be glad you're still alive. Disgust 75 Yeah, and no thanks to this so-called Wasteland Survival Guide. It's a piece of crap, is what it is. 2
Disgust 100 Serves me right for taking advice from some crazy girl's book. 3
FFER23B1 Actually, I helped write that book. Anger 50 Then I think you oughtta leave, before I decide to pay you back for all the bad advice. And take your damned book with you, too. 4
FFER23B2 I'm sorry to hear that. Is it really that bad? Disgust 50 Here, take a look. It's good for a laugh, but don't try to actually follow its advice. Not unless you're looking for a quick way to end it all. 5
FFER23B3 Maybe the book's fine, and you're just an idiot. Disgust 50 Well, I'd have to be an idiot to listen to this piece of crap. Here, you think so much of it, you take it. Fat lot of good it'll do you. 6