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This is a transcript for dialogue with ghoul wastelanders.


FFER14GhoulA1 Um... no. <Lie> Anger 50 That tower is the symbol of Ghoul oppression. 1
Anger 50 We sent a delegation of Ghouls to parlay with Tenpenny, and he slaughtered every last one of them in cold blood! 2
Anger 50 We're done being nice! In fact, the revolution is going to start right here and now. Start running smooth-skin! 3
That’s awfully bigoted of you. Anger 50 Ha! That's rich. We're the ones being oppressed by smoothskins like you. 4
Anger 50 Sure we might be angry as hell, but that’s your own damn fault for oppressing us. 5
Anger 50 The revolution has begun! Start running smooth-skin! 6
FFER14GhoulA2 It's a great place to live. But filthy fucking Ghouls like you can’t live there. Anger 50 Oh really? You goddamn bigot! You smoothskin bastards are always oppressing us. 7
Anger 50 But we're done with all that. So we’re going to take that tower by force and teach ya’ll a lesson. 8
Anger 50 In fact, the revolution is going to start right here and now. Start running smooth-skin! 9
Relax. I'm the one that helped get Ghouls into Tenpenny Tower. Anger 50 Is that so? Ha! That's classic smoothskin bullshit right there. 10
Anger 50 Why is it the moment a ghoul makes something of himself, you smoothskins get all puffed up and claim responsibility? 11
Anger 50 It really busts you up to see a ghoul make it to the top, doesn’t it? I'll show you that we ghouls got what it takes. Start running smooth-skin! 12
FFER14GhoulA3 I wouldn’t suggest going there. They don’t treat your kind very well. Anger 50 Ain't that the truth. Goddamn bigots! Smoothskins like to pretend we’re all feral. You bastards are always oppressing us. 13
Anger 50 But we're done with all that. We’re going to take that tower by force and teach ya'll a lesson. 14
Anger 50 In fact, the revolution is going to start right here and now. Start running smooth-skin! 15
More power to you. Anger 50 You mocking me? We won't stand for your oppressive mockery any longer! You smoothskin bastards are all the same! 16
Anger 50 You just can't stand to see a ghoul make it in this world. It's about time someone taught you some humility. Start running smooth-skin! 17
GREETING GREETING Anger 50 Quit gawking, smoothskin! We're headed over to Tenpenny Tower. We Ghouls own that place now. You smoothskins aren't allowed to live there anymore. 18
GREETING Anger 25 Quit gawking smoothskin! We’re on our way to Tenpenny Tower. You know anything about the tower? 19
GREETING Anger 50 We're done being oppressed by you smoothskins. 20


GuardTrespass GuardTrespass Anger 50 Back off smooth-skin, unless you're looking for a fight. 21
GuardTrespass Anger 50 We'd be more than happy to kill you smoothskin! 22