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This is a transcript for dialogue with Evelyn Russo.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 006EB443 006EB496 If you must be reminded, the Showmen found out my act was fake. "Fake" in the sense that I had a lifeline attached.
2 I wasn't going to fall to my death so the sadists in the audience could get off on the thrill.
3 Give them the fantasy, certainly. That's what performance is about. What difference does it make to them if it's real, so long as they believe it is?
4 The Showmen disagree on that point.
5 006EB444 006EB4D0 No shopping for miles. Not even a convenience store! And the way these Appalachians decorate their "vending machines"... Just a travesty.
6 006EB4D1 Ah! Another broken nail. I'm not cut out for all this manual labor.
7 006EB4D2 Where is everybody? Does no one want to drink in these godforsaken hills? To dance?
8 006EB4D3 Split ends and no hope of a salon. I'm deteriorating.
9 006EB4D4 What is that godforsaken smell? I thought I told Vin to scrub the must out of this place. Ugh.
10 006EB4D5 Evelyn Russo, nursing cheap vodka in a shack amidst the hills of absolutely nowhere. Oh, how the stars have fallen.
11 006EB4D6 "The Wayward"... More like "The Bedraggled". I don't want their business anyway. The Wayward is a rival bar which is much more folksy
12 006EB4D7 Are there any songwriters around here? I may be doomed to search my own feelings for inspiration. Horrid.
13 006EB4D8 I'm not sure how much longer I can survive outside the city.
14 006EB4D9 What is that glowing concoction people drink around here? Nukashine? I won't be caught dead serving that radioactive slop.
15 006EB4DA To think the Jersey Devil wasn't just a tall tale, after all. What times we live in.
16 006EB445 006EB4E7 What I wouldn't give for a hoagie right about now... What? Everyone's got a guilty pleasure.
17 006EB4E8 No, no, don't wipe your shoes at the entrance. We would love for you to track blood and dirt all over the dancefloor.
18 006EB4E9 Oh, so nice to see a different face. I was beginning to fear we were alone out here.
19 006EB4EA Why don't you have a drink? You look like you could use it.
20 006EB4EB Ugh, I'm so sick of silence. Why don't you come entertain me?
21 006EB4EC A living human at our club! Now isn't that something.
22 006EB4ED Bright and early, aren't you? We don't open until... Vin! What time do we open?
23 006EB4EE Having a pleasant evening? More pleasant than mine, I would hope.
24 006EB4EF That's quite the get-up! Is it Halloween again already?
25 006EB4F0 I see you've dressed for the occasion. Very snazzy.
26 006EB4F1 So dapper! Trying to show me up, are you?
27 006EB4F2 That's a gorgeous dress. Tell me where you shop around here. Please. I'm desperate.
28 006EB4F3 We're not going swimming, are we? I am severely lacking a flotation device.
29 006EB4F4 Oh, I'd love to join you for a dip, but I left my floaties in Atlantic City.
30 006EB4F5 Still in uniform? I thought 9-to-5s died in the War.
31 006EB4F6 Unbutton that collar and relax. You're in the care of the Russos now.
32 006EB4F7 Sergeant? Should I drop and give you twenty?
33 006EB4F8 Are these operating hours? You know what, it doesn't matter. Just don't cause a scene.
34 006EB4F9 Is that a new customer? Oh, it's just you. Close enough, I suppose.
35 006EB4FA The Russos' little helper! Be a dear and remind me the world already ended, please.
36 006EB4FB Our certified Devil hunter, in the flesh. Should I be intimidated?
37 006EB446 006EB4C2 No need to hold back. Tell me what's on your mind.
38 006EB4C3 Something to spill?
39 006EB4C4 You look far too sober for a real conversation.
40 006EB4C5 Looking for entertainment? I've got stories, insults, and a long list of complaints. Plenty to keep us occupied.
41 006EB4C6 Any complaints? Keep them to yourself, thank you.
42 006EB4C7 I have far too much time for idle chatter. Tell me something interesting.
43 006EB4C8 I know, I know. It's unprofessional for the talent to socialize. Cry me a river.
44 006EB4C9 Back for more? I'm fantastic company.
45 006EB4CA If all the world's a stage, then I have a part to play right here. Your part was reminding me that.
46 006EB4CB Welcome to the next chapter in Evelyn's tragic and hopeless fall from the limelight. Pleasure you've been here to witness it all.
47 006EB4CC It's good the girl has her father back. He was always better at the whole mentorship thing.
48 006EB4CD My daughter must have found her way out there. She was always a scrappy little thing.
49 006EB4CE Poor girl. I can't stop thinking of her on her own out there. Well... It's out of my hands.
50 006EB447 006EB4B9 You shouldn't have messed with the Russos!
51 006EB4BA Oh, you're not getting away with that!
52 006EB4BB What a perfectly good day, ruined!
53 006EB448 006EB4DC Ugh. I hate cardio.
54 006EB4DD Well, that got messy.
55 006EB4DE I could have done without that interruption.
56 006EB449 006EB4A5 How dare you!
57 006EB4A6 What a dreadful thorn in my side!
58 006EB4A7 You're interrupting my personal time!
59 006EB44A 006EB4E1 Ugh!
60 006EB4E2 Agh!
61 006EB4E3 How dare you!
62 006EB44B 006EB4AA Ugh...
63 006EB4AB This isn't... over yet...
64 006EB4AC I'm not cut out for this...
65 006EB44C 006EB492 Oh yes. And that makes things even more... delicate.
66 Instead of working with someone's expectations for an hour, you're working with their expectations for their entire life. Their hopes and dreams.
67 The pressure is paralyzing. You look away for a moment to retain your own sanity, and when you look back, everything's moved on without you.
68 006EB44E 006EB4B0 Then again, that's what makes them so worthwhile.
69 I'd rather a thousand complaints thrown my way than a crowd full of yes men, or dullards with no original ideas.
70 People need to express themselves! Tell me how angry you are! Tell me what you hate about me!
71 I'll throw it right back, of course, but... in the end we'll both know a little more about each other, won't we?
72 006EB450 006EB495 Of course I have! I get clearer answers if I don't ask!
73 People don't always understand their own feelings, dear. They often don't.
74 Sometimes you just have to improvise. Try out different things and see what makes people yap the least.
75 006EB452 006EB4BC I know, I can be too much for some people. Your loss.
76 006EB454 006EB497 Oh, please. I'm in showbiz. The inflated confidence is tactical.
77 Ever heard of a rock star who didn't act like they were God's gift to humankind? It's a persona. It makes people look up to them.
78 Not to mention things are far more entertaining this way.
79 006EB456 006EB4DF Not so different from professional life, really. Same show, different venue.
80 You play a role, manage conflicts, try and decipher what people want from you. I've never been good at that part.
81 006EB458 006EB49A I sang in lounges, mostly. Soon enough, exclusive ones. They started booking places for me rather than booking me for a place.
82 I was on top of the world. Biggest talent in the city! Then the war came. Priorities changed.
83 The Showmen took advantage of the lawlessness, took advantage of people's primal ugliness, and stole everything from me.
84 If I sound bitter it's because I am. Maybe I could have survived the world dying with my optimism intact, but to watch my dreams die with it?
85 That's the real injury, for those of us that survived.
86 006EB45A 006EB48D I appreciate your concern, but the Russos will handle it. Every family has their own ways of dealing with things.
87 006EB45C 006EB49E What in heaven's name would make him think that? I'm his mother. And besides, accepting critique is a crucial part of my job.
88 Nevermind the time I burned down the curtains at that awful theatre. It's the owner's fault for dismissing my talent.
89 And that phony news company, they deserved to have their electric lines cut. It was a service to the city!
90 Oh. I see your point.
91 006EB45E 006EB48F I would never get in the way of Vincenzo's ambitions. I am his mother! Of course I want him to succeed.
92 You mean to tell me he's prioritizing family issues over his own career? That's... Well, I didn't expect that. She's genuinely surprised by this because she would never do the same
93 Maybe I can do more to free up his plate. I've just been so distracted by, well... everything.
94 006EB460 006EB4A8 Please. This was getting dangerously sentimental.
95 006EB462 006EB4AE Oh, well, he was an utter fool. Sat in the audience for one show and tried to book me at the Neapolitan's main stage.
96 I told him casinos weren't my scene, but the money he offered...
97 Now, you've no idea how many young gentlemen I had to fend off during those days. I mean the flirtations, the roses, the breaches of privacy. Endless!
98 But Antonio? The fool got me a private dressing room, bigger paychecks, free concessions all over the establishment. And he would hardly look my way.
99 It wasn't his money I wanted. It was his independence, the authority and discipline he exuded.
100 But he had no idea how to romance a woman... I soon had to take matters into my own hands. The rest, as they say, is history.
101 006EB464 006EB494 Here we go. You help out with a few things, and now you think you're part of the family!
102 You have no right to speak for Vincenzo. If my son has grievances he can take them up with me personally! It's very frankly none of your business.
103 006EB466 006EB4B3 They say it's life's most difficult and most rewarding endeavor. They are most certainly right on the former.
104 But... I sometimes think about where I would be if I hadn't said yes. If I hadn't thrown caution to the wind.
105 If I hadn't stuck around to raise little Vincenzo... and then Abigail.
106 It feels like a string of reckless coincidences, but those were choices I made. Choices I wanted.
107 In the end, life is much more vibrant with them around, don't you think?
108 006EB468 006EB4BE I know now that perhaps I could have done more to help her fly. I can't change the past. But if she ever comes back, I'll be here for her.
109 006EB4BF
110 006EB469 006EB4E4 I don't take that for granted. We're going to have some much-needed... What do you call it? "Mother-daughter time"?
111 What do you even do in those? Paint your nails? Gossip about the new boy about school?
112 Oh, forget it. Maybe I can still pull out the vinyls and convince her to appreciate some fine art.
113 006EB4E5 I only wish I understood my place in all this. Being part of a family has always felt... foreign to me.
114 I don't know what's expected. Even if I try, I can't do anything right.
115 I understood how to please an audience, but now that's gone too.
116 006EB46A 006EB49B Something new and exciting, I hope.
117 006EB46C 006EB49F Truth be told, I never thought we would feel like a family again. We all have too many ambitions. Wayward branches growing apart in every direction.
118 At least my daughter has her father back. Those two were always closer than the rest of us. And more importantly, Abigail is still with us.
119 006EB4A0 It turned out as well as any tragedy could, wouldn't you say?
120 Maybe that's overdramatic. Little birds are destined to leave the nest. All any mother can hope for is that they fly out on strong wings.
121 006EB4A1 What would you like me to say? I've moved on and everything's peachy?
122 My daughter is out there doing God knows what, hopped up on the literal blood of the Devil. Who knows if she's even still alive.
123 *sigh* There's only so much you can do when someone refuses to be helped. Even if it is your little girl.
124 006EB46F 006EB4AD
125 006EB471 006EB493 He certainly did. Begged me not to tell his father, too, but that wasn't going to last.
126 That boy is more responsible than I ever was. Wants to "make a difference", whatever that means.
127 Well, I suppose performing does the same thing, when you get down to it. Just, a different kind of difference. An emotional one.
128 006EB473 006EB4B1 Not that I need one, anymore. It was... childish to hold onto the past. When an act goes stale, you put on a new one.
129 These lifeless hills have potential yet. We may need to dig deep to find it. Very deep.
130 006EB4B2 I'm not sure if there's anywhere to go from here. Maybe we are each destined for our heyday to come and pass.
131 No need to look so glum about it. Just because I'm doomed, doesn't mean you are.
132 006EB474 006EB4BD The show you crashed. I haven't forgotten how my chance at the spotlight was denied.
133 006EB476 006EB498 Whether or not they're the ones who attacked us remains to be seen.
134 006EB47A 006EB48C That seems to be the verdict. I had no idea Antonio was the root of the Blood trade.
135 Too crafty for his own good, the cunning devil. Reminds me of the slick young gentleman I fell in love with. Against all rational insights, mind you.
136 Perhaps we need a reminder of those days. A glass of wine by the fire. A perilous dance into the night. Maybe I can surprise him.
137 006EB47C 006EB49D Well, now I'm offended! If you're going to send hitmen to the Russo household, who could be a more charming target?
138 Certainly not Antonio. He was such a gentleman, once upon a time. *sigh* I have to wonder if my husband is still in there somewhere.
139 006EB47E 006EB4A2 Nothing! When the industry changed, I could have fallen into obscurity, but I adapted. I catered to the masses without losing my own sanity.
140 Those lunatics who are in charge of entertainment now - they call themselves artists, but they exile those who won't conform. Absolute madness.
141 006EB4A3 I laid my soul bare, and you've already gone and forgotten about it.
142 006EB480 006EB490 I expect I'm the target, don't you? Well if that's the case, let them come! I don't regret a thing.
143 006EB482 006EB4B5 I didn't bore you, did I? Maybe I'm losing my touch.
144 006EB4B6 Stop by again, won't you darling?
145 006EB4B7 Don't stay away too long. Take it as a compliment, but you've been the least boring part of my day.
146 006EB484 006EB4C0 Oh, my favorite topic! And yours too, I'm certain.
147 006EB486 006EB49C I hope this isn't some attempt at counseling. Our American Dream didn't work out exactly as planned. Sue me for it.
148 006EB488 006EB499 Business? What business? So far you're the only living thing that's walked in here without trying to kill us.
149 Vincenzo thinks the venture was misguided. Folksy dive bars like The Wayward get more business in a place like this.
150 Well, I say the audience doesn't know what it's missing! Give it time and advertisements. They'll come.
151 006EB48A 006EB48E Ugh, if we must. Rehashing old news is so humdrum.
152 0073BE58 0073BE5A The Nukashine? Don't tell me that's the bar where that gimmicky concoction originates? *arrogant laugh*
153 I am flattered by the invitation, my dear, but why in the world would I perform for a competitor?
154 Evelyn Russo's act will remain exclusive to The Rose Room. That's final, I'm afraid.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
7 006C2D01 006C2D4F Vincenzo! What did you do? Accusatory
8 006C2D02 006C2D51
13 006C2D05 006C2D11 Just nonsense is all it is. We can't let them scare us.
22 006C2D0B 006C2DC5 Opening night is a failure!
48 006C2D0D 006C2D19 Excuse me? Just who do you think you're speaking to? Taken aback. Response to someone shouting rudely from the crowd after Evelyn's singing performance
50 006C2D10 006C2D15 The neon lights... Forbidden delights... Come have it all... Right here in Atlantic City... Singing
54 006C2D92 006C2DC2 You make the second part of that sound like a simple ask.
58 006C2D9B 006C2DA1 Of course he does. And I'd like one thing in the last twenty years of my life to count as a success. Is that so much to ask for? Frustrated, dramatic
59 006C2D9D 006C2DA2 Those who fancy themselves part of the Atlantic City "high life" have access to a special intoxicant. They drink the Devil's Blood.
60 I should have paid more attention. Must be the stress of the move got to her.
62 006C2D9F 006C2DA0 She's got the shakes. Could be she's danced with the devil.
69 006C4BE5 006C4C57 Is that really how you feel, Vincenzo?
71 006C4BE7 006C4C5C After everything I've done for us, everything I've sacrificed! Unbelievable.
82 006C4BF6 006C4C56 I offer drinks, games, music, more excitement and luxury than this dreary mountain range has ever seen, and what do I get?
83 An audience full of hitmen, a strung out daughter, and an unappreciative son! Just... ridiculous! Nothing makes sense any more!
84 006C4BF8 006C4C59 Welcome to my life. Nothing has gone right since the bombs, and that's a damn long time to make the show go on.
85 006C4BFA 006C4C40 Need me? The last time they needed me was when they were in diapers.
86 Those unruly children learned the gift of language and have used it to complain ever since.
87 006C4BFB 006C4C5F *sigh* Fine, I'll come downstairs and "help". The extra moment of peace isn't worth delaying the inevitable.
88 But it's not like I'll be able to do anything, anyway.
89 006C4BFD 006C4C46 Do me one favor first. Go upstairs and let my husband, Antonio, know what's happening. He may not understand, but... he should at least be told. Sad, but resigned
90 006C4BFF 006C4C65 You think I'm not concerned? Let me ask you something. What do you do to destress? Read a comic? Listen to the radio?
91 It's the apocalypse - maybe you go out and blow some heads off? Whatever it is, it's a distraction. A tool to stay sane under pressure.
92 So don't you dare judge me for keeping my head above water. Much better to complain than have an emotional breakdown.
93 006C4C01 006C4C4B *scoff* And just what are you implying? You don't know anything about me!
94 I did what was necessary to survive in a cutthroat industry full of insane people! If they'd come after me for that, let them!
95 006C4C03 006C4C32 Once a paradise, now a madhouse. Everyone lost their sanity after the bombs. The Showmen are the worst of all. Avoid them at all costs. It's personal with the Showmen
96 006C4C05 006C4C4F They're masochists who get off on risking their own lives in front of others. Once upon a time, people could appreciate simple talent. Bitter and resentful
97 Now everyone's so depressed about the end of the world that the only way they can feel something is by pumping their adrenaline up to eleven. Bitter and resentful
98 The Showmen make a living by capitalizing on that desire. Bitter and resentful
123 006C4C2A 006C4C60 For one of us, in any case.
125 006C4C2C 006C4C66 What in God's name is happening? Rushing downstairs, alarmed from hearing gunshots down there
127 006C4C2E 006C4C33 Vincenzo... Why is my audience dead?! For her, this is more alarming than hearing gunshots in the first place. Her audience! Who will applaud her?!
130 006EB103 006EB139 Get out of my club! Get out! Out! Absolutely losing it
132 006EB105 006EB13F The nerve of those people! Truly... Complaining to herself about how she was insulted by crowd members
133 006EB140 They wouldn't know talent if it dropped an atomic bomb on them! Complaining to herself about how she was insulted by crowd members
139 007522C2 Well? What's going on down here?
140 007522C3 Are you going to question this reprobate, or do I have to do it myself?
141 007522C5 Is my daughter alright?
142 007522C6 It's one problem after another. What's going on with Abigail?
143 007522C8 Everything I do goes unappreciated!
144 007522C9 My own son! Unbelievable.
145 007522CB Let my husband know what's going on, will you? He's upstairs.
146 007522CC Antonio deserves to know about this. As best he can comprehend it, anyway.
147 007522CE Surely there's some way we can help her. A wet towel, maybe?
148 007522CF I'm sure Vincenzo knows what to do.
149 006EB106 006EB12C Oh, don't act like you're above all this. For all we know, someone at City Hall has it out for you.
176 006EB11B 006EB126 The nerve! Storming away
180 006EB121 006EB148 *scoff* Really? Now, I don't know what indignities you and Miss Country Thrift Store are forced to survive out here- She gets interrupted
189 006EF752 006EF755 This isn't like any other chem. When you dance with the devil, you either keep dancing, or you get burnt to a crisp.
190 006EF753 006EF757 Whoever it was, they're wasting their time, sending you all this way.
195 00752CB6 00752CB9 Oh, my darling girl...
200 00767E76 006EB131 Now you listen to me! This establishment is no place for inconsiderate street rats! Taking the mic back after being interrupted, which she HATED
201 Just because you'd rather live under the tragic, filthy, rad-ridden shadow of the bombs doesn't mean the rest of us have to!


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 006F0129 006F0151 Oh, you were, were you? And what was I supposed to do? Just leave my daughter's fate in the hands of some stranger hundreds of miles away?
2 For all I know, you might throw back the Blood at your first opportunity.
3 Then you'll find yourself splayed out naked on the Boardwalk two days later, choking on your own vomit.
4 I suppose the Showmen would dispose of you before letting you bare your cheeks on their turf. Then where would that leave me? ...And Abigail?
5 006F012B 006F0157 Wonderful. I'll be having a drink at the bar until our departure. I'll need it to get me through that dreadful flight.
8 006F012D 006F0159 Incredible. Was that so difficult?
14 006F0137 006F013F Finally, you've arrived. I was resigned to having to convince this lunatic that my daughter is dying all by myself.
15 006F0152 It baffles me how you are able to deal with that person. I mean, where are they from? The 17th century?
23 006FBBC4 You? What are you doing here?!

35 006F0138 006F28E3 Ugh, did it always smell like this?
39 006F53E3 You followed me, didn't you? You'd better explain yourself.
44 006FB852 Are you going to find Stan, or should we stand here and smell the roses all night? Sarcastic, it smells like a stinky city
47 006FBBCD This is my show to steal! You're really getting in the way of things.
48 006FBBCE Tell me about the job you need to do, while we still have the chance.
54 00752227 Well, don't look at me. You're the one with the dose.
55 00752228 Abigail's waiting for you.
58 007522BF Well, isn't this a tricky situation?
59 007522C0 Do enjoy Atlantic City. I promise you it's far less of a drag than this place.
60 Appalachia, mind you. My Rose Room is destined to be the most enchanting place on this side of the mountain range.
61 006F0139 006F0140 "Prior relationship"? So this is a refuge ruled by nepotism, is it?
63 006F013B 006F0141 I am "responding" to a need to save an addict from the terrifying consequences of indulgence.
64 I suppose your charity doesn't extend to dirty junkies, is that it?
69 006F2360 006F2376 You're not mouthing off about some Jersey Devil, are you? What a load of hogwash. Dismissive
70 My parents told me that story when I was a child to scare me into submission. Well, it didn't work, and no Jersey Devil has snatched me from my bed. Proud of being a rebellious child
71 006F2363 006FB822 You'd be crazy not to drink with me before getting in that vertibird.
72 006FB823 Yes, yes, I'll be there in just a minute. Let me get at least two tequilas in the tank.
73 006FB824 Don't tell me I'm holding you up. There's windshield polishing and luggage loading to do, isn't there?
74 006FBBC5 You're not going to leave a woman waiting, are you?
75 006FC61E Let's get out of this cesspool. If we stay too long I may start to miss it.
76 006FC61F Chop, chop, Abbie's waiting. I need to get a towel for her forehead... That's appropriate, isn't it? Throw me a bone, here. Uncomfortable with being caring so she makes a joke out of it to dispel stress
77 006FC620 I'm doubling down on the Russos' new legacy. A family nightclub: blissful haven among the mountains! Everyone will love it.
78 006FC621 Another opportunity wasted. Such is life, I suppose.
79 006FC622 We'd better get back and let you "save the day". Not that anyone ever wanted me to do it. I'm just their mother. Bitter
95 006F28DD 006F28E2 Don't wait up for me. Or actually, do. One should always have an escape plan.
96 006F28DF 006F28E5 The best bet I can give you is a fellow named Stanley Soriano. He spends all his free time at the high rollers lounge in the Neapolitan Casino.
97 Stan is a weak link. Make him feel important and he'll serve up practically anything on a silver platter.
98 006F28E1 006F28E4 You would think in a city people could find a civilized place to relieve themselves.
142 006F53CA 006F53E2 Of course that would bring you here, of all places.
146 006F53CD 006F53D9 Then you understand why I have to do this. It's my only chance. I'm nothing without it.
147 006F53CF 006F53DF Oh, nonsense. They were always complaining about me. Calling me a diva. Vincenzo would tell me to get out of the way so he could do things properly.
148 I'm nothing but a failure to them. They have no appreciation. Acting tough, but there's a hint of sadness here
149 006F53D1 006F53DA So it's dirty business. Nothing new in this city.
150 006F53D2 006F53E0 Now, the final act of this little show involves the star clown - you - throwing knives at poor Zayde against a decorated backboard.
151 There's an obvious option there, if bloodshed doesn't make you queasy.
152 But we do know the Showmen take cheating very seriously. And it just so happens that Zayde wears a protective vest underneath his costume.
153 006F53D4 006F53DB Well, you sound committed. Remind me not to get in your way in the future.
169 006FB7C9 006FB843 No way I could go up 10,000 feet sober. Flying machines are just floating death traps.
170 006FB844 No such thing as safety regulations anymore. Flying is more like gambling.
171 006FB845 That's the last time I try to reason with a historical role-player. Insultingly referring to earlier conversation with Orlando
172 006FB846 Jersey Devil. I've never seen such a thing! Referring to earlier conversation with Superstitious Refugee
185 006FB7D8 006FB839 Oh, don't be silly. *extended laughter* Hiding what she's actually here for
186 I'm like a handler. I have to be present to make sure you get the job done. That doesn't mean I'm going to be the one to do it.
187 Don't you worry about what I'm occupied with. It'll just be a distraction.
188 006FB7DA 006FB817 Me? *laughs* That would be a bad idea. You be a doll and handle the communications. I'll meet you back here once the job is done. Amused that the player thinks she would help them
189 006FB7DC 006FB83C He's a former... friend of my husband. One of the most empty-headed coots I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. Initial statement is a bit suspicious, as she's trying to hide the extent of Antonio's involvement with the mafia. She moves on quickly though.
190 It's entertaining, really. Tell him anything and watch the words pass through a void.
191 006FB7DE 006FB819 Very funny. There's more chance to see a pirate ship flying over this city than some kind of winged goat. Subtle reference to a previous Fallout quest
192 006FB7E0 006FB847 We are in the Casino Quarter, which is owned and operated by the mafia. Toward the coast we have the Boardwalk, proving ground of the Showmen.
193 And further inland is the city center, where the government continues to keep things half-functioning.
194 Smells like they need to hire another garbage man, however.
195 006FB7E2 006FB81B The perfect cover story to disappear anyone inconvenient. *laughs* That Devil almost got me too. Good thing I fled to the mountains.
199 006FB7E8 006FB829 Marketing tactics. What would you name a chem that's supposed to be the ultimate temptation? Would you call it "Innocent Angel Milk"?
200 Siphoning blood... Hmph. No sensible business person would put in all that effort, even if the Jersey Devil was real. A bit amused by this idea
203 006FB7EC 006FB827 Oh, brother. Don't encourage these delusions.
208 006FB7F1 006FB814 Oh, please. I'm a performer!
209 I learned from real life stage experience, not from sitting at home reading Shakespeare over and over, like that Orlando character must have.
210 It's embarrassing to listen to!
211 006FB7F3 006FB83A Of course I didn't have to. We're all free people, aren't we?
212 I take it upon myself to answer a pain in the ass with a full-body charley horse. At a minimum.
213 Honestly. Do you not stick up for yourself?
214 006FB7F5 006FB818 Oh, give Abigail a break. The move has been stressful for her. Dismissive
216 006FB7F7 006FB81A The high is legendary. Reserved for the upper crust of idiots who live in "America's Playground" and still manage to get bored.
218 006FB7F9 006FB81C From what I've seen, you hippies could really use the excitement.
219 006FB7FA 006FB80A A nightclub... here? In the rural mountains of West Virginia?
220 006FB7FB 006FB825 Oh, don't tell people about that. You'll scare away the customers. Slightly hushed, though this is rather pointless as everyone has already heard
224 006FB802 006FB831 Unfortunately? Is that your response to good hospitality?
226 006FB804 006FB811 I believe an apology is in order.
237 006FBBA2 006FBBBE I'll leave the job to you. I need to scram before Charlotte's loyal human dogs sniff me out.
238 006FBBA3 006FBBCC The blood would be on your hands, not mine. I've seen worse in these parts. Hard to make it very far with too many morals in the way.
239 006FBBA4 006FBBC0 More of an improviser, then. May inspiration strike before the eyes of the crowd.
240 006FBBA5 006FBBD1 Puts a sour taste in my mouth, knowing exactly how that feels. But it's the Showmen who are delusional, not Zayde and I for valuing our own lives.
241 006FBBA6 006FBBC1 A bit macabre for you to say it so casually, but yes. Putting a knife through someone's arm should send a strong enough message.
242 006FBBAB 006FBBBA We Russos... we were a family once, but we're broken beyond repair. The only thing l can still do is try and pick up the pieces for myself.
243 006FBBAC 006FBBBC
244 006FBBAD 006FBBC7 Perhaps you're right. I've spent so much time blocking them out, focusing on myself...
245 Of course they'd be angry at me. That's what makes it so hard. I never intended to let them down.
246 006FBBAE 006FBBCA Isn't it too late? I've spent so much time blocking them out, focusing on myself...
247 No, that's a quitter's attitude. I never let anything stop me in showbiz. Home might be a different stage, but... a show nonetheless.
248 006FBBAF 006FBBB8 Family... I used to know what that meant once. Nothing ever turns out quite how you imagine it.
249 But I suppose that's no reason to stop trying, is it? It never stopped me in showbiz.
250 006FBBB0 006FBBCB Oh, you're not, are you? And who are you to make that decision for the both of us?
251 006FBBB1 006FBBCF It's all I have left.
252 006FBBB2 006FBBC2 What other option do I have? People aren't interested in anything else. At least not here.
253 I'd rather sell out than become completely irrelevant. Worthless. Unwanted.
254 006FBBB3 006FBBD2 You and Vincenzo have that situation handled.
255 This family has never needed me. Antonio was always busy, and Abigail followed him like a dog. Vincenzo handled everything around the house.
256 But the crowd... they always loved me. I gave them something. I still have more to give.
257 006FBBB4 006FBBD0 I get rid of Zayde before the final act. Indispose him, mind you, I'm not a murderer. I go on in his place.
258 Put on the show he was meant to - no safety protocols. I prove to this city that if it's truly what they want, I too can evolve.
259 That I'm still worth something. Trying to say this confidently, but a hint of sadness breaks through
260 006FBBB5 006FBBBF I was the best singer in Atlantic City! Everyone wanted me! Then the world ended, and... everyone changed.
261 That Charlotte bitch started feeding them adrenaline in place of talent. I can't compete with a chemical reaction!
262 My only chance to stay relevant was to join them. I became a Showman.
263 I put my act on a dangerous high-rise, let people get off thinking they might see me topple to my death...
264 But I have too much to live for. I was on wires the whole time. I fell one day and the jig was up. After that, the Showmen wanted my head.
265 I need a chance to redeem myself. These people... they used to love me. They just need to be reminded of that.
266 006FBBB6 006FBBB9 Well if you're so interested, then fine! Acting indignant, but very easily gives in to the pleasure of talking about herself
267 006FBBB7 006FBBBD Help you? I have enough to worry about as it is.
350 007521EE 0075226B I helped, didn't I?
352 007521F1 0075226F Now, there's no use rehashing all of that. We got you the Blood, didn't we? That's what matters.
353 007521F4 0075226D Oh, I'll spill the beans; they're going to fall out eventually. Acting dramatic/victimized, but she's actually always keen for an opportunity to talk about herself
354 When I heard you had a way to fly to Atlantic City, I saw an opportunity to redeem myself.
355 To steal the stage and show them Evelyn Russo, the fearless songstress! To remind the audience what they loved about me!
356 But the Showmen found out before I could do anything. It was all for the better.
357 I don't know what possessed me. Going onstage without a proper act prepared? It would have been a disaster!
358 007521F5 00752275 Well, what's with the accusatory tone?
365 007521FD 00752210 Of course, darling. We're going to get you out of this conundrum.
366 If anyone knows how to slink out of a mess, it's your mother. Nevermind that there's usually another one waiting. We'll tackle that when we get to it.
368 007521FF 00752211 Abigail? Are you alright, dear?
371 00752201 00752212 And when will you think about me? What you're asking of me; what you've taken from me?!
372 Ugh, it's no use. Nothing ever works out how it should, and the life I wanted is gone.
373 00752202 0075221B And here I am. But let's not make it awkward, shall we? We have Abbie to worry about at the moment.
375 00752204 0075221D Yes, yes, whatever you want to call it. I say we've gotten too sentimental already, but there you have it.
377 00752206 0075221F Yes, there's... that aspect of it as well. You have to understand, Vincenzo. My life has always been showbiz. I don't know who I am without it.
378 But here's to me finding out.
379 I realized I have another role to play here... as your mother. Perhaps I haven't committed to that as fully as I should have.
380 00752208 0075226A
381 0075220A 00752216 Who do you think you're talking to? Of course I can. I always scrape through somehow.
382 So long as I make it to the vertibird, they're not going to know I'm there. Especially not with Ms. Lennox guarding it like her own newborn child.
383 0075220B 0075221E Yes, they put me on their godforsaken hit list after my act went awry. They can't have anyone besmirching the Showmen's foolhardy reputation.
384 So anyone who is disgraced in the eyes of the public is erased from history altogether.
385 0075220C 00752220 Well, I don't have much time before every Showman on the Boardwalk is chasing after me with a machete.
386 But before I go, the least I can do is help you help Abbie. So tell me what needs to be done.
387 00752221 Well, that throws all my plans out the window. I don't have much time before every Showman on the Boardwalk is chasing after me with a machete.
388 Before I go, at least indulge me in what exactly it is you're planning?
389 0075220E 0075221C Wait! Come back here, you pathetic nobod- Shit. I didn't expect them to raise the alarm so soon. Shouting after a Showman who's running away. Realizes it's too late and mutters under her breath
390 0075220F 00752214 Is that Evelyn Russo? The disgrace? Oh, Mother has to hear about this! She's gonna send the whole city after you! Scandalous! Very dramatic and excited to run off and share this gossip


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
79 006F7C05 00759C38 Well, now that that's settled... Anyone care for a martini?
80 00759C39 It's good to see a resolution to this pandemonium. About time someone took some responsibility!
85 00759C41 I wish she would have had the courtesy to say goodbye to her own mother. Irritation disguising sadness
86 00759C42 I can't believe my little girl is all grown up. Sadness/Disbelief that Abbie is gone
91 00759C4A You'd better have an explanation for this! Upset that her daughter is missing
92 00759C4B My daughter! Where is my daughter? Tearful and demanding
356 0073D2EF 007580F1 If this were a play, it would certainly be a tragedy. Melodramatic, irritated.
357 007580F2 I had to move mountains to fit this familial powwow into my schedule. Haughty, melodramatic.
358 007580F3 I can't believe how long I've been kept in the dark! Offended that she was kept out of the loop.
359 007580F5 At least now we know who the real performer is in the family. Haughty.
360 007580F6 Make haste. My daughter was meant for better things than this bizarre sort of vampirism. Melodramatic and firm.
361 007580F7 Who is going to clean up this dreadful corpse?! Aghast.
441 00758069 007580C3 I hope you know what you're doing, Tony... Sad, solemn.
451 0075806F 007580BC And embalming this...thing...was the answer? What a ridiculous idea from a ridiculous man! Sees right through Antonio's nonsense.
457 00758073 007580B2 Then why do you have...this?! Disgusted. Haughty.
460 00758076 0075809E Antonio! What is this BEAST doing in my home?! Disgusting! Aghast and disgusted.
461 00758077 007580D6 Whoa... In awe, disbelief.
467 0075807B 007580A1 *sighs* I've married a Shakespearean villain, haven't I? Dramatic tone. Deeply disappointed in her husband.
468 Our daughter is dying, Antonio. Sharp, stern.
476 00758080 007580B9 And this cursed night club... all that nonsense you gave me about an "Appalachian night life". Just another falsehood! Feeling betrayed. Indignant.
477 No one makes a fool out of me, Antonio Russo! Angry.
489 00758093 007580A8 Abigail, please. I've handled more than one bad performance in my day. Haughty, stern.
490 I just didn't think it would be my HUSBAND I'm booing off the stage! Irritated.
501 00758890 007588FA Oh god... My Abigail... Poor, sweet girl... Starting to cry
503 00758893 00758939 So that's it, then? We're letting Abigail run off to get strung out in Casino Quarter alleys for the rest of her life? What kind of family are we?! Very upset
504 00758894 0075890C Hey, you. A final word?
506 00758896 0075890D Oh, but both my children gone? A mother left to languish in a cabin in the woods... I can hardly bear it.
518 007588A3 007588FF And just when I had resolved to turn things around.
519 00758900 And just when I need you most.
520 007588A4 00758924 So that's how it's going to be, is it? Tearful and slightly angry
522 007588A6 0075892C But like this? It shouldn't be like this. It can't be.
524 007588A8 00758935 What? Vincenzo, not you too. You can't do this to me.
531 007588AF 00758952 This can't be. We were going to... rebuild. Have a happy family again.
532 00758953 Oh, it's one thing after another. I'm losing a daughter, too...
541 007588B8 00758926 This can't be. We were going to... rebuild. Have a happy family again. Tearful. Showing genuine love/emotion for once
542 00758927 What, so that's it? She's not even coming home to say goodbye? Sad, expressing it as resentment and disbelief
543 007588B9 00758948 Physically, Abbie is fine. She got her cure. Mentally, the jury's out. She decided she wasn't interested in coming home.
548 007588BE 00758904 Where is Abigail? Where is my daughter?! Antonio...? Demanding at first, then verging on tearful
554 007588C3 00758933 Oh, Vincenzo, you really are all grown up. I only hope that we've spent enough time together that you won't forget me. Dramatic, tearful
555 00758934 You're lucky you still have the chance to return. I'd take the opportunity in a heartbeat. Resentful about her own career
559 007588C7 00758943 Oh, don't frighten us like that! You had us all holding our breath just to say that nothing's changing.
571 007588D1 00758936 You've grown charismatic with age, Abigail. If only I could say the same for your father. Playful fun, not resentful
574 007588D3 00758928 Goodness, I don't think we've spent this much time in the same room in ages!
575 It's certainly a welcome change. Everyone, please shift to the left if you can. It's my good side.
576 007588D4 00758905 Oh, you're right of course.
577 00758906 Oh, that's no fun at all. If I can't be a star again, at least let me party like one.
579 007588D6 007588FD Thank goodness. We're all due for some relaxation now that this is through. Would you like a toast, Abigail?
613 0075B0B7 0075B0BF And what is that supposed to mean? Your sister's run off to God knows where, and you're still giving me that attitude?
615 0075B0B9 0075B0C0 You know you love it.
617 0075B0BB 0075B0C1 Oh, you'll get better with practice. I certainly did.