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This is a transcript for dialogue with Evan King.


GREETING GREETING Surprise 90 Well, holy shit! You're back! 1
Fear 70 What the hell happened out there? 2
GREETING Happy 90 There he is... the hero of the day! 3
GREETING Happy 90 There she is... the heroine of the day! 4
GREETING Neutral 50 How's the search going? Any sign of Ian? 5
GREETING Neutral 50 What did they tell you? Everyone ok? 6
GREETING Disgust 50 Don't you have some houses to be checking? 7
GREETING Anger 50 Hang on, you're not one of them. I nearly blasted you in two! 8
Disgust 50 Get over here before they spot you. 9
GREETING Neutral 50 Now, what the hell are you doin' all the way out here? 10
GREETING Neutral 50 You again, huh? What is it now? 11
GREETING Neutral 50 Long time, no see. 12
GREETING Happy 50 Back in Arefu, eh? Good to see you again. 13
GREETING Happy 50 How the heck are ya'? 14
MS09EvanKingEndgame01 It's done, Evan. The Family will never bother Arefu again. Happy 80 I don't know how you did it, but goddamn am I glad you walked up that ramp and lent us a hand. 15
Fear 80 What about Ian? Did you find him? 16
It's done, Evan. The Family will never bother Arefu again. Happy 80 I know, I talked to Ian and he told me everything you did. 17
Happy 80 I don't know how you did it, but goddamn am I glad you walked up that ramp and lent us a hand. 18
Neutral 50 Thanks again, kid. Consider yourself welcome back here anytime you're in this part of the Wastes. 19
MS09EvanKingEndgame02 Yeah, I took care of your problem. Happy 80 I don't know how you did it, but goddamn am I glad you walked up that ramp and lent us a hand. 20
Fear 80 What about Ian? Did you find him? 21
Yeah, I took care of your problem. Neutral 50 I know, I talked to Ian and he told me everything you did. 22
Neutral 50 I don't know how you did it, but goddamn am I glad you walked up that ramp and lent us a hand. 23
Neutral 50 Thanks again, kid. Consider yourself welcome back here anytime you're in this part of the Wastes. 24
MS09EvanKingEndgame03 The Family's been dealt with and you owe me big. Neutral 50 If I had two caps to rub together, I'd still give them to you. Afraid I'm as poor as a Brahmin herder though. 25
Happy 80 But goddamn am I glad you walked up that ramp and lent us a hand. 26
Fear 80 What about Ian? Did you find him? 27
The Family's been dealt with and you owe me big. Neutral 50 If I had two caps to rub together, I'd still give them to you. Afraid I'm as poor as a Brahmin herder though. 28
Happy 80 Ian told me everything you did for him. Goddamn am I glad you walked up that ramp and lent us a hand! 29
Fear 80 Thanks again, kid. Consider yourself welcome back here anytime you're in this part of the Wastes. 30
MS09EvanKingEndgame04 No, he wasn't with the Family. <Lie.> Sad 80 Damn. Well maybe he just made a run for Megaton or something. Hope you can find him one day. 31
Happy 80 Sorry everything didn't work out, but consider yourself welcome back here anytime you're in this part of the Wastes. 32
MS09EvanKingEndgame05 Sorry, but Ian's dead. <Lie.> Sad 80 Damn. That poor kid. 33
Happy 80 Sorry everything didn't work out, but consider yourself welcome back here anytime you're in this part of the Wastes. 34
MS09EvanKingEndgame06 He's fine. He's living with Lucy now. <Lie.> Happy 80 You're just full of surprises today, aren't you? 35
Happy 80 Thanks again, kid. Consider yourself welcome back here anytime you're in this part of the Wastes. 36
MS09EvanKingIntroCT01 Who did you think I was? Anger 50 I thought you were one of the Family. They're some lowlife gangers who've been giving us a hell of a lot of trouble lately. 37
Neutral 50 They're the reason for my itchy trigger finger. 38
MS09EvanKingIntroCT01FamilyFirst Let me guess, you thought I was from the Family. Surprise 70 Wait... you aren't one of them but you know about them? What's going on here? 39
MS09EvanKingIntroCT01Letter Well, I have this letter for the West Family. Neutral 50 That's great, but I got bigger problems than being the town post office right now. 40
Disgust 50 The shit's about to hit the fan in this cesspool, and I don't think I can stop them. 41
MS09EvanKingIntroCT02 I'm just passing through. Disgust 100 Nobody just passes through here. There's nothing to get to by way of this shithole. You've found yourself at a dead-end. 42
Neutral 50 The only bastards that still pass through are the Family. They're some lowlife gangers who've been giving us a hell of a lot of trouble lately. 43
Disgust 50 They're the reason for my itchy trigger finger. 44
MS09EvanKingIntroCT03 Next time you shoot at me like that, you'd better not miss. Disgust 70 Don't play tough with me. I was shooting my gun when you were still an itch in your daddy's pants! 45
Disgust 50 I thought you were one of the Family. They're some lowlife gangers who've been giving us a hell of a lot of trouble lately. 46
Neutral 50 They're the reason for my itchy trigger finger. 47
MS09EvanKingIntroCT04 What kind of trouble? Disgust 70 Well at first they'd do typical gang bullshit. You know, break stuff and make lots of noise, but they always kept their distance. 48
Anger 50 But this last time, they went too far. They killed all of our Brahmin! I mean, that's our lifeblood out here you know! 49
MS09EvanKingIntroCT05 Are they Raiders or Slavers? Fear 70 No way. If they were, you'd be staring at a burned out ghost town. I think the Family are just a bunch of punks. 50
Neutral 50 Well at first they'd do typical gang bullshit. You know, break stuff and make lots of noise, but they always kept their distance. 51
Neutral 50 But this last time, they went too far. They killed all of our Brahmin! I mean, that's our lifeblood out here you know! 52
MS09EvanKingIntroCT06 Oh come on, it's just gang nonsense. Fear 70 That's what I thought at first. 53
Disgust 60 I mean, they'd do typical gang bullshit. You know, break stuff and make lots of noise, but they always kept their distance. 54
Disgust 80 But this last time, they went too far. They killed all of our Brahmin! I mean, that's our lifeblood out here you know! 55
MS09EvanKingIntroCT07 Why don't you fight back? Disgust 50 Yeah sure. I'll just go and take all of them out by myself. What are you, crazy? 56
Neutral 50 As soon as they roll into town, I lock my doors just like everyone else. We could really use some assistance here. 57
MS09EvanKingIntroCT07SC What's got you so spooked? Fear 50 Sigh. Look... you can call me crazy if you want but there just is something odd about those creeps. 58
Neutral 50 I mean, they got the guns and they got the muscle. Why don't they just bust down our doors and take us out already? 59
Neutral 50 We're really in a bad way, and could use some help. 60
MS09EvanKingIntroCT08 You ever take one of them out? Disgust 70 Are you out of your mind? I drop one of them and the rest will use me as a bullet catcher. 61
Neutral 50 As soon as they roll into town, I lock my doors just like everyone else. We could really use some assistance here. 62
MS09EvanKingIntroCT09 What are you, some kind of a wimp? Disgust 50 Look, pal. If you think I'm gonna get my ass shot off playing the hero, you're dead wrong. 63
Neutral 50 If I know they're coming, I lock myself inside like everyone else. We're really in a bad way, and could use some help. 64
MS09EvanKingIntroCT10 I'd be glad to help. What do you need? Neutral 50 I don't want to take my eyes off the ramp here. There's no telling when the Family will return. 65
Neutral 50 Can you do me a favor and check on the other people's houses here? You know, make sure they're doing okay. 66
Neutral 50 Speak with Davis West, Karen Schenzy and Ken Ewers. 67
MS09EvanKingIntroCT11 Help costs caps. Disgust 70 Do I look like I just stepped out of Tenpenny Tower? I barely have a pot to piss in. 68
MS09EvanKingIntroCT12 Sounds like you're pretty screwed. You're on your own. Disgust 50 Fine. That's what I've come to expect from strangers. Always thinking of themselves. 69
Anger 50 Why don't you just get out of Arefu? I've got a road to watch. 70
Nope. You're still on your own. Anger 50 Playing games with me, huh? Fine. I got better things to do. 71
MS09EvanKingMiniIntroFamilyFirstCT01 I was hoping to find out what the Family did here. Disgust 70 At first they just showed up and carried on like a bunch of kids down there by the riverbed, scaring the Brahmin and stuff like that. 72
Neutral 50 But this last time, they went too far. They charged up the ramp and started banging on our doors trying to get us to open up. 73
MS09EvanKingMiniIntroFamilyFirstCT02 Look, maybe you better explain what's going on first. Neutral 50 I'll tell you what's going on... the Family's been bothering our town for weeks. 74
Disgust 70 At first they just showed up and carried on like a bunch of kids down there by the riverbed, scaring the Brahmin and stuff like that. 75
Neutral 50 But this last time, they went too far. They charged up the ramp and started banging on our doors trying to get us to open up. 76
MS09EvanKingMiniIntroFamilyFirstCT03 No, I lied. I'm their newest member! Anger 100 What the fuck? You liar! 77
MS09FinTLHelpMe Any help you can provide would be appreciated. Neutral 50 I've been saving up stuff for emergencies in case things with Arefu got tremendously bad. 78
Happy 50 You're welcome to some of it if you like. 79
Any help you can provide would be appreciated. Neutral 50 Sorry, the well's run dry. 80
MS09FinTLHowAreThings How are things going now? Neutral 50 Things are much better. We all don't have to stay inside our houses and we sleep much better at night. 81
Neutral 50 It hasn't been this peaceful in Arefu for as long as I can remember. 82
Neutral 50 The proposal you've brought us from Vance should also ensure our safety. I don't think I'll ever be able to repay you. 83
How are things going now? Neutral 50 Things are much better. We all don't have to stay inside our houses and we sleep much better at night. 84
Neutral 50 It hasn't been this peaceful in Arefu for as long as I can remember. 85
MS09FinTLProposal I have a proposal for you from Vance, the Family's leader. Neutral 50 Interesting. It seems they wish to enter into some kind of agreement. 86
Happy 80 I guess it's better than pointing my gun down that ramp all day and hiding inside at night. 87
Happy 80 Let Vance know he's got a deal... we'll do it. I'll speak to the others, I'm sure they'll agree with me. 88
MS09TLHaveMessage I have a message for the West family from their daughter. Sad 50 I can't take that. You're just going to have to bring it back to Lucy or to Ian if you can find him. 89
I have a message for the West family from their daughter. Neutral 50 I can't take that. You're just going to have to bring it to the Wests yourself. 90
MS09TLTrainyard This may sound odd, but is there a trainyard outside Arefu? Neutral 50 Well, yeah actually. Meresti Trainyard almost due east of here. 91
MS09TLWestsBite I discovered that the Wests had bite marks on their necks made by a human! Surprise 80 What!? The Family must be a pack of cannibals! 92
Fear 80 Oh, this is all I needed right now. What am I going to do? They'll keep coming back until all of us are dead if they think we're food. 93
The Wests had bite marks on their necks. Mean anything to you? Surprise 70 Bite marks on their necks? That's the strangest thing I've ever heard. The Family must have attack dogs with them or something. 94
Fear 70 Oh, this is all I needed right now. What am I going to do? They'll keep coming back until all of us are dead! 95
MS09TLWestsDead Don't worry, Evan. I'll figure out what happened to the Wests. Happy 50 Thanks kid. You're all right. 96
Did you know the Wests are dead? Anger 90 The Family must have gotten to them in the last attack! Sons of bitches! 97
Disgust 50 Damn it! If only we had more men, we could stand up to them. I'm sick of them terrorizing this town. 98
Fear 80 Wait a minute... when you searched the West's place, did you find their son Ian's body? 99
Everyone else seems fine. Fear 80 Wait a minute... when you searched the West's place, did you find their son Ian's body? 100
Did you know the Wests are dead? Anger 90 The Family must have gotten to them in the last attack! Sons of bitches! 101
Disgust 50 Damn it! If only we had more men, we could stand up to them. I'm sick of them terrorizing this town. 102
Fear 80 Check the rest of the town. Make sure I'm not the only one left. 103
MS09TLWestsDeadCT01 No, I only found the parents' bodies. Disgust 70 This has to be the work of the Family! I've caught that weirdo leader of theirs talking to Ian down by the river. 104
Fear 70 Look, I know I've asked a lot from you already, but you have to find that kid... he deserves better than all this. 105
MS09TLWestsDeadCT02 Nope, and it's unlikely they left him alive. Disgust 70 What am I gonna do? The Wests' lives were my responsibility and look what happened! 106
Anger 70 This has to be the work of the Family! I've caught weirdo leader of theirs talking to Ian down by the river. 107
Fear 70 Look, I know I've asked a lot from you already, but you have to find that kid... he deserves better than all this. 108
MS09TLWestsDeadCT03 No, and enough with the third degree already! Disgust 70 Sorry... sorry. I just don't know what to do. The West's lives were my responsibility and look what happened! 109
Anger 70 This has to be the work of the Family! I've caught weirdo leader of theirs talking to Ian down by the river. 110
Fear 70 Look, I know I've asked a lot from you already, but you have to find that kid... he deserves better than all this. 111
MS09TLWhereIsEveryone Can you tell me more about what's been going on around here? Disgust 50 There used to be more families living here. Most of them have dismantled their shacks and moved on to greener pastures. 112
Fear 100 Those that are still living here are keeping themselves indoors thanks to the Family. 113
Tell me about the Family.
Where do you think I can find the Family? Disgust 100 I think they live somewhere east or northeast of here. Problem is, they always travel in the dark so I can't see exactly where they go. 114
Disgust 50 There's all kinds of places they could be hiding like Hamilton's Hideaway, the old Moonbeam Cinema or Northwest Seneca Metro Station. 115
SpeechChallengeFailure SpeechChallengeFailure Disgust 60 Nothing. The Family are just a bunch of damn punks. 116


GOODBYE I have to go now. Anger 50 Next time I see the Family, there's gonna be hell to pay. 117
I have to go now. Disgust 50 Just watch yourself. I've got an itchy trigger finger. 118
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Adios. 119
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Come on back soon, I may have some stuff for ya'. 120
HELLO HELLO Neutral 50 I take it you found the place. 121
HELLO Neutral 50 I'm surprised to see you... thought you'd run for the hills. 122
HELLO Anger 50 I hope you killed every last one of those bastards. 123
HELLO Neutral 50 You're back already? What do you have for me? 124
HELLO Neutral 50 Please tell me you've found something. 125
HELLO Disgust 50 I hope you got some good news tucked away for me. 126
HELLO Neutral 50 Well, is everyone okay? 127
HELLO Neutral 50 Yeah? 128
HELLO Happy 50 Welcome back to Arefu, kid. 129