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This is a transcript for dialogue with Enthusiastic collector.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 00645791 006457AC Have you ever seen a pre-war "high school"?
2 006457AD Hey! You're back! Did you change your mind? Are you going to help me find my artifact?
3 006457AE It's you! You're back! Did you find it?
4 00650B81 Thanks again for finding my artifact! If we were in high school I'd totally let you sit at my table in the cafeteria. That's a huge honor, you know!
5 Not yet. 006457B6 Aw rats. Well, I'll be here looking if you do find it.
6 Yep. It's right here! 006457A9 You actually found it! Thank you! If we were in "high school" you'd get an A in finding things. Here's a little something to say thanks.
7 What was I looking for again 006457A6 Oh! You were helping me look for one of my artifacts.
8 00645798 006457AF Anyway, last time I remember seeing it was when I was showing it off in Responders HQ.
9 006457B0 Anyway, last time I remember having it I also had a drink. Or two... or three... Maybe check the bar!
10 006457B1 Anyway, last time I had it I was displaying it in the Rec Room for a bit. Maybe it got lost in there?
11 006457B2 Anyway, last time I had it I was showing Esme in the soup kitchen so it might be around the kitchen somewhere.
12 00645FB2 Anyway, last time I had it was when I was chilled out on the sofas in the Lobby. I'd check around there!
13 00645FB3 Anyway, last time I remember having it was when I was showing Initiate Ellison in the common room. Maybe it's around there?
14 00645FB4 Anyway, last time I remember having it was in the clinic. What? The doctor scares me - I needed it for good luck!
15 00645FB5 Anyway, last time I had it was I was taking a break from some construction on the site downstairs.
16 00645FB6 Anyway, last time I had it was working on some repairs in the west wing on this floor. Maybe check around there?
17 00645FB7 Anyway, last time I had it was working my construction job on the top floor. It might be somewhere up there!
18 00645799 006457B8 I lost a Lucky Pencil. Pre-war teenagers were superstitious and thought that some writing utensils were more sacred than others. Imagine that!
19 006457B9 I lost a Letterman Jacket. Back in the day the strongest kids got to wear those as a symbol of their physical power. So cool right!?
20 006457BA I lost my Grafton High School Hat. Before the war students worse those as a symbol of allegiance to their school mascot. They even had rival schools!
21 006457BB I lost a VTU Coffee Cup. Students got those when they toured VTU to inspire them to apply. Imagine thinking you'd grow up to work for Vault-Tec. Ha!
22 006457BC I lost a Baseball Glove. I'm pretty sure it belonged to a student because the inside has "love mom" written on the tag. Their mom must've been a fan!
23 006457BD I misplaced a Vintage Football Uniform. Think of the passion, the blood, the sweat and the tears that went into that thing... Football was intense!
24 006457BE I lost a Snare Drum. Back in the day schools had bands that played war cries right before sporting events on those. It must have been such a rush!
25 I can't right now. 006457A8 Ah I understand. Well, I'll be looking around myself if you change your mind!
26 Sure, what did you lose? 006457B7 Wait, you'll help me? Right on! I knew you were cool.
27 0064579E 006457AA I happened to have the best pre-war high school collection in the Refuge... until I lost one of my artifacts. Say, could you help me find it?
28 High school? 006457A7 It was this amazing pre-war place where kids read books, went to detentions, and competed for social rank! So cool right?!
29 I've explored a few out here. 006457AB Wow! It must be so special to explore. Just think of the history... from nerds getting stuffed in lockers to students getting sick from Mystery Meat!
30 I actually attended one. 006457B3 Wow really?! I bet you were a jock! It must have been so fun to date a cheerleader and throw footballs! disbelief and excitement - character is obsessed with high school. this is like meeting their idol
31 006457B4 Really?! Wow! I bet you were a nerd. It must have been so cool dissecting frogs and getting swirlies! disbelief and excitement - character is obsessed with high school. this is like meeting their idol
32 006457B5 Wow really?! I bet you were so popular. You probably had the coolest table in the dining hall... I'm practically talking to royalty! disbelief and excitement - character is obsessed with high school. this is like meeting their idol
33 00647940 Really!? Wow! I bet you were a social chameleon. You probably got along with all of the factions: jocks, preps, and nerds! I am so jealous! This character is OBSESSED With high school so talking to the player about them attending a prewar one is a dream come true.
34 006457A5 006457BF Not again! That's two times this month I've misplaced part of my collection! I was hoping that this line would come off as "wow, I'm such an idiot!" and not just a general gripe
35 006457C0 Can anyone help me look for something? Anyone? No? Ok... it's fine, I knew none of you were cool anyway.
36 006457C1 ... it has to be in the Refuge somewhere... it can't just grow legs and wander off... then again, anything is possible with enough radiation... Character is talking to themselves as they try to find something
37 0064793F 00647941 Have you seen how many films, comics, and books take place in high school? It was so magical! Everyone was so optimistic for their future!