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SIMPLE Enclave logo

Enclave logo as introduced in SIMPLE, created shortly after J.E. Sawyer left Interplay.

The Enclave were the remnants of the pre-War United States government, who played a minor role in the cancelled Van Buren project. Design documents show that it was primarily an element of background lore, such as playing a role in how Senator Todd Peterson acquired funds for what would become the Maxson Bunker before the Great War,[1] explaining the presence of a Poseidon Energy laboratory at Burham Springs (the results of Enclave politicos pushing for the contract to be awarded),[2] or the presence of Hermes-13 and Hermes-14 rockets at Bloomfield Space Center (seized by Enclave operatives to refit the space rockets to ferry Enclave personel off-planet, echoing Tim Cain's multi-generational starship idea, albeit scaled down).[3][4][5]

In case of the Reservation, the Enclave is used as a point of reference to describe the fighting prowess of ghouls under the command of Colonel Green, who turned them into an elite fighting force capable of going toe to toe with any faction of the wasteland, including the NCR, Brotherhood, and Enclave.[6][7][8]


  • Arcade Gannon, a former Enclave member who works with the Followers. He'd be perceived as an NCR associate, due to the work he does at Hoover Dam.[9] He'd also be able to comment on the Poseidon Energy logos at Burham Springs.[10]
  • Bear: A super mutant who's very knowledgeable about the NCR, Brotherhood and the Enclave. This may have led to some interactions with Arcade.[11]
  • Lost Enclave patrol: A random encounter near Jericho, requiring Luck 8 and Outdoorsman >100. The player could stumble upon a patrol of six Enclavers, wearing mismatched pieces of leather an metal armor, with a similar assortment of weapons and broken tech. The leader would be wearing a suit of Enclave combat armor, and approach the player to learn if they know the way to the MacArthur Army Base. The player could be hostile or "weird", resulting in combat, or help them out and receive weapon parts before they head out, trading banter over whether they're in Utah, Colorado, or Kansas. Mostly intended for comedic relied.[12]


The Enclave is mentioned in the cancelled Van Buren project.


  1. Maxson bunker design document: "Through secret dealings with Poseidon Oil and a covert branch of the government known as the Enclave, the final funding for the project was attained. A construction sight was chosen in southern Colorado and work began. "
  2. Burham Springs design document: "Government decision makers order the dumping of radioactive waste into Eagle Rock's lower mines. Enclave politicos help secure a contract for Poseidon Energy to develop and use their AGRICOLA mining robots in the operation of the dumping ground. Not surprisingly, the AGRICOLA lab turns out to be a pretty good bunker as well."
  3. Bloomfield Space Center design document: "So, in August, 2076, the Hermes–13 space rocket was completed and ready to launch at Bloomfield. Unfortunately, by October, 2076, funding for the rocket and Bloomfield had to be drastically cut and diverted to vault technology, thanks in large part to the rising world tensions and imminent threat of nuclear war – the launch of Hermes-13 had to be put on hold. All personnel, except for a skeleton maintenance crew, were reassigned to other locations. Bloomfield, B.O.M.B.-001, and Hermes-13 were essentially mothballed. In November, 2076, the Enclave seized control of Bloomfield Space Center. They knew nuclear war was just around the corner, so they tried to refit the Hermes-13 and convert it into a vehicle that would take selected personnel (mainly themselves) off-planet, destination yet to be determined. Unfortunately for the Enclave, the bombs started dropping less than a year later. All were either relocated to “hot-spots,” or took cover away from Bloomfield. The last people to leave shut down the sub-reactor to Bloomfield and abandoned the facility, letting Hermes-13 and Bloomfield to brave the elements. For whatever reason, the facility never succumbed to nuclear attack. Only time and weather beat on the facility for almost two-hundred years, and neither was very kind. However, Hermes-13 managed to stand proud through the centuries, perhaps in hope that one day it would be allowed to carry out its mission."
  4. Bloomfield Space Center design document: "2076 November Enclave personnel seize control of Bloomfield Space Center and begin researching and developing a way to convert Hermes-13 into a personnel transport to transport important individuals off-planet."
  5. Bloomfield Space Center design document: "2077 Bombs drop. All Enclave personnel leave Bloomfield to either take cover or maintain “hot spots.” Sub-reactor is turned off. Bloomfield, B.O.M.B.001, and Hermes-13 & 14 are completely forgotten."
  6. Reservation design document: "Colonel Green was not one of the original twelve volunteers to traverse the wasteland in search of survivors. He thought it was a futile cause and wanted to stay back and build up a community at the Reservation, of which he would be the leader. His dream to rule over a tiny empire was shattered when Willem Clark returned from his year long journey with nearly three dozen ghouls. It was like the Messiah returning from a holy pilgrimage. Colonel Green knew he could not compete with Willem after that. Instead, Colonel Green offered his military leadership skills to Willem and formed an elite group of ghoul guards. Under his strict command, he and his ghoul guards became every bit an efficient a warrior as any Enclave or BOS soldier. With the added bonus of high powered rifles, caravans and raiders who know about the Reservation know not to mess with Colonel Green and his crew."
  7. Reservation design document: "Through heavy discipline and training, Colonel Green managed to train average, mostly weak ghouls into an elite fighter force. These ghouls are experts at firearms, melee, and unarmed combat and can easily match the combat skills of the NCR, BOS, or Enclave."
  8. Reservation design document: "TIf the player is just a psycho, he can try to gain access “Pulp Fiction” style. However, he better be the biggest, baddest mutha-fuckah in da wasteland, ‘cause ghouls don’t be taken to no Rambo shit, dig? The ghoul guards are easily as tough, if not tougher in some cases, as NCR troops, BoS, and Enclave. They are heavily armed and have plenty of ammo to fill the PC’s body. I’m not saying it isn’t possible for the PC to shoot his way into Town, but I am saying he’s going to need a small army and be rather high level himself with REALLY great combat skills, great armor, and a really good gun – unless he’s Duncan McCloud from the clan McCloud, melee and unarmed would be really tough here (nigh impossible), especially with the three gattling guns. "
  9. Denver design document: "Bringing Arcade Gannon (an Enclave Guy guy who's been hanging out with the FoA in Hoover, and thus comes of as an NCR associate) with you makes the salvagers really suspicious."
  10. Burham Springs design document: "Arcade might comment on the presence of Poseidon Energy logos, since PE and the Enclave were closely related."
  11. Bloomfield Space Center design document: "Bear: Very knowledgeable about NCR, BOS, and the Enclave. "
  12. Jericho design document: "Encounter 3: Lost Enclave Patrol (Unique/LK 8/Outdoorsman 100+) - Six Enclavers humorously lost in northern Utah. One wears a suit of Enclave Combat Armor similar to Arcade Gannon's (CNPC). The others wear bits and pieces of leather armor or metal armor. They are carrying mixed and matched weapons and a lot of broken tech. The leader (in ECA) will approach the PC and ask him or her if he or she knows the way to the MacArthur Army Base. If the PC is at all hostile or "weird" to the Enclavers, they will become defensive and will fight back. If the PC is helpful, the Enclaver will give the PC some "junk" (broken down weapon parts), and head out. Insert comedic banter between confused team members about whether they are in Utah, Colorado, or Kansas, and you have comedy gold!"