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This is a transcript for dialogue with Elizabeth Jameson.


What do you Scribes do?
Tell me a little bit about the Scribes. Neutral 50 Well, there are a number of Orders within with the Scribes, each dedicated to a specific area of research... 1
CitScribeAboutEND That's all I needed. Neutral 50 Very well. 2
That's all I needed. Neutral 50 Certainly. 3
That's all I needed. Neutral 50 Let me know if you need something else. 4
CitScribeAboutOrders What are the Orders? Neutral 50 The Order of the Sword is responsible for weapons research and development. Guns, ammunition anything of an offensive nature. 5
Neutral 50 Defensive research is done by the Order of the Shield. Power Armor, defensive structures anything that is intended to protect us. 6
Neutral 50 The Order of the Quill preserves the written knowledge of the ancients, seeking out all manner of books and holotapes. 7
CitScribeAboutWhatOrder What Order are you a part of? Neutral 50 Actually, I am proctor of the Order of the Quill. I oversee the Archives and Library here in the Citadel. 8
Neutral 50 We are dedicated to preserving the history of the Brotherhood as well as unearthing the secrets of the pre-war civilizations. 9
Neutral 50 We have a single field associate: Scribe Yearling. She operates out of the former Library of Congress to the northeast. 10
CitScribeBrotherhoodBeliefs What does the Brotherhood believe? Neutral 50 We believe in technology, in the triumph of the creations of the ancients over the horrors and evils of the Wasteland. 11
Neutral 50 We believe in trust. Trust in technology. Trust in our fellow Brothers. Trust in our Elders. 12
Neutral 50 Ah, and we believe in victory. Our forces have dwindled, but still we fight on. Super Mutant, Enclave, it matters not. Surrender is not an option. 13
CitScribeBrotherhoodEND That's all I need to know. Neutral 50 Very well. 14
CitScribeBrotherhoodHistory What about the Brotherhood's history in this area? Neutral 50 We first arrived in the Capital Wasteland in 2255. In those first couple of years, we discovered the Citadel, Super Mutants, and Project Purity! 15
Happy 20 Ah, the purifier. What an undertaking. The work your father and his team did was... amazing. The Brotherhood helped protect them, you know. 16
Sad 20 At least for a little while. But we were stretched thin as it was, even back then. We had to pull our forces out. When we did, the place was overrun. 17
Neutral 50 I imagine that's when your father left. I... I'm sorry, I wish things had turned out differently. 18
CitScribeBrotherhoodMembers Who are the members of the Brotherhood? Neutral 50 Elder Lyons leads us. Star Paladin Cross is his seneschal. Sentinel Lyons', the Elder's daughter, commands the Lyons' Pride, our elite combat squad. 19
Neutral 50 The Paladins lead the Knights. The Knights are the core of the Brotherhood they scour the Wastes to eliminate evil and recover technology. 20
Neutral 50 Scribe Rothchild oversees the Scribes in their duties to seek knowledge and restore the technology the Brotherhood has acquired. 21
DLC03TLCitadelEnclave So... Any thoughts on the Enclave? Neutral 50 This is our last chance. Either we finish them off now... Or we won't be around to talk about them anymore. 22
So... Any thoughts on the Enclave? Neutral 50 Right now I need to focus on how to keep our men alive. I don't have time for speculation. 23
So... Any thoughts on the Enclave? Neutral 50 My thoughts haven't changed. They're still not worthy of discussion. 24
Neutral 50 Hopefully before long we won't have to think about them at all. 25
FF02DogtagsFound I found a Brotherhood Holotag. What should I do with it? Neutral 50 You have? Oh my. This brings to light a sad affair for the Brotherhood. But perhaps it is something that you can assist us with. 26
Neutral 50 If you have the time, I have an offer for you. 27
FFDCScribeJamesonDogtagQ1 What are the Scrolls that you mentioned? Neutral 50 Scrolls are kept by the Head Librarian of each Brotherhood bunker. The Scrolls are a record of the Brotherhood itself. 28
Neutral 50 Into each Scroll is written the name and deeds of each of our Brothers. Battles, what technology he has recovered, when he was promoted. Everything. 29
Neutral 50 The last entry for each Brother is that Brother's death. It is important, as the way a man dies is just as important as the manner in which he lives. 30
Neutral 50 And so each man who nobly serves the Brotherhood ascends into our history, to be remembered by those who come after him. 31
FFDCScribeJamesonDogtagQ2 Where can I find Holotags? Neutral 50 They are on our fallen Brothers throughout the DC Ruins. However, I can't give you a full report on the locations of all of our operations. 32
Neutral 50 As I said, many of the units in the field operate independently, sometimes not reporting into the Citadel for weeks or months. 33
FFDCScribeJamesonDogtagQ3 Why can't you send your own people to find the Holotags? Neutral 50 As I told you, with the increase in Super Mutant activity and Elder Lyons' edicts regarding our goals, we are critically short on manpower. 34
Neutral 50 Any soldier that I would ask to do this task is one less soldier fighting in the field or defending the Citadel. 35
Neutral 50 As much as I hate to involve outsiders, it is necessary if I am to properly maintain the scrolls to honor the dead. 36
FFDCScribeJamesonDogtagQ4 What's my reward if I bring you these Holotags? Neutral 50 We have access to a great deal of technology, and because of that, there are a number of things that we can continue to produce. 37
Neutral 50 I will be able to offer you caps for the tags you bring me, but from time to time, I will be able to give you something a bit more interesting. 38
FFDCScribeJamesonDogtagQEND Let's talk about something else. Neutral 50 As you wish. Just remember: more tags, more reward. I know how you outsiders think. 39
FFDCScribeJamesonDogtags I wanted to ask about the Holotags. Neutral 50 Yes? What about them? 40
FFDCScribeJamesonDogtagsEND Actually, never mind. Neutral 50 Return if you have more questions. 41
FFDCScribeJamesonDogtagsQuestions I had a few questions about them. Neutral 50 It is my duty to provide knowledge that benefits the Brotherhood. 42
FFDCScribeJamesonDogtagsSell I've found some Holotags. Neutral 50 Have you? It saddens me to hear of my fallen brethren, but their names and deeds shall be records. Tell me, how many have you found? 43
FFDCScribeJamesonDogtagsSell1 I have one Holotag for you. Neutral 50 Their names shall be written into the Scrolls to be remembered forever. 44
Neutral 50 As for you, here is your reward. Use it well, and in good health. 45
FFDCScribeJamesonDogtagsSell2 I have two Holotags for you. Neutral 50 Their names shall be written into the Scrolls to be remembered forever. 46
Neutral 50 As for you, here is your reward. Use it well, and in good health. 47
FFDCScribeJamesonDogtagsSell3 I have three Holotags for you. Neutral 50 Their names shall be written into the Scrolls to be remembered forever. 48
Neutral 50 As for you, here is your reward. Use it well, and in good health. 49
FFDCScribeJamesonDogtagsSell4 I have four Holotags for you. Neutral 50 Their names shall be written into the Scrolls to be remembered forever. 50
Neutral 50 As for you, here is your reward. Use it well, and in good health. 51
FFDCScribeJamesonDogtagsSell5 I have five Holotags for you. Neutral 50 Their names shall be written into the Scrolls to be remembered forever. 52
Neutral 50 As for you, here is your reward. Use it well, and in good health. 53
FFDCScribeJamesonDogtagsSellAll Take all the Holotags I have. Neutral 50 Their names shall be written into the Scrolls to be remembered forever. 54
Neutral 50 As for you, here is your reward. Use it well, and in good health. 55
FFDCScribeJamesonDogtagsSellEND Never mind. Neutral 50 Very well. 56
FFDCScribeJamesonStory1 Sure, I've got all the time in the world. Neutral 50 Good. As I'm sure you've noticed, the Brotherhood operates all over the DC ruins, often detached from the main base here at the Citadel. 57
Neutral 50 We're short on communication equipment, so many of the groups in the field operate as independent cells without standing orders. 58
Neutral 50 Sometimes... I'm afraid that their missions end in their deaths. As keeper of the Scrolls, it's my charge to write of each fallen Brother's deeds. 59
FFDCScribeJamesonStory1a And without radio equipment, you can't keep track of them? Neutral 50 Exactly. A Brother fallen in the field may have no one to carry word of his death back to me. 60
Neutral 50 In calmer times, we could send detachments and messengers to learn their fates, but with our manpower stretched thin, we have no such luxury. 61
Neutral 50 Which is why I must now ask you for your help. Each Brother wears a Holotag like the one you found. 62
Neutral 50 Should you find any of the fallen Brethren in the field, I ask that you return their tags to me, so that I might record their deeds in the scrolls. 63
FFDCScribeJamesonStory1b You can't keep track of your own damn soldiers? Who runs this place? Neutral 50 I would ask that you respect the Elder as you would your own father. And rude as you may be, you are correct. We can't keep track of them. 64
Neutral 50 And worse than that problem, a Brother fallen in the field would have no one to carry word of his death back to me. 65
Neutral 50 In calmer times, we could send detachments and messengers to learn their fates, but with our manpower stretched thin, we have no such luxury. 66
Neutral 50 Which is why I must now ask you for your help. Each Brother wears a Holotag like the one you found. 67
Neutral 50 Should you find any of the fallen Brethren in the field, I ask that you return their tags to me, so that I might record their deeds in the scrolls. 68
FFDCScribeJamesonStory1c <Yawn.> Neutral 50 ... okay... well... as you can see, we're having trouble keeping track of our soldiers in the field. 69
Neutral 50 And worse than that problem, a Brother fallen in the field would have no one to carry word of his death back to me. 70
Neutral 50 In calmer times, we could send detachments and messengers to learn their fates, but with our manpower stretched thin, we have no such luxury. 71
Neutral 50 Which is why I must now ask you for your help. Each Brother wears a Holotag like the one you found. 72
Neutral 50 Should you find any of the fallen Brethren in the field, I ask that you return their tags to me, so that I might record their deeds in the scrolls. 73
FFDCScribeJamesonStory2 How about we skip the story and you just tell me what you want. Neutral 50 Very well. It's as simple as this. I need someone to collect Holotags from our fallen brethren in the field. 74
Neutral 50 Bring them to me so that I can record the fallen Brothers in the Scrolls, and I will reward you. And that's all that you need to know. 75
FFDCScribeJamesonStoryEND Frankly, I don't give a damn. Neutral 50 That's what I would expect an outsider to say. 76
GREETING GREETING Happy 20 Hail, outsider. I am Scribe Jameson. 77
Neutral 50 Word of your ordeal has spread. I am truly sorry for the loss of your father. But if I can help you in any way, please let me know. 78
GREETING Neutral 50 "Knowledge is the beginning of wisdom, not the end of it." One of my favorite quotes. Its author has been lost to us. 79
Neutral 50 How can I help you, outsider? 80
GREETING Neutral 50 I came across something interesting: "The possession of knowledge does not kill the sense of wonder and mystery. There is always more mystery." 81
Neutral 50 Quite true, don't you think? 82
GREETING Neutral 50 "If we value the pursuit of knowledge, we must be free to follow wherever that search may lead us." 83
Neutral 50 I found that in an ancient book. The words of wisdom of one of the greatest men of the former civilzation. 84
TLCitadelEnclave So... Any thoughts on the Enclave? Disgust 50 Quite a few, but most are distinctly unladylike, and unworthy of discussion. 85
Neutral 50 I will tell you that the Brotherhood has encountered the Enclave before, and their motives were just as sinister then as they are now. 86
TLCitadelSuperMutant Care to share anything about the Super Mutants? Neutral 50 The Brotherhood has been battling Super Mutants for decades. First out West, then in Chicago. Now here. 87
Neutral 50 But this group of Super Mutants is different, somehow. Physically, yes, but mentally as well. If we knew where they came from, we'd know why. 88
TLScribeBrotherhood I have some questions about the Brotherhood. Neutral 50 Ah, one of my favorite subjects, of course! What would you like to know? 89


GOODBYE I have to go now. Neutral 50 Go with peace and knowledge. 90
I have to go now. Neutral 50 I look forward to our next meeting. 91