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The electric box fuse is a quest item in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Dead Money.


Electric box fuses are "weak link" safety devices that cause a circuit to break if the flow of current through a circuit is too strong. This is achieved by the fuse wire melting when the current exceeds a specific ampage, thus breaking the circuit. Once the fuse has blown, it must be replaced before the apparatus it has been installed in can be used again.


All three can be found in the Puesta del Sol area.

  • One fuse in the same room as the fuse box (the switching station), in a toolbox near the computers to the right of the locked door.
  • One fuse is in a toolbox, on the floor. It lies to the right from the stations exit inside the Cloud.
  • One fuse is on a balcony, in a toolbox. From the station exit, turn left and go down the wide stairs, make another left under the archway and keep heading left until you are able to turn right. You should see a well-lit opening into a building. Enter and proceed to the top floor..

Related quests[]


Due to the fuses being quest items, if they are not used to repair the fuse box they will remain in the Courier's inventory and will not be removable even after the completion of the Mixed Signals quest.

