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This is a transcript for dialogue with NCR troopers at the El Dorado substation.


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 Just give us an excuse. Been too long since I fired my weapon. 1
GREETING Neutral 50 Don't go fucking about, asshole. 2
GREETING Neutral 50 Mess with any of the equipment here and I'll mount your head on a stick. 3
GREETING Neutral 50 Just try pulling some of your Brahmin shit here at the Dorado and see what happens. 4
GREETING Neutral 50 Not much happens here at the Dorado, and that's how we like it. 5
GREETING Neutral 50 Only combat I seen lately was shooting some Geckos. 6
GREETING Neutral 50 All the juice from Hoover flows right through the Dorado, and we send it west to keep the home lights burning. 7
GREETING Neutral 50 My folks back home got lights at night thanks to what we're doing here. 8
GREETING Neutral 50 We keep an eye out for Legion raiding parties. They'd love to shut down the Dorado. 9
GREETING Neutral 50 Stay out of the control room and enclosure or there's gonna be trouble, got it? 10
GREETING Neutral 50 The power transmission cables are all underground. Good thing, or the old war might've knocked them down. 11
GREETING Neutral 50 You visiting every NCR post just to see the sights? This here's the Dorado - it's where we send power back home. 12
GREETING Neutral 50 Look all you want, just don't mess with any of the equipment. The control room's off-limits, and so is the enclosure. 13


HELLO Hello Neutral 50 Just give us an excuse. Been too long since I fired my weapon. 14
Hello Neutral 50 Don't go fucking about, asshole. 15
Hello Neutral 50 Mess with any of the equipment here and I'll mount your head on a stick. 16
Hello Neutral 50 Just try pulling some of your Brahmin shit here at the Dorado and see what happens. 17
Hello Neutral 50 Not much happens here at the Dorado, and that's how we like it. 18
Hello Neutral 50 Only combat I seen lately was shooting some Geckos. 19
Hello Neutral 50 All the juice from Hoover flows right through the Dorado, and we send it west to keep the home lights burning. 20
Hello Neutral 50 We keep an eye out for Legion raiding parties. They'd love to shut down the Dorado. 21
Hello Neutral 50 My folks back home got lights at night thanks to what we're doing here. 22
Hello Neutral 50 Just stay out of the control room and enclosure. 23
Hello Neutral 50 The power transmission cables are all underground. Good thing, or the old war might've knocked them down. 24
Hello Neutral 50 You visiting every NCR post just to see the sights? This here's the Dorado - it's where we send power back home. 25
Hello Neutral 50 Look all you want, just don't mess with any of the equipment. The control room's off-limits, and so is the enclosure. 26