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This is a transcript for dialogue with Edward Deegan.


1CabotHouseConv01SceneHey, Jack, got a minute?Jack: Um. Yes, I suppose so. What is it?A1a
2Excuse me, Jack. Can I talk to you about something?Jack: Um. Yes, I suppose so. What is it?A2a
3Sorry to interrupt, Jack, but I need a quick word.Jack: Um. Yes, I suppose so. What is it?A3a
4Jack: Um. Yes, I suppose so. What is it?Apparently Emogene's run off again. Mrs. Cabot has been asking me about her.Jack: I know. Mother's been starting to pester me as well.A1a
5Jack: But I really don't think we need to worry about her yet. She'll come home when she gets tired of whatever new boyfriend she's found herself.{Neutral} Your call. I just wanted to keep you in the loop.Jack: Yes, of course.A1a
6CabotHouseConvEdwardJack02SceneJack: Um. Yes, I suppose so. What is it?Just heard from Parsons. They're still seeing raiders around occasionally. Not attacking, just watching from a distance.Jack: Hmm. What do you make of it?A1a
7Jack: Hmm. What do you make of it?{Concerned} Nothing much we can do about it. We don't have the manpower to do anything aggressive.Jack: Well. I'm sure you and your men will handle it. You always have.A1a
8CabotHouseConvEdwardJack03SceneJack: Um. Yes, I suppose so. What is it?{Concerned} We've lost another guard at Parsons. I'm going to need to replace him.Jack: Again? Anything we need to worry about?A2a
9Jack: Um. Yes, I suppose so. What is it?{Concerned} One of the guards at Parsons was killed. I'll have to see about hiring a replacement for her.Jack: Again? Anything we need to worry about?A3a
10Jack: Again? Anything we need to worry about?{Concerned} Nothing out of the ordinary. Roving deathclaw got into the grounds. We're lucky we only took one casualty.Jack: I guess that's what we're paying them for. Go ahead and hire someone to replace him.A2a
11Jack: Again? Anything we need to worry about?{Concerned} Probably not. Raiders thinking they found some easy meat.A3a
12{Confident} Sounds like we shot them up pretty badly. So I don't expect to see that gang again.Jack: I guess that's what we're paying them for. Go ahead and hire someone to replace him.A3b
13Jack: Again? Anything we need to worry about?{Concerned} No, just a fluke. Hungry yao guai - you know, the bear things? Went after one of our patrols. Mauled her before they could bring it down.Jack: I guess that's what we're paying them for. Go ahead and hire someone to replace him.A4a
14Jack: Again? Anything we need to worry about?{Concerned} I don't think so. Feral ghouls got him while he was patrolling the perimeter.Jack: I guess that's what we're paying them for. Go ahead and hire someone to replace him.A5a
15Jack: Again? Anything we need to worry about?{Concerned} No, just the normal thing. Feral ghouls slipped inside the perimeter during the night.Jack: I guess that's what we're paying them for. Go ahead and hire someone to replace him.A6a
16CabotHouseConvEdwardJack04SceneJack: Um. Yes, I suppose so. What is it?Security bot's on the fritz again. Just wanted to let you know.Jack: I wonder if it's time to just toss it out and find a new one.A1a
17Jack: I wonder if it's time to just toss it out and find a new one.{Concerned} Well, yeah, we don't have any choice. It's kind of... blown up, actually.Jack: Lucifer's balls, not again! I swear, this neighborhood is getting worse all the time.A1a
18Jack: I wonder if it's time to just toss it out and find a new one.{Neutral} I don't think so. It's nothing major, just some overheating in a couple of the impeller motors.Jack: Lucifer's balls, not again! I swear, this neighborhood is getting worse all the time.A2a


19CabotHouseHello01Scene{Neutral} Hey, Jack.Jack: Hello, Edward.A1a
20{Neutral} Hey there, Jack.Jack: Hello, Edward.A2a
21{Neutral} Good evening, Jack.Jack: Hello, Edward.A3a
22CabotHouseHello02Scene{Friendly} Mrs. Cabot.Wilhelmina: Oh, hello Edward.A1a
23{Friendly} Hello, Mrs. Cabot.Wilhelmina: Oh, hello Edward.A2a
24{Friendly} Good morning, Mrs. Cabot.Wilhelmina: Oh, hello Edward.A3a
25{Friendly} Afternoon, Mrs. Cabot.Wilhelmina: Oh, hello Edward.A4a
26{Friendly} Good evening, Mrs. Cabot.Wilhelmina: Oh, hello Edward.A5a
27CabotHouseHello03Scene{Friendly} Hi, Emogene.A1a
28{Friendly} Hello, Emogene.A2a
29{Friendly} Good evening, Miss Cabot.A3a
30{Friendly} Miss Cabot.A4a
31CabotHouseHello04SceneJack: Oh, Edward... did you need something?Don't mind me.A1a
32Jack: Oh, Edward... did you need something?Just making my rounds.A2a
33Jack: Oh, Edward... did you need something?Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt.A3a


34-{sarcastically} Take your time.
35{sarcastically} Did you nod off or what?
36{sarcastically} Tick tock.


37MS09CabotHouseIntercomIntroGo away.Player Default: I'm here to talk to Jack Cabot.A
38I told you to go away.Player Default: I'm here to talk to Jack Cabot.A
39Player Default: Come on, let me in.{resigned} You're not going to give up, are you? Have it your way. Door's unlocked. Come on in.A1a
40Player Default: Come on, let me in.I'm done talking to you.A2a
41Player Default: Why don't I want to come in? It seems like a nice place.You don't want to come in because then I would have to kill you. I assume you don't want to be killed. So get out of here.Player Default: Come on, let me in.Y1a
42Player Default: I'm here to talk to Jack Cabot.Oh, it's you. Good. Come on in.CabotHouseIntercom: You seem nice enough, but trust me. You don't want to come inside.A1a
43Player Default: I'm here to talk to Jack Cabot.Oh, it's you. I thought you might change your mind. Come on in, door's open.CabotHouseIntercom: You seem nice enough, but trust me. You don't want to come inside.A2a
44Player Default: What is this place?This is Cabot House, like it says on the sign.Y1a
45And if you don't know what that is, you're in the wrong place. You should leave before you get yourself into trouble.CabotHouseIntercom: This is Cabot House, like it says on the sign.Y1b
46Player Default: Oh, it's you. Good. Come on in.You seem nice enough, but trust me. You don't want to come inside.Player Default: Come on, let me in.A1a
47Player Default: Oh, it's you. Good. Come on in.No, you really don't. Now get out of here.Player Default: Come on, let me in.A2a
48Player Default: Oh, it's you. Good. Come on in.You need to leave if you know what's good for you.Player Default: Come on, let me in.X1a
49MS09CabotHouseIntroEdward{Neutral} I still need to give you your assignment.Player Default: I'm ready to get to work.A
50Edward: What I have for you to do is simple.{Question} You know the old insane asylum you shot up? Parsons?Edward: There's an important package that went missing between there and here. I need you to track it down and bring it back to me.A1a
51Edward: What I have for you to do is simple.Jack owns a... facility... north of the city.Edward: There's an important package that went missing between there and here. I need you to track it down and bring it back to me.A2a
52Edward: You know the old insane asylum you shot up? Parsons?{Neutral} There's an important package that went missing between there and here. I need you to track it down and bring it back to me.A1a
53{Question} Any questions?Player Default: Only about a million...A1b
54Edward: You should start at Parsons.{Somber} We think the courier got ambushed as he was leaving the place. The guards heard gunfire in the distance but don't know exactly what happened.A1a
55{Neutral} Check in with Maria at Parsons. She's in charge of the security force there. She can point you in the right direction.Edward: You all set, then?A1b
56Player Default: Keep your shirt on, I'm getting to it.{Neutral} You should start at Parsons.Edward: We think the courier got ambushed as he was leaving the place. The guards heard gunfire in the distance but don't know exactly what happened.A1a
57Player Default: Keep your shirt on, I'm getting to it.{Neutral} You should start at Parsons State Insane Asylum. Don't let the name spook you, it's just a secure building that we're using.Edward: We think the courier got ambushed as he was leaving the place. The guards heard gunfire in the distance but don't know exactly what happened.A2a
58Player Default: I'm ready to get to work.{Friendly} Good.Edward: That's part of the job, by the way. It's best to keep an open mind. Jack may be eccentric but he's definitely not crazy.A1a
59Player Default: What a wack-job.{Stern} Jack pays the bills, so he can believe what he wants.Edward: That's part of the job, by the way. It's best to keep an open mind. Jack may be eccentric but he's definitely not crazy.B1a
60Player Default: That was... interesting.{Amused} Ha. Good. If you like that kind of thing, you've come to the right place.Edward: That's part of the job, by the way. It's best to keep an open mind. Jack may be eccentric but he's definitely not crazy.X1a
61Player Default: What was all that about?{Neutral} Don't worry about it for now.Edward: That's part of the job, by the way. It's best to keep an open mind. Jack may be eccentric but he's definitely not crazy.Y1a
62Player Default: You haven't told me half of what I need to know.{Neutral} Keep your shirt on, I'm getting to it.Edward: You should start at Parsons.B1a
63Player Default: I hope you have more to go on than that.{Sarcastic} Don't worry. I don't expect you to do the impossible. Not on your first day.Edward: You should start at Parsons.X1a
64Player Default: Yep. I'll see you soon with the package.{Sarcastic} Good luck. Don't get killed on your first job.A1a
65Player Default: I was all set when I walked in here.{Sarcastic} Well then get going already.B1a
66Player Default: I have some questions.{Neutral} Shoot.Player Default: How did this package go missing?Y1a
67Edward: Check in with Maria at Parsons. She's in charge of the security force there. She can point you in the right direction.{Question} You all set, then?Player Default: Yep. I'll see you soon with the package.A1a
68Player Default: Good.{Neutral} That's part of the job, by the way. It's best to keep an open mind. Jack may be eccentric but he's definitely not crazy.Edward: What I have for you to do is simple.A1a
69Edward: That's part of the job, by the way. It's best to keep an open mind. Jack may be eccentric but he's definitely not crazy.What I have for you to do is simple.Edward: You know the old insane asylum you shot up? Parsons?A1a
70MS09CabotHouseIntroEdwardQuestions{wondering what the player is still doing here / Question} What is it?Player Default: How did this package go missing?A
71Player Default: Why does Jack have people guarding an old insane asylum?{Neutral} I don't mind you asking questions, as long as you don't mind me not answering them.X1a
72{Neutral} If it was important to what I was asking you to do, I'd tell you. In this case, it isn't.X1b
73Player Default: Nothing else.{Neutral} Okay. They're expecting you over at Parsons, so you'd better get going.B1a
74Player Default: Nothing else.{Stern} Then you have a job to do.B2a
75Player Default: That's why I'm sending you. It's important that you recover the missing package.{Question} Anything else?A2a
76Player Default: That's why I'm sending you. It's important that you recover the missing package.{Question} You all set then?A3a
77Player Default: That's why I'm sending you. It's important that you recover the missing package.{Question} Are we good here?A4a
78Player Default: How did this package go missing?{Neutral} The courier got there and picked up the package just fine, but never got back here.A1a
79{Concerned} Could be simple bad luck, or it could be a deliberate ambush.A1b
80{Concerned} That's why I'm sending you. It's important that you recover the missing package.A1c
81MS09CabotHouseIntroInvitedPlayer Default: What is this place?{Neutral} Better to let Jack answer that. Come on.Edward: Jack! The new guy is here.Y1a
82{Depressed} Come on. Let's go meet the boss.Player Default: Sounds good.A1a
83Edward: Better to let Jack answer that. Come on.{Neutral} Jack! The new guy is here.Jack: One moment! One moment, I just have to...A1a
84Edward: Better to let Jack answer that. Come on.{Neutral} Jack! The new gal is here.Jack: One moment! One moment, I just have to...A2a
85Jack: One moment! One moment, I just have to...{deadpan / Sarcastic} He'll be right with us.Jack: Hello, hello! Welcome to Cabot House. I'm Jack Cabot.A1a
86MS09CabotHouseIntroJackEndJack: You're sending him to look for the missing shipment?{Neutral} Yeah.Jack: Well, then. I'd better leave you to it.A1a
87Jack: Edward will be your immediate supervisor. There won't be any need for us to have any further direct interaction.{Sarcastic} You really do have a way with people. Luckily I didn't hire you for your personality, so... congratulations. Welcome to the family.A1a
88Jack: Edward will be your immediate supervisor. There won't be any need for us to have any further direct interaction.{Friendly} Okay. You're officially hired. Congratulations.A2a
89{trying not to be annoyed / Irritated} Jack, can I tell her what I need her to do?Jack: I'm sorry, Edward. I just get carried away sometimes.A1a
90{trying not to be annoyed / Irritated} Jack, can I tell him what I need him to do?Jack: I'm sorry, Edward. I just get carried away sometimes.A2a
91MS09CabotHouseIntroMainJack: Don't interrupt, Edward.{Puzzled} Is this really the time for...A1a
92MS09CabotHouseIntroUninvitedJack: Edward! Who is it?{Irritated} Don't worry about it, Jack. I've got it under control.Jack: Edward, don't be so hasty. I like the look of this lady.A1a
93Jack: Edward, don't be so hasty. I like the look of this lady.{heavy sigh of resignation - Jack is being Jack and you can't do anything about it / Disgust}Player Default: Pleased to meet you, Jack.A1a
94Player Default: Easy. I'm really not looking for trouble.{Stern} You come into Boston and knock on random doors... I think you actually are looking for trouble.Jack: Edward! Who is it?A1a
95Player Default: Bad idea, unless you really want to piss me off.{Stern} I don't much care if you're pissed off or not. Just don't move.Jack: Edward! Who is it?B1a
96Player Default: Vault-Tec calling! But I, ah... guess you guys are all set.{Stern} Very cute. Maybe you should just try shutting up and standing still.Jack: Edward! Who is it?X1a
97Player Default: Why did you let me in if you were just going to kill me?{Stern} You kind of insisted, remember?Y1a
98{Stern} I also wanted to get a look at you. I don't like to kill people if I don't have to.Jack: Edward! Who is it?Y1b
99{Stern} Hold very, very still. Now tell me what you're doing here.Player Default: Easy. I'm really not looking for trouble.A1a
100MS09CabotHouseMission2Intro{Question} So did you find out what happened to the courier?Player Default: Some raiders set up camp near Parsons and ambushed him. I took care of them.A
101Player Default: There was only this one vial left.{Relieved} Oh, good. I was afraid we wouldn't get any of it back.Edward: Here's your pay for the job. I'm throwing in a little bonus for bringing back the serum. That was good work.A1a
102Player Default: There was only this one vial left.{befuddled by player's honesty combined with stupidity / Stern} You're honest at least... that was a really bad idea, by the way, but it's too late to do anything about it now.Edward: Here's your pay for the job. I'm throwing in a little bonus for bringing back the serum. That was good work.A2a
103Player Default: The serum was all gone.{Concerned} Yeah, figures. Oh, well.Edward: Here's your pay for the job. I'm throwing in a little bonus for bringing back the serum. That was good work.B1a
104Player Default: The serum was all gone.{Disgust} You used it, didn't you? I know the look... That was a really stupid thing to do, by the way. But too late to do anything about it now.Edward: Here's your pay for the job. I'm throwing in a little bonus for bringing back the serum. That was good work.B2a
105Player Default: The serum was all gone.{Disgust} You're not that good at lying, you know that? But I don't have time to make a thing out of it.Edward: Here's your pay for the job. I'm throwing in a little bonus for bringing back the serum. That was good work.B3a
106Player Default: What's so important about this serum?{Stern} You're getting paid to follow orders. Your orders were to get it back. That's all you need to worry about.Player Default: There was only this one vial left.Y1a
107Player Default: Hmm. I don't like raiders operating so close to Parsons. I hope this isn't the start of something serious.{Question} What about the serum he was carrying? Did you get any of it back?Player Default: There was only this one vial left.A1a
108Player Default: Some raiders set up camp near Parsons and ambushed him. I took care of them.{Concerned} Hmm. I don't like raiders operating so close to Parsons. I hope this isn't the start of something serious.Edward: What about the serum he was carrying? Did you get any of it back?A1a
109Player Default: When do I get paid?{Irritated} We'll get to that. First I need to know what happened to the courier.Player Default: Some raiders set up camp near Parsons and ambushed him. I took care of them.Y1a
110Player Default: When do I get paid?{Neutral} We'll get to that. Now answer the damn question.Player Default: Some raiders set up camp near Parsons and ambushed him. I took care of them.Y2a
111Player Default: Oh, good. I was afraid we wouldn't get any of it back.{Impressed} Here's your pay for the job. I'm throwing in a little bonus for bringing back the serum. That was good work.Edward: Now, as far as what's next...A1a
112Player Default: Oh, good. I was afraid we wouldn't get any of it back.{Irritated} You aren't getting paid for this job, though, since you didn't follow my orders. I've got to say, not a great start.Edward: Now, as far as what's next...A2a
113Player Default: Oh, good. I was afraid we wouldn't get any of it back.{Concerned} Here's your pay for the job. Too bad about the serum.Edward: Now, as far as what's next...A3a
114Edward: Here's your pay for the job. I'm throwing in a little bonus for bringing back the serum. That was good work.{thinking about something and not liking it / Thinking} Now, as far as what's next...A1a
115{Worried} Oh, hell, I guess it's time you met Wilhelmina. Jack's not going to be happy about it. Come on.A1b
116MS09CabotHouseMission2LoopingJack: No, but that doesn't mean...{Friendly} I'd be happy to send someone to look for her, ma'am.Edward: It's not a...A1a
117Jack: Mother, Edward has better things to do than sending someone out to find Emogene. Again.{Irritated} It's not a...A1a
118MS09CabotHouseMission2MainEdward: Just doing my job.{Apologetic} Speaking of which, here's all we got back of the last delivery from Parsons. Raiders got the rest of it, I'm sorry to say.Jack: Ah, good. Finally! This will help settle mother down.A1a
119Edward: Just doing my job.{you're lying to cover for the player who stole the delivery / Concerned} Speaking of which... we tracked down that last delivery from Parsons. There was only, uh... raiders must have used it all before we got there.Jack: Ah, good. Finally! This will help settle mother down.A2a
120Edward: Just doing my job.{Apologetic} Speaking of which... we tracked down that last delivery from Parsons. Raiders got it all, I'm sorry to say.Jack: Ah, good. Finally! This will help settle mother down.A3a
121{Friendly} Jack. I'll take care of it.Edward: Mrs. Cabot, don't worry. I'll send someone to find Emogene.A1a
122Edward: Jack. I'll take care of it.{Concerned} Mrs. Cabot, don't worry. I'll send someone to find Emogene.Wilhelmina: Thank you, Edward. I can always count on you.A1a
123Jack: You shouldn't indulge her Edward. It just makes her more impossible to deal with next time.{Apologetic} Just doing my job.Edward: Speaking of which, here's all we got back of the last delivery from Parsons. Raiders got the rest of it, I'm sorry to say.A1a
124MS09CabotHouseMission2MainEnd{Neutral} Here's the situation.Edward: Emogene is Jack's sister. You probably figured that out yourself.A
125Player Default: The trouble usually isn't finding her. It's persuading her to come home.{Neutral} I don't know where she's gone, but I can give you a place to start.Edward: She's been spending a lot of time in Goodneighbor, at the jazz club there - the Third Rail.A1a
126Player Default: What if she doesn't want to come home?Obviously, as one of the family, you can't just knock her in the head and drag her home by her heels.Y1a
127Usually by the time I send someone after her, she's gotten bored with the whole thing and is ready to come home.Y1b
128I'm sure you'll think of something. You're supposed to be resourceful, remember?Y1c
129Edward: I don't know where she's gone, but I can give you a place to start.{Neutral} She's been spending a lot of time in Goodneighbor, at the jazz club there - the Third Rail.A1a
130{Sarcastic} Somebody there must know something. She's not known for keeping her mouth shut.Player Default: I know the Third Rail. I'll ask around there.A1b
131NPCMEdwardDeegan: Here's the situation.{Neutral} Emogene is Jack's sister. You probably figured that out yourself.A1a
132{Sarcastic} She's, ah... a little flighty. Impulsive.A1b
133{Neutral} From time to time, she runs off, usually with a new boyfriend. Then I send somebody to bring her home.Player Default: No problem. I'll bring her back.A1c
134Player Default: No problem. I'll bring her back.{Neutral} The trouble usually isn't finding her. It's persuading her to come home.Edward: I don't know where she's gone, but I can give you a place to start.A1a
135Player Default: Great. The sister's even crazier than Jack.{Stern} I thought I told you to cut out that kind of talk.Edward: I don't know where she's gone, but I can give you a place to start.X1a
136Player Default: Great. The sister's even crazier than Jack.{Stern} She's not crazy. She just wants the world to be a different place than it really is.Edward: I don't know where she's gone, but I can give you a place to start.X2a
137Player Default: Do you know where she's gone?{Neutral} No, but it shouldn't be too hard to find out.Edward: She's been spending a lot of time in Goodneighbor, at the jazz club there - the Third Rail.Y1a
138MS09Mission3CabotHouseEndEdward01{Somber} It's a damn shame things had to end like this.Player Default: Thanks for backing me up. I never thought you'd turn on Jack like that.A
139Player Default: They deserved it, for what they'd done to Lorenzo.{Somber} Maybe. Maybe I do, too. After all, I worked for Jack for all this time, and helped keep Lorenzo locked up in Parsons.Edward: I've had my doubts about the Lorenzo situation for a long time. You may not realize I've been working for the Cabots since before the Great War.B1a
140Player Default: What are you going to do now?{Somber} I don't know. It's been a long time since I've had to answer that for myself. Only thing I'm sure of is that I won't stay here.Edward: I've had my doubts about the Lorenzo situation for a long time. You may not realize I've been working for the Cabots since before the Great War.Y1a
141Player Default: Maybe. Maybe I do, too. After all, I worked for Jack for all this time, and helped keep Lorenzo locked up in Parsons.{Thinking} I've had my doubts about the Lorenzo situation for a long time. You may not realize I've been working for the Cabots since before the Great War.A1a
142I never met Lorenzo, of course - he was already locked up in Parsons when I came on board.A1b
143{Somber} So I've had to take Jack's word for everything the whole time. And I won't lie - I had a good situation here and I didn't want to rock the boat.A1c
144{Somber} I don't know if it was the right decision or not. But what's done is done.Player Default: Well, good luck. It's been a pleasure working for you.A1d
145Player Default: Well, good luck. It's been a pleasure working for you.{Sarcastic} Thanks. I'm not sure hiring you was my best decision ever, but here we are.Edward: Well, no point in hanging around here any longer. I'm done with the Cabots.A1a
146Player Default: Well, good luck. It's been a pleasure working for you.{Friendly} Same to you. I'm sorry I got you involved in this mess.Edward: Well, no point in hanging around here any longer. I'm done with the Cabots.A2a
147Player Default: Well, good luck. It's been a pleasure working for you.{Sarcastic} Thanks. You probably got more than you bargained for when you barged in here uninvited.Edward: Well, no point in hanging around here any longer. I'm done with the Cabots.A3a
148Player Default: Jack trusted you, and you paid him back with betrayal.{Irritated} He didn't respect me enough to trust me. He assumed I was loyal no matter what. He never really cared what I thought.Edward: Well, no point in hanging around here any longer. I'm done with the Cabots.B1a
149Player Default: You didn't owe Jack anything. You were an employee, nothing more.{Disgust} I don't know about that, but I'd given him plenty of loyalty over the years without getting much respect in return.Edward: Well, no point in hanging around here any longer. I'm done with the Cabots.X1a
150Player Default: Thanks. I'm not sure hiring you was my best decision ever, but here we are.{Disgust} Well, no point in hanging around here any longer. I'm done with the Cabots.A1a
151MS09Mission3EndingHelpCabots01{Apologetic} We could use his help, Jack. You did kind of drop him in the middle of that whole Lorenzo situation without much context.Jack: Convince me that I should still trust you.A1a
152{Apologetic} We could use her help, Jack. You did kind of drop her in the middle of that whole Lorenzo situation without much context.Jack: Convince me that I should still trust you.A2a
153MS09Mission3EndingHelpLorenzo01{Stern} Hold on there, Jack. He has a point. Your story about "curing" Lorenzo has never quite added up.Jack: What are you doing, Edward?A1a
154{Stern} Hold on there, Jack. She has a point. Your story about "curing" Lorenzo has never quite added up.Jack: What are you doing, Edward?A2a
155Jack: What are you doing, Edward?{Neutral} I'd just like to hear what he has to say. He's talked to Lorenzo. I never have.Edward: You're saying you think Jack's been lying about Lorenzo all this time?A1a
156Jack: What are you doing, Edward?{Neutral} I'd just like to hear what she has to say. She's talked to Lorenzo. I never have.Edward: You're saying you think Jack's been lying about Lorenzo all this time?A2a
157Edward: I'd just like to hear what he has to say. He's talked to Lorenzo. I never have.{Question} You're saying you think Jack's been lying about Lorenzo all this time?Player Default: Yes. Lorenzo doesn't seem crazy to me. Although he's understandably pretty pissed off.A1a
158Player Default: Yes. Lorenzo doesn't seem crazy to me. Although he's understandably pretty pissed off.{Stern} Well goddamn. I guess you have some explaining to do, Jack.Jack: You can't seriously doubt me, Edward? After all I've done for you?A1a
159Player Default: Yes. Lorenzo doesn't seem crazy to me. Although he's understandably pretty pissed off.{Apologetic} Sorry, kid. I gotta stick with Jack on this one.Jack: You can't seriously doubt me, Edward? After all I've done for you?A2a
160Player Default: No. Lorenzo really is a homocidal maniac. But I doubt Jack was trying very hard to "cure" him.{Stern} That's what I always figured.Jack: You can't seriously doubt me, Edward? After all I've done for you?B1a
161Player Default: I don't know. He seems pretty crazy now, but who wouldn't be after being locked up for 400 years?{Stern} Well, Jack, anything you want to clear up before Lorenzo gets here?Jack: You can't seriously doubt me, Edward? After all I've done for you?X1a
162Player Default: I don't know. He seems pretty crazy now, but who wouldn't be after being locked up for 400 years?{Neutral} I guess we'll see what's what if Lorenzo shows up here.Jack: You can't seriously doubt me, Edward? After all I've done for you?X2a
163Player Default: You've been working for Jack for a lot longer than I have - what do you think?{coolly / Stern} I already know what I think. I want to hear what you think.Player Default: Yes. Lorenzo doesn't seem crazy to me. Although he's understandably pretty pissed off.Y1a
164MS09Mission3EndingNeutral01{Stern} This is my fault. I hired this idiot, and he betrayed you.Jack: Give me one good reason why I shouldn't just kill you right now.A1a
165{Stern} This is my fault. I hired this idiot, and she betrayed you.Jack: Give me one good reason why I shouldn't just kill you right now.A2a
166MS09Mission3IntroJack: Listen. If they're inside the building, you have to go to the office and shut down the elevator. You can't risk them getting to Lorenzo.{suddenly cut off in mid-sentence - static} Got it. Office. Elevator. You'd better round up whoever you can and get over-Jack: Hello? Edward? Come in? Edward!A1a
167Jack: Bah. There's no signal at all. I've lost him.Wilhelmina: What's happening, Jack? If these people are inside Parsons, if they free him...A1a
168Jack: That's done it! Edward, what's going on there?We're under attack. They're inside the building.Jack: Inside? Can you keep them out of the basement?A1a
169CabotHouseRadio: I'm trying, Jack. I've never seen raiders that...{faintly - shouting at someone away from the radio} For god's sake, Sammy, the doorway! Right there!CabotHouseRadio: Sorry, things are a little busy around here right now.A1a
170CabotHouseRadio: For god's sake, Sammy, the doorway! Right there!Sorry, things are a little busy around here right now.Jack: Listen. If they're inside the building, you have to go to the office and shut down the elevator. You can't risk them getting to Lorenzo.A1a
171Jack: Inside? Can you keep them out of the basement?{break off in the middle of your sentence to yell at someone} I'm trying, Jack. I've never seen raiders that...CabotHouseRadio: For god's sake, Sammy, the doorway! Right there!A1a
172Jack: Edward, switch over to the Hartley modulator. Do you copy?{fading in from static but now stronger and clearer signal} ... switching now. How's this?Jack: That's done it! Edward, what's going on there?A1a
173MS09Mission3IntroLoopingJack: Edward? Are you there?{radio static with faint garbled speech (Edward Deegan)}CabotHouseRadio: ... can't hear you, Jack. There's ...A1a
174CabotHouseRadio:{fading in from static and back out - weak radio signal} ... can't hear you, Jack. There's ...Jack: Edward! Switch to single sideband modulating! Can you hear me?A1a
175CabotHouseRadio:{fading in from static and back out - weak radio signal} ... inside the building. Are you reading me? They're inside the...Jack: Edward! Switch to single sideband modulating! Can you hear me?A2a
176CabotHouseRadio:{fading in from static and back out - weak radio signal} I don't think we can...Jack: Edward! Switch to single sideband modulating! Can you hear me?A3a
177CabotHouseRadio:{fading in from static and back out - weak radio signal} ... where they came from. I repeat, we're falling back to the main...Jack: Edward! Switch to single sideband modulating! Can you hear me?A4a
178CabotHouseRadio:{fading in from static and back out - weak radio signal} Jack? Are you reading me? Jack? If we can't hold...Jack: Edward! Switch to single sideband modulating! Can you hear me?A5a
179Jack: Edward! Switch to single sideband modulating! Can you hear me?{radio static with faint garbled speech (Edward Deegan)}A1a
180MS09Mission3ParsonsEdwardSceneIntroJack: Good.{Tired} Shot quite a few of them before they decided to leave me alone in here.A1a
181{painfully - you're badly hurt / InPain} Haven't seen anybody for quite a while. I think. It's hard to keep track of time.Jack: Are you sure you can't get up? I could really use your help.A1b
182Jack: Edward! How badly are you hurt?{InPain} I'm not dead yet. But I don't think I can get up.Jack: You kept them from using the elevator?A1a
183Jack: Are you sure you can't get up? I could really use your help.{painfully - you're badly hurt / InPain} Yeah, Jack, I'm pretty damn sure.Jack: Well, then don't worry about it. Me and your friend here will have to take care of things ourselves.A1a
184Jack: You kept them from using the elevator?{painfully - you're badly hurt / InPain} Yeah. I... I sent the elevator down to the basement like you wanted and shut it down.Jack: Good.A1a
185MS09Mission3ParsonsEdwardSceneOutroJack: Now, we need to get to the basement before these intruders find a way to set Lorenzo free. Follow me.{through gritted teeth - you're in a lot of pain / InPain} Be careful, Jack.Edward: You, too.A1a
186Edward: Be careful, Jack.{InPain} You, too.A1a
187-Door's open.A
188{Apologetic} Sorry it had to go down like this, Jack.
189{Apologetic} Nothing personal, miss. You just ended up on the wrong side of this.
190{Worried} Jack, if you've got something that will help here, now's the time.
191{Worried} Hit him with the radiation, Jack!
192{Confident} Now! Hit him while he's weakened!
193{Confident} It's working! The radiation seems to weaken him!
194{Angry} You're not going to win this one, Lorenzo.
195{Disgust} Not a great way to repay Jack for all his years of trying to help you.
196{Angry} Jack always said you were a dangerous maniac. He wasn't kidding.
197{Neutral} It's a metal case holding vials of serum.
198{Stern} You don't need to worry about what it is. Jack needs it for his research. That's all you need to know.
199{Somber} It could have been a lot worse.
200{unexpected candor / Sad} It's a damn shame about Emogene. She was the only one of them I actually liked.
201{Somber} I'm sorry we couldn't save Mrs. Cabot. Although she probably wasn't going to last long without the serum anyway.
202{Somber} Jesus, what a mess.
203{Somber} I guess Jack knew what he was doing, keeping Lorenzo locked up like that.
204{Somber} I'm starting to think backing you up was a mistake. A bit late for second thoughts though.
205{Somber} Lorenzo seems as crazy as a rat in a drainpipe. I don't know what you were thinking.
206{Somber} Jesus, what a mess.
207{Worried} Don't worry about me.
208I'll be alright.
209I just need to... rest here a minute...
210{Neutral} Jack says there's no hurry about finding Emogene, but he doesn't mean it.
211{Sarcastic} Now you've met the matriarch of the family. Explains a lot, doesn't it?
212{Question} I hope you're making some progress on that Emogene thing.
215What's up?
216I'm not sure.


217MS09IntroAttackParsonsScene{Stern} A place that happens to be owned by my boss.Player Default: Yeah, I remember that place.A1a
218Player Default: Yeah, I remember that place.{Sarcastic} That's nice. You did a lot of damage.Edward: But I don't hold any of that against you. Part of the cost of doing business these days.A1a
219Player Default: Yeah, I remember that place.{sarcastically / Sarcastic} That's nice to know.Edward: But I don't hold any of that against you. Part of the cost of doing business these days.A2a
220Player Default: If you're looking for trouble, feel free to try me.{Neutral} Settle down. I'm not here for revenge or anything like that. Just the opposite, actually.Edward: I took the trouble of tracking you down because I'm always looking for people that can handle themselves in dangerous situations.B1a
221Player Default: I shoot up a lot of places. I can't remember them all.{Sarcastic} The guards sure remember you. The ones that are still breathing.Edward: But I don't hold any of that against you. Part of the cost of doing business these days.X1a
222Player Default: I shoot up a lot of places. I can't remember them all.{Sarcastic} Nice.Edward: But I don't hold any of that against you. Part of the cost of doing business these days.X2a
223Edward: But I don't hold any of that against you. Part of the cost of doing business these days.{Friendly} I took the trouble of tracking you down because I'm always looking for people that can handle themselves in dangerous situations.A1a
224{Impressed} Seems like you may fit the bill.Edward: But you'll need to talk to my boss first. His name is Jack Cabot. He likes to personally interview everyone I hire. He's careful like that.A1b
225Player Default: That's nice. You did a lot of damage.{Friendly} But I don't hold any of that against you. Part of the cost of doing business these days.Edward: I took the trouble of tracking you down because I'm always looking for people that can handle themselves in dangerous situations.A1a
226MS09IntroSceneYou there. We need to have a conversation.Player Default: You've got my attention.A
227You'll find I'm very persistent.Player Default: You've got my attention.A
228Player Default: You've got my attention.{Stern} And you got my attention by poking your nose into my business. Specifically by shooting up a place called Parsons State Insane Asylum.Edward: A place that happens to be owned by my boss.A1a
229Player Default: You've got my attention.I'm always looking for people who know how to handle themselves in dangerous situations.A2a
230From what I hear, you may fit the bill.Edward: But you'll need to talk to my boss first. His name is Jack Cabot. He likes to personally interview everyone I hire. He's careful like that.A2b
231Player Default: Leave me alone.{Stern} Too late for that. You may remember shooting up a place called Parsons State Insane Asylum.Edward: A place that happens to be owned by my boss.B1a
232Player Default: Let's hear it.{Stern} You may remember shooting up a place called Parsons State Insane Asylum.Edward: A place that happens to be owned by my boss.X1a
233Player Default: Do I know you?No. But you got my attention by poking your nose into my business. Specifically by shooting up a place called Parsons State Insane Asylum.Edward: A place that happens to be owned by my boss.Y1a
234Player Default: Do I know you?No. But I've heard of you.Y2a
235I'm always looking for people who know how to handle themselves in dangerous situations.Edward: But you'll need to talk to my boss first. His name is Jack Cabot. He likes to personally interview everyone I hire. He's careful like that.Y2b
236Player Default: I live for danger. Where do I sign up?{drily / Sarcastic} I like your enthusiasm.Edward: But you'll need to talk to my boss first. His name is Jack Cabot. He likes to personally interview everyone I hire. He's careful like that.A1a
237Player Default: Danger? No thanks.{Neutral} You know your own business. If you change your mind, look me up at Cabot House, Beacon Hill. Ask for Edward Deegan.Edward: But you'll need to talk to my boss first. His name is Jack Cabot. He likes to personally interview everyone I hire. He's careful like that.B1a
238Player Default: I don't mind danger so long as I get paid well enough.{Neutral} You will be well-paid, I can promise you that.Edward: But you'll need to talk to my boss first. His name is Jack Cabot. He likes to personally interview everyone I hire. He's careful like that.X1a
239Player Default: I don't mind danger so long as I get paid well enough.{Irritated} You'll get paid the starting rate like everybody else. If you turn out to be as useful as you claim, then we can talk about a raise.Edward: But you'll need to talk to my boss first. His name is Jack Cabot. He likes to personally interview everyone I hire. He's careful like that.X2a
240Player Default: What's the job?I don't know yet. Whatever needs to be done once my boss has had a look at you.Y1a
241I can assure you that it will be dangerous, and that you'll be paid fairly.Edward: But you'll need to talk to my boss first. His name is Jack Cabot. He likes to personally interview everyone I hire. He's careful like that.Y1b
242Player Default: I like your enthusiasm.By the way, I'm Edward Deegan. You'll mostly be working for me.Edward: But you'll need to talk to my boss first. His name is Jack Cabot. He likes to personally interview everyone I hire. He's careful like that.A1a
243Edward: By the way, I'm Edward Deegan. You'll mostly be working for me.But you'll need to talk to my boss first. His name is Jack Cabot. He likes to personally interview everyone I hire. He's careful like that.A1a
244Come down to Cabot House in Beacon Hill and ask to talk to Jack. I'll let him know you're coming.A1b
245MS09IntroSceneA{Question} You sure? I was going to offer you a job. Pays pretty well, too.Player Default: That does sound interesting.A1a
246-I don't think we have anything else to talk about.
247Go and talk to Jack. Then we can get down to business.


248RESceneKMK_MS09JackEndingJackCabot: Let's go, Edward.Right behind you, Jack.EdwardDeegan: See you around.A1a
249EdwardDeegan: Right behind you, Jack.{Amused} See you around.A1a