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This is a transcript for dialogue with Edgar Wellington II.


GREETING GREETING Fear 50 Help! Don't kill me! {in the middle of an attack against his town} 1
GREETING Fear 50 Help! {in the middle of an attack against his town} 2
GREETING Sad 100 Edgar Wellington the second, at your service. Please excuse my demeanor. My wife recently passed away. {pompous man in emotional pain} 3
Disgust 100 Hold on there... who let YOU in here? {pompous man suddenly realizing he's talking to a beggar} 4
GREETING Neutral 50 Edgar Wellington the second. Have you met my wife Millicent? {pompous} 5
Disgust 100 Hold on... who let YOU in here? {pompous man suddenly realizing he's talking to a beggar} 6
GREETING Disgust 25 Edgar Wellington the second, at your service. {pompous man condescending} 7
Disgust 100 Hold on... who let YOU in here? {pompous man suddenly realizing he's talking to a beggar} 8
GREETING Happy 100 Good job removing our little pest problem! {Can you close this, there will be no Pretend in Combat for wander...} 9
GREETING Happy 100 Hello friend! {Can you close this, there will be no Pretend in Combat for wander...} 10
GREETING Anger 100 I have nothing to say to you. Except this: Watch your back! {self important snob confronting the person who ruined his life} 11
GREETING Anger 100 Hrmph. {self important snob confronting the person who ruined his life} 12
GREETING Disgust 50 I remember you. To what do I owe the pleasure? {mildly sarcastic} 13
GREETING Disgust 50 Yes? Can I help you? {mildly sarcastic} 14
MS12Basement You ever been to the basement? Disgust 75 Why would I ever go to the basement? Talk to Gustavo about such nonsense. {dismissive} 15
MS12BigotNeighbors What if all your other neighbors agree? Disgust 100 Don't care. The only way those Ghoul's are getting in is over my dead body. {self important snob} 16
MS12BigotNevermind Whatever. Anger 50 Quit bothering me with all this nonsense. {self important snob losing patience} 17
MS12BigotSpeech This is happening. You're going to have to deal with it, or get forced out. Anger 100 This is outrageous! Preposterous! Forced out by a bunch of dirty Ghouls, and some bleeding heart activist? Where will I live? How will I get there? {bigot facing retribution} 18
MS12BigotSpeechBad I don't care. Get your stuff together and get out of here. Anger 50 I never forget a slight. Watch your back. I'll be sending someone to pay you a little visit in the future. {bigot promising revenge} 19
MS12BigotSpeechGood I'm sure you'll find something suitable, don't worry. Anger 50 I found a comfortable place, but now I must leave. When I die, it will be on your head. {defeated bigot promising revenge} 20
MS12BigotSpeechNeutral Good luck. Anger 50 You'll get yours. {defeated bigot promising revenge} 21
MS12Greeting1 Don't worry. I was let in at the front gate. Surprise 50 Hmm... very well. As long as security is aware of your presence. Can't be too careful these days. What with these Ghouls and all. {pompous and suspicious.} 22
Surprise 50 Gustavo says he has the situation well in order, but I wonder if he's really trying. Don't suppose you ran into any Ghouls on your way in here? {hinting the player might be able to help with the ghoul problem} 23
MS12Greeting2 I jumped over the walls when no one was looking. How do you think I got in here? Neutral 50 There's no need to get snippy with me, boy! {pompous indignation} 24
Disgust 50 We're all little perturbed on account of those Ghouls. Don't suppose you know anything about Ghouls, do you? {self important man losing his patience} 25
I jumped over the walls when no one was looking. How do you think I got in here? Neutral 50 There's no need to get snippy with me, girl! {pompous indignation} 26
Disgust 50 We're all little perturbed because of those Ghouls. Don't suppose you know anything about Ghouls, do you? {self important man losing his patience} 27
MS12Greeting3 <Say nothing.> Neutral 50 Someone needs to talk to Tenpenny. I don't think security should let people like you just wander in like that. {pompous snob} 28
Surprise 50 We all need to be more vigilant with those Ghouls on the loose. Don't suppose you ran into any on your way in here, did you? Hmm? {patronizing} 29
MS12IntroToGhoul1 I eat Ghouls for breakfast. Surprise 100 Oh my. It sounds like you might be just the person we need to take care of the situation. Talk to Gustavo. {shocked but happy to have a hero} 30
MS12IntroToGhoul2 I've seen lots of Ghouls. Hated every last one of them. Disgust 100 Indeed. Loathsome creatures aren't they? Someone really ought to put them out of their misery. You should talk to Gustavo about exterminating them. {self important snob} 31
MS12IntroToGhoul3 I don't consider Ghouls to be a problem. If that's what you're asking. Disgust 100 Then you obviously don't know anything about Ghouls. {haughtily} 32
MS12ResidentsBranch What's it like living at Tenpenny Tower? Happy 50 It's THE place to live. The only place one finds any modicum of civilization and breeding. {self important snob} 33
Surprise 100 Of course those Ghouls are trying to move in here. Can you fancy that? Disgusting zombies? Living in a place like this? Ahahaha! Really now! {self important snob laughing at the misfortune of others} 34
About these Ghouls...
Do you know anything useful about those Ghouls? Disgust 70 There's a pack of zombies living nearby in some old tunnel. They asked to move in. Naturally, they were told to go to hell. {self important snob} 35
Disgust 80 Gustavo's hired some additional goons. Seems to be working. Still, makes one a bit fidgety having those loathsome creatures around. {self important snob} 36
Disgust 100 I wouldn't even want them as slaves! {self important snob showing utter disdain} 37
I might be able to take care of your unwanted neighbors. Happy 100 Really? It's your funeral I suppose. You'll want to discuss it with Chief Gustavo first. {surprised but happy someone is taking charge} 38
You ever wonder what those Ghouls think of you, and your snobby friends? Disgust 100 Hmph. Well I... I just remembered I have something important to do. Goodbye. {self important indignation} 39
Yeah, good luck with that. Disgust 50 Thanks. {self important sarcasm} 40
MS12ResidentsNeighbors How would you feel about having a few Ghoul neighbors? Anger 100 I know you've been pressuring people into allowing Ghouls to live here. {angry} 41
Anger 100 Who do you think you are, harassing honest people like that? You should be ashamed of yourself! I certainly won't allow Ghouls to live here. {flustered} 42
How would you feel about having a few Ghoul neighbors? Disgust 100 Haha. You're joking right? You're serious? Of course not! Ghouls can't live here. They're dirty loathsome creatures. {self important snob} 43
How would you feel about having a few Ghoul neighbors? Anger 100 I've already told you no! {annoyed} 44
MS12ResidentsNeighborsBad Yeah. Ghouls are disgusting creatures. Disgust 50 Indeed they are. Someone really should put them all out of there misery, don't you think? {self important snob} 45
MS12ResidentsNeighborsGood I've met these Ghouls. They're civilized and pose no threat. Anger 100 I'm afraid that I can't abide by that. I can't imagine Tenpenny would allow it. But I certainly won't. {self important snob} 46
MS12ResidentsNeighborsNeutral Whatever. Disgust 50 Don't you have somewhere else you can go? Must you bother me? {self important snob} 47
SpeechChallengeFailure SpeechChallengeFailure Anger 100 Who do you think you are? Tenpenny won't allow it. I'm a paying member of the tower. He'll listen to reason. Get out of here! {self important snob} 48


DialogueTenpennyConv00 DialogueTenpennyConv00 Happy 50 Fine, thank you. You and your men patrolling makes everyone feel safe here. Thanks again. {sincere} 49
DialogueTenpennyConv00 Fear 10 Do you make me nervous? Uh... No, not at all. Of course not. {(nervous)} 50
DialogueTenpennyConv01 DialogueTenpennyConv01 Neutral 50 Oh... well... umm... Thank you Susan... er, I mean, Ms. Lancaster. A pleasant day to you. {caught off guard by his mistress flirting with him in public} 51
DialogueTenpennyConv02 DialogueTenpennyConv02 Neutral 50 Yes, well. You'll think of something I'm sure. Good luck. {comforting a friend who is having a bad day} 52
DialogueTenpennyConv02 Surprise 25 No, no. Of course not you silly woman. It's just that I... well... I think spending time with the other ladies in the Tower might do you some good. {(lying) he's really trying to get some breathing room from his wife who follows him constantly} 53
DialogueTenpennyConv02 Surprise 50 Um... Yes. Right. Of course. Okay then. See you around Ms. Lancaster. {(embarrassed) caught off guard by something his mistress said in public and trying to make a hasty exit} 54
DialogueTenpennyConv04 DialogueTenpennyConv04 Disgust 25 Very well. If you insist on remaining a social hermit, by all means continue to follow me around all day. {trying not to be sarcastic but failing} 55
DialogueTenpennyEatStartTopic DialogueTenpennyEatStartTopic Neutral 50 Dinner time. {hungry and on his way to get food} 56
DialogueTenpennySleepStartTopic DialogueTenpennySleepStartTopic Neutral 50 I'm exhausted. It's time for some shut-eye. {tired and heading off to bed} 57
DialogueTenpennyWellingtonConv02 DialogueTenpennyWellingtonConv02 Neutral 50 Yes, dear. {(not really paying attention) humoring his chatty wife} 58
DialogueTenpennyWellingtonConv02 Neutral 50 Oh, I don't know about all that. {(not really paying attention) humoring his chatty wife} 59
DialogueTenpennyWellingtonConv02 Neutral 50 Is that so? {(not really paying attention) humoring his chatty wife} 60
DialogueTenpennyWellingtonConv02 Neutral 50 I hadn't noticed. {(not really paying attention) humoring his chatty wife} 61
DialogueTenpennyWellingtonConv02 Neutral 50 Mm-hmm. {(not really paying attention) humoring his chatty wife} 62
DialogueTenpennyWellingtonConv02 Neutral 50 Right-o. {(not really paying attention) humoring his chatty wife} 63
DialogueTenpennyWellingtonConv04 DialogueTenpennyWellingtonConv04 Surprise 50 What? {not paying attention to his wife who is chatting his ear off} 64
DialogueTenpennyWellingtonConv04 Surprise 50 Yes dear. {not paying attention to his wife who is chatting his ear off} 65
DialogueTenpennyWellingtonConv04 Surprise 50 Uh huh. {not paying attention to his wife who is chatting his ear off} 66
DialogueTenpennyWellingtonConv04 Surprise 50 Sorry dear... must have dozed off there for a moment. {not paying attention to his wife who is chatting his ear off} 67
GOODBYE I have to go now. Surprise 10 Nice chit-chatting with you. {(sarcastic) self important snob} 68
I have to go now. Surprise 10 Goodbye. {(sarcastic) self important snob} 69
I have to go now. Surprise 10 Farewell. {(sarcastic) self important snob} 70
HELLO HELLO Surprise 50 You're behaving rather oddly, Mister Dashwood. Perhaps you should go lie down for awhile. {confused and slightly suspicious} 71
HELLO Surprise 50 You're behaving rather oddly, Mister Dashwood. Perhaps you should go lie down for awhile. {confused and slightly suspicious} 72
HELLO Neutral 50 Still keeping the Wasteland at bay, Chief? {making idle conversation with the security chief} 73
HELLO Neutral 50 Ms. Primrose. How are you today? {making idle conversation} 74
HELLO Disgust 10 Millicent, have you ever thought of making friends with the other ladies in the Tower? Not that I mind your constant company, or anything. {(lying) he's trying to get a little breathing room from his wife who follows him everywhere} 75
HELLO Surprise 10 Are you SURE you don't want to make friends with the other ladies? You know, crochet, or gossip, or whatever it is ladies like to do together? {(straining to be polite) tired of his wife following him around all day} 76
HELLO Neutral 50 Are you happy, dear? {making idle conversation with his wife} 77
HELLO Neutral 50 You've something on your mind, dear? {making idle conversation with his wife} 78
HELLO Surprise 50 Oh. Hello there Susan - er, I mean, Ms. Lancaster. I hope all is well. {(embarrassed) startled by running into his mistress in public} 79
HELLO Surprise 50 Um... hello Susan. Er.. Ms. Lancaster, rather. Pardon my momentary lapse of manners. {caught off guard but happy to run into his mistress in public} 80
MS12TillDeath MS12TillDeath Surprise 50 What are you talking about dear? Is everything alright? {husband who is confused by his wife's actions} 81