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This is a transcript for dialogue with Eddie Winter.


84MS07c_005_StartledEddie{Someone just opened the door to your underground bunker. / Surprised} The fuck?A1a
85MS07c_006_EddieShouts{Someone just opened the door on your bunker for the first time in 200 years. / Angry} Who's there?A2a
86{Someone just opened the door on your bunker for the first time in 200 years. / Angry} Who the fuck's out there?A3a
87{Someone just opened the door on your bunker for the first time in 200 years. / Angry} No use hiding.A4a
88{Someone just opened the door on your bunker for the first time in 200 years. / Angry} What? Ya ain't gonna come in and say "hi?"A5a
{Angry} Oh no. You ain't walkin' away from this.A1a
90MS07c_009_EddieWinter{player has just emerged inside your secret underground bunker / Angry} You better start explaining what the hell you're doing in my bunker.Player Default: Hey, it's all right. I'm just passing through...A
91{player has just emerged inside your secret underground bunker / Puzzled} Who the fuck are you?Player Default: Hey, it's all right. I'm just passing through...A1a
92Player Default: Hey, it's all right. I'm just passing through...{Puzzled} Passing through? A secure underground bunker?EddieWinter: Just how the fuck did you... No. No way. Not after all this time. Don't tell me you actually cracked my code? In the holotapes?A1a
93Player Default: I'm the last human you're ever going to lay eyes on.{Amused} Ha! Oh, boy-o, if I only had a sawbuck for every time somebody said that to me. But I ain't dead yet, am I?EddieWinter: Just how the fuck did you... No. No way. Not after all this time. Don't tell me you actually cracked my code? In the holotapes?B1a
94Player Default: Eddie! It's me! Your old pal Shamus McFuckyourself.{Irritated} All this time, and the first person to walk through my door is a wise-ass.X1a
95{Irritated} Why couldn't you have been a sexy blonde?EddieWinter: Just how the fuck did you... No. No way. Not after all this time. Don't tell me you actually cracked my code? In the holotapes?X1b
96Player Default: Eddie! It's me! Your old pal Shamus McFuckyourself.{Irritated} All this time, and the first person to walk through my door is a wise-ass.X2a
97{Flirting} Well, you are easy on the eye. So that's something.EddieWinter: Just how the fuck did you... No. No way. Not after all this time. Don't tell me you actually cracked my code? In the holotapes?X2b
98Player Default: Who the fuck am I? Who the fuck are YOU?{Angry} I'm Eddie Winter, and you're in MY bunker.EddieWinter: Just how the fuck did you... No. No way. Not after all this time. Don't tell me you actually cracked my code? In the holotapes?Y1a
99Player Default: Passing through? A secure underground bunker?{Puzzled} Just how the fuck did you... No. No way. Not after all this time. Don't tell me you actually cracked my code? In the holotapes?A1a
100{Amused} Ha ha ha ha ha! Well hey, it's only been... what? Two-hundred years? Ha ha ha ha ha.A1b
101{Neutral} Well look... I'm not sure what you thought you'd find - gold, jewels, the secrets of the universe.A1c
102{Neutral} But you get me. One guy. A "ghoul," I guess you'd call me. Just living. Surviving. And what I got, you can't have.A1d
103{Irritated} That code... it was a joke. I just wanted to prove how dumb those feds were. Turns out, pretty dumb. So take your asses someplace else.A1e
104MS07c_010_EddieNickNickValentine: I'm not going anywhere until I get what I came for.{Puzzled} Yeah? And what's that? And who are you, huh? You look kinda familiar. But... what are you, some kind of robot?A1a
105{Puzzled} Is that what it's like out there now? A world of robot overlords? I knew it.NickValentine: The name's Valentine. Nick Valentine. Remember me?A1b
106NickValentine: The name's Valentine. Nick Valentine. Remember me?{Puzzled} Valentine? The cop? Is that who you're supposed to be? Sorry pal, but you ain't Nick Valentine. You're just some kind of... machine.NickValentine: You killed my fiance. Jennifer Lands. There are some crimes even you can't get away with, Winter.A1a
107NickValentine: You killed my fiance. Jennifer Lands. There are some crimes even you can't get away with, Winter.{Puzzled} Your fiance? You mean Valentine's fiance? Pretty girl. A shame what happened to her.A1a
108{Angry} But hey you... or, you know... the real Valentine. He shoulda backed off when he had the chance.A1b
109{Puzzled} But what gives, robot man? Why do you even care? Some girl gets whacked 200 years ago, and you come into my home, acting the hard guy?A1c
110{Disbelief} Christ, look at you. You're not even alive.NickValentine: Then I guess I'm in good company.A1d
111-{Dying. / InPain} Not... yet...
112{Attacking an opponent. / Angry} You're dead!
113{Attacking an opponent. / Stern} I'm gonna bury ya!
114{Attacking an opponent. / Stern} One corpse and one scrapheap.
115{Taking damage. / InPain} Argh!
116{Taking damage. / InPain} Shit!
117{Taking damage. / InPain} Ugh!
118{Just lost sight on an opponent you had been in combat with. / Puzzled} You ain't getting far!
119{Just lost sight on an opponent you had been in combat with. / Puzzled} What? Too scared to come out and fight?
120{Just lost sight on an opponent you had been in combat with. / Puzzled} Now where'd you go?
121{Heard something. / Concerned} Who's there?
122{Heard something. Shouting a bit. / Concerned} Is someone there?
123{Heard something. / Concerned} Could've sworn...
124{Had been searching for someone and just found them. / Stern} There you are.
125{Had been searching for someone and just found them. / Stern} Big mistake.
126{Had been searching for someone and just found them. / Stern} Found ya.
127{Thought he heard something. / Puzzled} Must've been nothing.
128{Thought he heard something. / Puzzled} You're losing it, Eddie...
129{Thought he heard something. / Puzzled} Eh. Probably nothing.
130{Just found someone who had run away from combat. / Stern} Got ya.
131{Just found someone who had run away from combat. / Stern} Well, look who's here.
132{Just found someone who had run away from combat. / Stern} Surprise.
133{Entering combat. / Stern} You ain't takin' me down.
134{Impatiently. / Irritated} What are you, a mute?


135-{Question} You still here?
136{Irritated. / Irritated} Why don't you buzz off?
137{Angry} You gonna make a move, asshole?
138{Attacking the player. / Angry} That's it!


(Eddie Winter holotape 0)
Message to Aleksandr StrelnikovA1a
2{slight pause before "profession"} My esteemed Mister Strelnikov. I know someone of your profession values discretion above all else. But I have I to honestly say... fuck that!A1b
3I mean, come on! 1 bullet, from halfway across town, and you blew Ron Trevio's head clean off. You, sir, are an artist!A1c
4Are all the assassins from Russia as good as you? I seriously doubt it. But listen. Your secret's safe with me.A1d
5Eddie Winter, signing offA1e
(Eddie Winter holotape 1)
Player Default: I coulda got a 9 year-old from the projects to do it. But no. In the interest of Irish/Italian relations, I give the job to you.So what happens? Nothing. Nothing happens. You sit on your fat ass dribbling cannoli cream onto onto your third chin.A1a
7You watch. You WATCH the uniform blow months of planning, all in two minutes. Congratulations, Johnny. You got me.A1b
8You and your pals sure put the screws to old Eddie Winter. You should tell this funny story to your little girl, when you tuck her in at night.A1c
9In that corner bedroom, upstairs, pink wallpaper, little house on Prince Street. Ha ha.A1d
10Eddie Winter, signing offA1e
11Message to Johnny MontranoA1a
12Johnny, Johnny, Johnny. You fat, lazy piece of shit. I knew, I KNEW this arrangement was too good to be true.A1b
13Let's join forces with the North End! Bury the hatchet, work mutually against a common enemy! Well you put the nail in that coffin, huh boy-o?A1c
14What did you have to do, Johnny? Huh? What was your job? Sit in your car, on the corner. Keep your eyes open.A1d
15If you see a uniform, you get out, walk down the street, knock on the door, and let the fellas know there's trouble coming. Easy as pie, right?A1e
16I coulda got a 9 year-old from the projects to do it. But no. In the interest of Irish/Italian relations, I give the job to you.Player Default: So what happens? Nothing. Nothing happens. You sit on your fat ass dribbling cannoli cream onto onto your third chin.A1f
(Eddie Winter holotape 2)
Message to Robert CooperA1a
18You did good, Bobby. The wife and girl won't be saying anything. No worries.A1b
19Hell, once those fat life insurance checks start rolling in, Mrs. Montrano will wish her fat slob of a husband had eaten that bullet 5 years ago.A1c
20As for what happens next - up to you. Beach, sub shop, car yard - doesn't matter where he ends up.A1d
21So long as Johnny senior never finds out what happened to his little meatball, we're set.A1e
22Eddie Winter, signing offA1f
(Eddie Winter holotape 3)
Message to Robert CooperA1a
24Bobby, we discussed this. You hooking up with your step sister is your own frigging business. But you talk in your sleep.A1b
25Look, maybe you babble about baseball. Or sing show tunes.A1c
26Or could be you chat about those 3 bodies Colin O'Malley dumped in the sand trap of Arlington Greens.A1d
27You want to take that chance? I know I don't. Sorry, Robert. The's girl's gotta go.A1e
28Eddie Winter, signing offA1f
(Eddie Winter holotape 4)
Message to Claire PozinskiA1a
30Dinner tonight. Me, you and Arthur Black. Reservations are for 7 at the Cornerstone Grille.A1b
31Don't worry, I'll make sure Arthur's on his best behavior. No stabbing the waiter for a fucked up drink order, like what happened in Charlestown.A1c
32Love you.A1d
33Eddie Winter, signing offA1e
(Eddie Winter holotape 5)
Message to Sal BarsconiA1a
35You and I clearly need to talk. About Danvers, about the Montrano mess, about everything.A1b
36I think we'd both agree that our attempts to improve North/South relations have been a complete failure.A1c
37Look, I take full responsibility for the behavior of my guys. I expect you to do the same for that fuckwit Montrano.A1d
38But what happened in Danvers? I hardly know what to say. Your people turned that theater into a slaughterhouse.A1e
39Those people are dead on your orders. Not mine. And for no conceivable reason I can see.A1f
40So let's meet. Just the 2 of us. Talk it all out. You name the time and place.A1g
41Eddie Winter, signing offA1h
(Eddie Winter holotape 6)
Message to Charlotte WenA1a
43My Dear Ms. Wen. I hope you're well. After our little joint venture this past May, you should be.A1b
44If memory serves correctly, that palette of Buffout earned you a small fortune, and Wu Li 8 years in the state correctional facility.A1c
45So I got to thinking - why not do it again. We both love the same things: money, and destroying people who get in our way.A1d
46Together, we'll outmaneuver them all. Boston will be ours for the taking.A1e
47Let them player checkers. We'll play chess.A1f
48Eddie Winter, signing offA1g
(Eddie Winter holotape 7)
Message to Buster ConnollyA1a
50Nice piece you did on the monorail construction project. "Heaven's Highway - Devil's Doing." Cute.A1b
51But I think you give organized crime too much credit. The various Boston families coming together to fund a public works project? Please.A1c
52Clearly you've never sat down to dinner with these guys. They can barely agree on an appetizer. And ain't nobody jumping to pick up the check.A1d
53The bosses had their hands in the honey pot, sure. But nowhere near the level you were suggesting.Player Default: You did get one thing right, though - Safety Inspector Alice Lansky was killed. They'll never find her, cause there's nothing left.A1e
54Player Default: The bosses had their hands in the honey pot, sure. But nowhere near the level you were suggesting.You did get one thing right, though - Safety Inspector Alice Lansky was killed. They'll never find her, cause there's nothing left.A1a
55After he bashed her brains in with one of those giant wrenches, Vinnie "The Crackers" Vannucci dissolved her body in a barrel of hydrochloric acid.A1b
56So write your follow-up. Then feel free to tell the cops that the murder weapon is hanging on the wall in Vannucii's Garage, on 4 Prince Street.A1c
57Eddie Winter, signing offA1d
(Eddie Winter holotape 8)
Message to Rodrigo PalomarA1a
59Okay, my friend. I thought about it, and I've reached a decision on the Fallon's job.A1b
60Your cut is exactly what you deserve. 0 dollars. Zilch. You heard me right. You get nothing.A1c
61Yes, you cracked the safe, and yes, we got the diamonds. But you also tripped the alarm. Mackie got pinched, and that is entirely your fault.A1d
62Now, when he gets out, Mackie's going to want your head on a platter. I'm going to give him your share instead. I'd say you're getting off easy.A1e
63Eddie Winter, signing offA1f
(Eddie Winter holotape 9)
Message to Claire PozinskiA1a
65Time to start thinking about vacation. How do 6 weeks in Ireland sound to you? Dublin, Galway Bay, Waterford.A1b
66Maybe a week in that little bed and breakfast in Kilkenny?A1c
67And no, don't worry, we do not have to take my cousin Steven with us. Let him get out of the country on his own.A1d
68I told him to threaten that cop - not blast him in the face with a shotgun. He can rot in that abandoned fishery down at Union Wharf, for all I care.A1e
69Love you.A1f
70Eddie Winter, signing offA1g
(To Claire)
Claire, it's me. Eddie. It's been too long, I know. But I'm okay. We're okay. I know it's weird, me disappearing just when the heat died down.A1a
72But there's a reason. What we talked about. It's happening, soon. Bombs, missiles, I don't know what. But the end is coming.A1b
73I can't even tell you how much I paid my Army Intelligence friend for this info. So I guess me building that shelter was a smart idea after all huh?A1c
74But look, baby. There is... one more thing. The reason I haven't been around for awhile.A1d
75You know those idiot brothers at Wicked Shipping? The ones smuggling the radioactive material? I put the screws to 'em. Got some of the stuff.A1e
76I've been working with this doctor in East Boston. Guy's a fucking genius. Listen, I know it sounds crazy... but he had this theory...A1f
77The right kind of radiation exposure, at the right amounts... it can change human cells. Mutate them. Baby... I can live forever.A1g
78Yeah, I know... It could kill me. I'm willing to chance it. But I can't risk losing you. So I'm the guinea pig. And I've been getting... treatments.A1h
79But don't worry. I'm fine. More than fine. I feel great. Amazing, even. I think this crazy shit's really working.A1i
80Eventually, this war will blow over. And when it does, I'm gonna walk out into Boston and pick up where I left up. I'm gonna own the future.A1j
81I'm assuming you'll be dead by then, of course, but let's not dwell on the negative.A1k
82So look. You come to the sub shop tomorrow night. You and I will go into the shelter together, seal it up, and wait for big kaboom.A1l
83Just, ahh... You might want to prepare yourself a little. Mentally and such. I look a little... different now. But love is only skin deep, right?A1m