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Fallout Wiki

Dialogue for a random encounter with the Unity patrol.


{100}{}{For Unity!}
{101}{}{Hold them off, gentlemen!}
{102}{}{Kill the intruders!}
{103}{}{Protect the city!}
{104}{}{Go! Go! Go!}
{105}{}{Look out! Raiders!}
{106}{}{Let's get out of here!}
{107}{}{Oh man... just when I thought we were safe! No more! No more!}
{108}{}{Run for it!}
{109}{}{Treat our people with respect.}
{110}{}{Don't break the law.}
{111}{}{If you're thinking of causing trouble, remember us. Act nice and Marcus will act nice.}
{112}{}{We're peaceable people in Broken Hills, but we know how to fight.}
