Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Dialogue for the pariah dog.


{100}{}{This animal should really be put out of its misery.}
{101}{}{It resembles a dog. Too bad the hair on this poor thing is falling off in clumps.}
{102}{}{You see one screwed up, ugly dog. He likes you, though.}
{111}{}{Whheee uuuuuhhhh ffff}
{112}{}{hufff ffffuuffff}
{113}{}{arrr arrr ffff}
{115}{}{ehhhh hufff}
{200}{}{You feel a lot more safe now that the dog is dead.}
{201}{}{There really isn't much you can do for this animal. The bullet to kill it is probably worth more.}
{202}{}{Yup, he is really bad off. Besides, you really don't want to touch it.}
