Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Float dialogue file for the entire Some people in the wrong place at the wrong time special encounter.


{100}{}{You see a huge brick of a man.}
{101}{}{You see a huge brick of a man.}
{102}{}{He is a giant of a man and probably eats people like you for breakfast.}
{103}{}{Old man, you WILL come with us.}
{104}{}{Leave us alone. I will never support the cause of your superiors.}
{105}{}{I will not ask you again. Come now, or you will be made an example of.}
{106}{}{I would rather what knowledge I have disappear with me into the grave.}
{107}{}{So be it. Kill them all.}
{108}{}{This is none of your affair. Turn around and walk away.}
{109}{}{You seem to find some people in the wrong place at the wrong time.}
