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This is a transcript for dialogue with raiders in Fallout 4.

Script event


1EE_SuspiciousShootingScenemyActor: ... the fuck?Shit. Maybe I'm just getting jumpy.myAlly: What the hell are you shooting at?A1a
2myActor: ... the fuck?Hmm. Guess it was nothing.myAlly: What the hell are you shooting at?A2a
3myActor: ... the fuck?Don't see anything now...myAlly: What the hell are you shooting at?A3a
4myActor: ... the fuck?Goddammit. I gotta stop wasting ammo.myAlly: What the hell are you shooting at?A4a
5myActor: Shit. Maybe I'm just getting jumpy.What the hell are you shooting at?myActor: Shit. Maybe I'm just getting jumpy.A1a
6myActor: Shit. Maybe I'm just getting jumpy.Did you hit anything?myActor: Shit. Maybe I'm just getting jumpy.A2a
7myActor: Shit. Maybe I'm just getting jumpy.There's nothing there, asshole.myActor: Shit. Maybe I'm just getting jumpy.A3a
8myActor: Shit. Maybe I'm just getting jumpy.Stop wasting ammo!myActor: Shit. Maybe I'm just getting jumpy.A4a
9myAlly: What the hell are you shooting at?Shut up and keep your eyes open.A3a
10myAlly: What the hell are you shooting at?I thought I saw something.A4a
11... the fuck?myActor: Shit. Maybe I'm just getting jumpy.A1a
12... what was that?myActor: Shit. Maybe I'm just getting jumpy.A2a
13... over there!myActor: Shit. Maybe I'm just getting jumpy.A3a