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Script event triggered conversation

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This is a transcript for dialogue with raiders in Fallout 4.


1EE_SuspiciousConvScripted01Scene{called to nearby ally} Got anything?myActor: Nothing yet.A1a
2{called to nearby ally} What do you see?myActor: Nothing yet.A2a
3myAlly: Got anything?Nothing yet.myAlly: Goddammit. I'm getting tired of this shit.A1a
4myAlly: Got anything?Whole lotta nothing.myAlly: Goddammit. I'm getting tired of this shit.A2a
5myAlly: Got anything?Same as always.myAlly: Goddammit. I'm getting tired of this shit.A3a
6myActor: Nothing yet.Goddammit. I'm getting tired of this shit.myActor: I'm tired of listening to your whining.A1a
7myActor: Nothing yet.I'm ready to call it. My feet are killing me.myActor: I'm tired of listening to your whining.A2a
8myActor: Nothing yet.I don't think there's anything out there.myActor: I'm tired of listening to your whining.A3a
9myAlly: Goddammit. I'm getting tired of this shit.I'm tired of listening to your whining.A1a
10myAlly: Goddammit. I'm getting tired of this shit.Don't you ever shut up?A2a
11myAlly: Goddammit. I'm getting tired of this shit.I don't give a flying fuck what you think.A3a