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Script event triggered conversation

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This is a transcript for dialogue with raiders in Fallout 4.

EE RaiderLostToNormalConvScripted01[]

1EE_RaiderLostToNormalConvScripted01ScenemyAlly: That's what I'm worried about.Hey, let's go eat. I'm starving.myAlly: You can eat when I'm damn sure we're not about to get jumped.A1a
2myAlly: That's what I'm worried about.Come on. It's over. They musta run off. You can relax.myAlly: You can eat when I'm damn sure we're not about to get jumped.A2a
3myAlly: You can eat when I'm damn sure we're not about to get jumped.Ah, jesus, you always were a fuckin' hardass.myAlly: You're still alive, aintcha? You should be thanking me instead of bitching all the time.A1a
4myAlly: You can eat when I'm damn sure we're not about to get jumped.I got it, I got it. Jesus. Why are you always in such a bad mood?myAlly: You're still alive, aintcha? You should be thanking me instead of bitching all the time.A2a
5myAlly: Now shut up and get back to your patrol.Don't get your panties in a twist. I'm going.A1a
6myAlly: Now shut up and get back to your patrol.{sarcastically under your breath} Whatever you say, boss.A2a
7myActor: Hey, let's go eat. I'm starving.You can eat when I'm damn sure we're not about to get jumped.myActor: Ah, jesus, you always were a fuckin' hardass.A1a
8myActor: Hey, let's go eat. I'm starving.I'll fuckin' relax when I'm ready to fuckin' relax. Got it?myActor: Ah, jesus, you always were a fuckin' hardass.A2a
9myActor: Ah, jesus, you always were a fuckin' hardass.You're still alive, aintcha? You should be thanking me instead of bitching all the time.myAlly: Now shut up and get back to your patrol.A1a
10myActor: Ah, jesus, you always were a fuckin' hardass.That's why I'm still alive. And since I've got to rely on your sorry ass to watch my back, that's why I'm trying to keep you alive, too.myAlly: Now shut up and get back to your patrol.A2a
11{suspiciously} That's what I'm worried about.myActor: Hey, let's go eat. I'm starving.A1a
12{suspiciously} I don't like it.myActor: Hey, let's go eat. I'm starving.A2a
13myAlly: You're still alive, aintcha? You should be thanking me instead of bitching all the time.Now shut up and get back to your patrol.myActor: Don't get your panties in a twist. I'm going.A1a
14myAlly: You're still alive, aintcha? You should be thanking me instead of bitching all the time.Enough yapping already. Somebody could be sneaking up on us right now.myActor: Don't get your panties in a twist. I'm going.A2a