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Fallout Wiki

Dialogue for caravan masters


{100}{}{You see a caravan master.}
{101}{}{Thank the Maker you got here when you did. It seems it's getting tougher and tougher to get from one place to the next without getting attacked by someone or something.}
{102}{}{What can I do for you now?}
{103}{}{Where are you headed?}
{104}{}{What's your cargo?}
{107}{}{I just picked up a shipment from }
{108}{}{ and now I'm headed for }
# Town Names
{198}{}{New Reno}
{199}{}{The Den}
{202}{}{Vault City}
{204}{}{Broken Hills}
{206}{}{San Francisco}
{209}{}{Vault 15}
{110}{}{What's your cargo?}
{112}{}{We're carrying }
# Cargo for the Caravan
{151}{}{gold ore.}
{152}{}{uranium ore.}
{153}{}{farm goods.}
{113}{}{Do you think I might be able to trade with you?}
{114}{}{Where are you headed?}
{116}{}{Well, I don't see why not, considering you helped us out in a pinch and all. Sure, why not. Here's what I got.}
{118}{}{I changed my mind.}
{119}{}{I know I've seen you somewhere. Holy shit! You're the one on all those wanted posters! Look, we don't want no trouble. You go your way and we'll go our way. I won't even tell anyone we've seen you. Now go!}
{120}{}{Hey! You're the one on all those wanted posters. Don't worry, I won't turn you in; as I recall, I'm wanted in couple places myself. Now, you wanted to trade?}
{122}{}{Good enough, then. We got to get going. Don't worry, I won't tell the law I saw you.}
{123}{}{Wait a minute! I've heard of you. You're the do-gooder that's running around saving and helping people. We don't like your kind, so buzz off!}
{124}{}{I've heard good things about a person fitting your description. I guess it would be all right to trade some of our cargo to you. Here's what I got.}
{127}{}{I've heard of you. You're that bad-ass going around raising a ruckus all over the place. I've been meanin' to meet you so I can shake your hand. Thinking of all the rude and crude rumors about you just brings a tear to my eye. It would be my honor to trade with you.}
{130}{}{Word is you or someone who looks like you has been causing trouble lately. I don't do business with your kind. Sorry.}
{131}{}{I don't know what you're wanted for and I don't rightly care. We don't do business with your type.}
{132}{}{Why don't you… 'do good' somewhere else. }
{133}{}{I'm sure a person of your reputation can find supplies elsewhere.}
{134}{}{State your business.}
{135}{}{Where are you headed?}
{136}{}{What's your cargo?}
{139}{}{That's…nice. You have a nice day now. }
{300}{}{Thanks for your business.}
