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This is a transcript for dialogue with Dusty McBride.


DustyMcBrideHowsBusiness How is business lately? Neutral 50 You must mean what's left of it. Somebody's been attacking our animals at night. We're down to less than half of what we had a few weeks back. 1
DustyMcBrideLookAtWhoDidIt Did you get a look at the attacker? Neutral 50 Beg your pardon mister, but them two-headed beeves ain't worth getting shot over. 2
Neutral 50 Not to mention what would happen if half of what No-bark says is true. 3
Neutral 50 Best we can hope is that whoever's doing this'll move on, or get tired of it. I just hope it happens while we still got animals left. 4
Neutral 50 Whoever it is, I don't think they're from around town. Seems like they've taken to shooting from the west side. 5
Did you get a look at the attacker? Neutral 50 Beg your pardon ma'am, but them two-headed beeves ain't worth getting shot over. 6
Neutral 50 Not to mention what would happen if half of what No-bark says is true. 7
Neutral 50 Best we can hope is that whoever's doing this'll move on, or get tired of it. I just hope it happens while we still got animals left. 8
Neutral 50 Whoever it is, I don't think they're from around town. Seems like they're usually shooting from the west side. 9
DustyMcBrideLosingLivestock I heard you've been losing livestock. Neutral 50 Losing don't describe it. It's a massacre. Few more days and there won't be nothing left to lose. 10
DustyMcBrideNoOneWillAttack No one is going to attack your corral from now on. Neutral 50 Well I don't know how you done it, but I do know how I can thank you. Please take this, compliments of Alice and myself. 11
Neutral 50 And help yourself to anything in that freezer over yonder. We got more steaks in there than we'd be able to eat in a year. 12
No one is going to attack your corral from now on. Neutral 50 Well we surely appreciate for what you done for us. Even without our stock, just having peace of mind means the world to us. 13
Neutral 50 Take this, compliments of Alice and myself. We'd give you more if we could, knowing you risked your neck for us. 14
DustyMcBrideNotDoneYet Not yet. Neutral 50 Well don't worry yourself too much over it. We'll get by. 15
DustyMcBrideSeeIfICanHelp I'll see if I can catch whoever's responsible. Neutral 50 We'd be grateful. Especially if you find 'em before they get my whole stock. But don't go getting yourself killed over it. 16
Neutral 50 Alice and I'll find a way to make do. Always have. 17
DustyMcBrideTellMeWhatYouKnow Tell me what you know about the attacks. Neutral 50 Every night around midnight Alice and I'll wake up to some crazy hollering and gun shots. You'd think the world was ending all over again. 18
Neutral 50 But it's just one animal each night. They don't take it or carve it up or nothing. Just leave it there, all full of holes. 19
DustyMcBrideWhatDoYouDo What do you do here in Novac? Neutral 50 Oh, I tend to my ranch, that's about it. Alice'll tell you. I don't get out a whole lot. 20
GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 You seen Alice? Ain't like her to be gone this long. 21
GREETING Neutral 50 Hey there. In from out of town, ain't you? Name's Dusty. 22
GREETING Neutral 50 Find anything? 23
GREETING Neutral 50 Things treating you all right? 24
SnipersRevengeBooneWife What can you tell me about Boone's wife? Neutral 50 Well, to be honest with you, I don't really know them two as well as I might. 25
Neutral 50 I remember she had an edge about her, like she'd rather be someplace else. This kind of life ain't for everyone, that's for darn sure. 26
SnipersRevengeComeOutside Come with me. There's something you should see, in front of the dinosaur. Neutral 50 You sure seem worked up about something. I suppose I can hear you out. 27
VMQ01LookingForManny I'm looking for a man in a checkered coat. Have you seen anyone like that? Neutral 50 Can't say as I have, but we usually keep to ourselves down here. You might have more luck up by the motel. 28
Neutral 50 Maybe ask Jeannie May. Nothing happens in this town that she don't know about. She'll be up in the lobby, most days. 29


GOODBYE Goodbye. Neutral 50 So long. 30
HELLO Hello Neutral 50 Howdy. 31
Hello Neutral 50 Ma'am. 32