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Fallout Wiki

The Dunwich Building terminal entries are a series of entries found on two terminals in the Dunwich Building in Fallout 3.

Herman Granger's terminal[]

The terminal is located in the Dunwich Building, next to Jaime's personal journal #8.


Dunwich Borers LLC
Auto-dictation software © 2074 PagSoft

Available records in memory:

About Auto-Dictation Software[]


.......software version is v223
.......configured to user voice: H.Granger
.......onomatopoeia dictation is OFF
.......phonetic spelling parser is OFF (auto-correct ON)




//coughing// Memo to Sales staff. In recognition of an exemplary quarter, Mr. Statham has authorized me to release sales staff early for the holidays. //unintelligible// It was no easy task to release a new acoustic borer to a market used to conventional bit-bore drilling systems, but thanks your hard work and //unintelligible//, acoustic bore drills are setting a new standard in the excavation industry. //coughing// Thanks to your many private sales and procurement of government contracts, we'll all be in the black for the foreseeable future. Happy Holidays from Mr. Statham and Dunwich Borers! Now get home to your families! //applause//




//unintelligible// Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrbbbbbbbbbboommmmmmmmmmkkkkkkk //unintelligible// NOTICE TO USER: PagSoft LLC recommends against sustained recordings in a low-frequency environment. Continued use in this manner voids all hardware warranties. Auto-dictator v223 powering off automatically.




//unintelligible// Thmmmmmmmmmmkkkkkkkaaaakkkkkkkkaaaaaaaakkkkkkmmmmm //unintelligible// NOTICE TO USER: PagSoft LLC recommends against sustained recordings in a low-frequency environment. Continued use in this manner voids all hardware warranties. Auto-dictator v223 powering off automatically.




//unintelligible// What the hell was that? Doesn't matter, doesn't matter. //deep breathing// Where is it? Where... Where //impact sound// //paper crumple// there, there //paper crumple// safe and sound. Jesus, they bled so much. But I kept it clean. Clean, clean clean //unintelligible// //unintelligible// shit, more. Got to move. Got to keep it safe.




//deep breathing// My skin... my skin. Barely any left. One of them now, but they know I still have it. Stay back! Back, you! //deep breathing// That's close enough. //door// You, and you, too. Over there.... yes, yes. One of us, one of us. Ug-Qualtoth is returned //unintelligible//




//liquid dripping// Ug-Qualtoth //unintelligible// Ug-Qualtoth. I came, I came. Back this time, deep-temple //unintelligible// screaming, twisting //unintelligible// //impact sound// No light, no flesh //unintelligible// deep temple born deep temple died. Ug-Qualtoth again, //unintelligible// returned returned //unintelligible// retribution NOTICE TO USER: Internal memory capacity reached. PagSoft LLC recommends PagMem LLC for all your data storage needs. Please contact your administrator for details.


Terminal is located in the Dunwich Building, in the northeast room.


Dunwich Borers LLC

Data Entry[]


Here I am, trapped in a room by myself typing on a terminal trying to keep myself busy. Hell trying to keep myself sane. I don't know what it is about this place, but I want to get out of here. Yeah, get out of here -- I can't even bring myself to open that damn door again. I hear those things wandering around outside, sniffing, screaming, doing whatever they do. When I first got here I thought the place was abandoned and went around looking for anything to scavenge. Five minutes later, I'm in this room scared half out of my mind. Things started chasing me, I fired a few shots, missed, and ran through the darkness. Ahh shit. Told ol' Billy to meet me here and bring some extra ammunition and grenades. That was three days ago, poor guy probably didn't make it too far. Those things better have given him a quick death. Listen to me, babbling like a damn fool. Billy's all right. I'll just stick here until those things go away and meet up with him. Hah, what a story I have for him.
